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Chapter 3 MYOLOGY (MUSCULAR SYSTEM). A. Introduction B. The Muscles of the Trunk C. The Muscles of the Head D. The Muscles of the Upper Limb E. The Muscles of the Lower Limb. Section 1 Introduction. A. Shapes of the Skeletal Muscle ( 形态 )
Chapter 3 MYOLOGY (MUSCULAR SYSTEM) A. Introduction B. The Muscles of the Trunk C. The Muscles of the Head D. The Muscles of the Upper Limb E. The Muscles of the Lower Limb
Section 1 Introduction A. Shapes of the Skeletal Muscle (形态) B. The Structure of the Skeletal Muscle (构造) C. The Supplementary Structures (辅助结构)
A. Shapes of the Skeletal Muscle 1. Long muscle (长肌):belly(肌腹) tendon(肌腱) 2. Short muscle (短肌) 3. Flat muscle (扁肌): aponeurosis(腱膜) 4. Orbicular muscle (轮匝肌)
B. Structure of the Muscle 1. Origin (起点) & insertion (止点) 2. Fixed point (定点) & moving point (动点) 3. Pale muscular fibers (fast) (白肌纤维) Red muscular fibers (slow) (红肌纤维) 4. Synergist (协同肌) & antagonist (拮抗肌)
C. Supplementary Structures 1. Fascia (筋膜) a. superficial (subcutaneous) fascia (浅筋膜) b. deep (proper) fascia (深筋膜) intermuscular septum(肌间隔)
C. Supplementary Structures 2. Synovial bursa (滑膜囊)[bursal synovitis 滑囊炎] 3. Tendinous sheath (腱鞘)[thecal cyst 腱鞘囊肿]
Section 2 Muscles of the Trunk A. Muscles of the Back (背肌) B. Muscles of the Neck (颈肌) C. Muscles of the Thorax (胸肌) D. The Diaphragm (膈) E. Muscles of the Abdomen (腹肌) F. The Fasciae of the Abdomen (腹部筋膜)
A. Muscles of the Back 1. Trapezius(斜方肌) Origin: ext. occipital protub. superior nuchal line nuchal ligament spinous processes of C7 - T12. Insertion: lat. 1/3 of clavicle acromion & spine of scapula Actions: Extends the head. Steadies, raises, descends, retracts and rotates the scapula.
A. Muscles of the Back 2. Latissimus dorsi (背阔肌) Origin: spinous processes of T7 - L5, sacrum, iliac crest. Insertion: intertubercular sulcus, lesser tubercular crest. Actions: Extends, adducts, and rotates arm medially. Draws shoulder downward and backward. Helps in climbing.
A. Muscles of the Back 3. Levator scapulae (肩胛提肌) 4. Erector spinae (sacrospinalis) (竖脊肌) Origin: sacrum, iliac crests, and spinous processes of the lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae Insertion: into the ribs and transverse processes Action: unilaterally, flexes the vertebral column to the same side, bilaterally, extends the vertebral column.[tetanus 破伤风] [opisthotonus 角弓反张] [lumbar muscle strain 腰肌劳损]
B. Muscles of the Neck 1. Superficial group (颈浅肌群) 1) platysma (颈阔肌) 2) sternocleidomastoid (胸锁乳突肌) Origin: manubrium, medial 1/3 of the clavicle Insertion: mastoid process Action: Unilaterally: the head inclining to the same side and the face is rotated to the opposite side. Bilaterally: raise the head.[torticollis, wryneck, 斜颈]
B. Muscles of the Neck 2. Suprahyoid muscles (舌骨上肌群) 1) digastric (二腹肌):intermediate tendon 2) mylohyoid (下颌舌骨肌) 3) stylohyoid (茎突舌骨肌) 4) geniohyoid (颏舌骨肌) Actions: to pull the hyoid upward, backward and forward in swallowing and speaking, help to depress the mandible.
B. Muscles of the Neck 3. Infrahyoid mm. (舌骨下肌群) 1) sternohyoid (胸骨舌骨肌) 2) omohyoid (肩胛舌骨肌) 3) sternothyroid (胸骨甲状肌) 4) thyrohyoid (甲状舌骨肌) Actions: to depress, retract the hyoid bone in swallowing and phonation.
B. Muscles of the Neck 4. Deep cervical mm. (颈深肌群) 1) scalenus anterior (前斜角肌) 2) scalenus medius (中斜角肌) 3) scalenus posterior (后斜角肌) Origin: the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae Insertion: the first and second ribs. Actions: to elevate the ribs and flex and rotate the cervical vertebral column.
C. Muscles of the Thorax 1. Extrinsic mm. (胸上肢肌) 1) pectoralis major (胸大肌) Origin:the clavicle, sternum and costal cartilages Insertion: the crest of greater tubercle of humerus Action: to adduct, flex, extend, and medially rotate the arm.
C. Muscles of the Thorax 2) pectoralis minor (胸小肌) 3) serratus anterior (前锯肌) Origin: the upper nine ribs Insertion: medial border of the scapula Action: to rotate and protract scapula; elevates ribs. [winged scapula 翼状肩] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. Muscles of the Thorax Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. Muscles of the Thorax 2. Intrinsic muscles (胸固有肌) 1) intercostales externi (肋间外肌) 2) intercostales interni (肋间内肌) 3) intercostales intimi (肋间最内肌) [thoracic respiration 胸式呼吸]
D. The Diaphragm 1. Composition 1) sternal part(胸骨部) 2) costal part (肋部) 3) lumbar part (腰部) 4) central tendon (中心腱) 5) sternocostal triangle (胸肋三角) 6) lumbocostal triangle (腰肋三角) [hernia膈疝] [hiccup呃逆] [spasm痉挛]
2.Structures 1) vena caval foramen (腔静脉孔) : T8 2) esophageal hiatus (食管裂孔) : T10 3) aortic hiatus (主动脉裂孔) : T12crus脚 3.Actions 1) help inspiration(助呼吸) 2) increasing abdominal pressure(增腹压) D. The Diaphragm
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 1.Anterolateral group 1) obliquus externus abdominis (腹外斜肌) Origin: lower 8 ribs. Insertion: iliac crest, linea alba. Structures: aponeurosis (腱膜) inguinal ligament(腹股沟韧带) lacunar ligament(腔隙韧带) superficial inguinal ring(腹股沟管浅环)
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 2) obliquus internus abdominis (腹内斜肌) Origin: thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest,inguinal ligament Insertion: into the costal cartilages (7th - 10th) ribs and xiphoid process.
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 3) transversus abdominis(腹横肌): Origin:lower 6 ribs, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest,inguinal ligament Insertion: linea alba Structure: inguinal falx (conjoined tendon) (腹股沟镰) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 4) rectus abdominis (腹直肌) Origin: pubic symphysis & pubic crest Insertion: 5th to 7th costal cartilages and xiphoid process Structure:tendinosis intersection(腱划) Functions (above all): a. support and protect viscera b. intraabdominal pressure for defecation, cough, vomiting & parturition c. rotate and bend spinal column. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
E. Muscles of the Abdomen Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 5) Sheath of rectus abdominis (腹直肌鞘) i. anterior layer (前层): linea alba (白线) ii. posterior layer (后层): arcuate line(弓状线) [cough (tussis)咳嗽] [vomiting 呕吐] [defecation排便] [delivery 分娩] [wooden belly 板状腹]
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 2. Posterior group quadratus lumborum (腰方肌) 3. Inguinal canal (腹股沟管) superficial inguinal ring (腹股沟管浅环) deep inguinal ring (腹股沟管深环) 4. Inguinal (Hesselbach) triangle (腹股沟三角)
E. Muscles of the Abdomen 5. Abdominal fasciae (腹部筋膜) a. superficial fascia (浅筋膜) i.superficial (fatty)layer(Camper) ii. Deep (membranous) layer (Scarpa) b. deep fascia (深筋膜) c. transversalis fascia (腹横筋膜) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Section 3Muscles of the Head A. The Facial Muscles (面肌) B. The Masticatory Muscles (咀嚼肌)
A. The Facial Muscles • Epicranius (occipitofrontalis)(颅顶肌) 1) frontalis (额肌) [frontal belly (额腹)] [膜) origin: galea aponeurotica (帽状腱 insertion: skin of eyebrows & nose action:raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead 2) occipitalis (枕肌) [occipital belly (枕腹)] origin: occipital bone insertion: galea aponeurotica action: fixes aponeurosis & pull scalp posteriorly [disappearance of frontal wrinkle额纹消失]
A. The Facial Muscles 2. Muscles around the eye (眼周围肌) 1)Orbicularis oculi (眼轮匝肌) origin: frontal & maxillary bones insertion: tissue of eyelids action: closes eyes, protects eyes from intense light and injury [incomplete closing eye 闭眼不全] 2) corrugator supercilii(皱眉肌) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. The Facial Muscles 3. Muscles around the mouth (口周围肌) 1) orbicularis oris(口轮匝肌) origin: maxilla & mandible insertion: skin encircles mouth action: closes lips; purses & protrudes lips
A. The Facial Muscles 2) levator labii superioris (提上唇肌) 3) depressor anguli oris (降口角肌) 4) depressor labii inferioris (降下唇肌) 5) zygomaticus major (颧大肌) laughing 6) risorius (笑肌) 7) levator anguli oris (提口角肌) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. The Facial Muscles 8) buccinator(颊肌) origin: maxilla & mandible insertion: orbicularis oris action: compresses cheek, as in whistling & sucking [facial paralysis 面瘫] [disappearance of naso-labial sulcus鼻唇沟消失] [crooked angle of mouth 口角歪斜] [
B. The Masticatory Muscles 1. Masseter (咬肌) Origin: maxilla & zygomatic arch Insertion: angle & ramus of mandible Action: elevates, protrudes & assists in side movement of mandible
B. The Masticatory Muscles 2. Temporalis (颞肌) Origin: temporal fossa Insertion: coronoid process of mandible Action: elevates, retracts & assists in side movement of mandible [lockjaw牙关紧闭] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. The Masticatory Muscles 3. Lateral pterygoid (翼外肌) origin: lateral pterygoid plate insertion: condyle of mandible & capsule of joint action: protrudes mandible Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. The Masticatory Muscles 4. Medial pterygoid (翼内肌) origin: lateral pterygoid plate, maxilla & palatine bone insertion: medial surface of mandibular ramus action: elevates and promotes side grinding movement.e Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University