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Changes in Medieval Society

Changes in Medieval Society. World History Chapter 14.2. Growing Food Supply . HOW? Warmer climate Horses instead of oxen (faster) 3-Field System (2/3 of land used instead of half) EFFECT: Population increased (well fed, healthier). Three – Field System. The Guilds.

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Changes in Medieval Society

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  1. Changes in Medieval Society World History Chapter 14.2

  2. Growing Food Supply • HOW? • Warmer climate • Horses instead of oxen (faster) • 3-Field System (2/3 of land used instead of half) • EFFECT: • Population increased (well fed, healthier)

  3. Three – Field System

  4. The Guilds • Association of people who worked at the same occupation (like a union) working to improve econ. and social conditions • Controlled • Wages • Prices • Trade in towns

  5. The Guilds • First guilds were Merchants • Enforced standards of quality (sizes, weights, etc) • Trained apprentices • Influenced governments & economy

  6. Craft Guilds • Masons • Carpenters • Painters • Cloth Makers • Tanners • Blacksmith • Butcher • Plaster maker • Saddle/Harness maker • Bakers • Shoemakers, or cobblers • Apothecaries • Candle makers • Cheese maker • Rope maker • Gold/Silversmith • Potter

  7. Trade and Finance Expand • Trade occurs in towns • Now people aren’t self-sufficient Usury • Lending money with interest • Sin according to Church • Merchants and artisans get loans to expand businesses  led to Financial Revolution

  8. Urban Splendor Reborn Towns increase in population • serfs run away from manor • Challenges feudalism Towns built haphazardly • No sewage system • fire hazardous housing • narrow streets

  9. Revival of Learning • Universities began in cities • Writers writing in vernacular (everyday language of their homeland) rather than Latin • Scholars gain knowledge from Muslims • Thomas Aquinas said religion can be proven by logic

  10. Assignment • Complete the Guild & Commercial Revolution Worksheet

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