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经典英文作品欣赏与诵读 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

经典英文作品欣赏与诵读 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works. Lecturer Liu Yushan. Objectives. Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works. 1. A General Introduction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ 2. The Birth of Jesus Christ.

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经典英文作品欣赏与诵读 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

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  1. 经典英文作品欣赏与诵读Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works Lecturer Liu Yushan

  2. Objectives Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works • 1. A General Introduction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ • 2. The Birth of Jesus Christ

  3. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works 福音书介绍 • 福音书是什么? 福音书是什么?马可在他的福音书开篇处宣称他的书是关于耶稣基督的福音(the Gospel of Jesus Christ)。在希腊文中“宣讲福音”(evangelion)这个字意思是“有好消息”,常用在古希腊宫廷宣布事情的文件和场合中,并由此派生出后来的福音使者/教士(the evangelists)这个词。

  4. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 福音书介绍 在书面形式出现以前,耶稣的到来和教导是以口头形式传播的。福音书写下来之后,福音(Gospel)这个字就多了一层意思,它不仅是指耶稣诞生、传教、殉难和复活的消息,它还指那本记录这些内容的书。 2. 新约中的四部福音书: 在众多的福音书中最后被接受为正典并收入《新约》的有四部,它们是“马可福音”、“马太福音”、“路加福音”和“约翰福音”。 ( St Mark‘s Gospel ;St Matthews’s Gospel ; St Luke‘s Gospel; St John's gospel Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  5. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 福音书介绍 1)“马可福音”最早,作者是马可,书里没有记载耶 稣诞生 也没有任何有关他孩童时期的内容。 2)“马太福音”虽不是第一部耶稣故事的记载,却是宗教意义上最重要的一部,因为它在“马可福音”的基础上加入了大量耶稣的谈话和训导。正是源于这个理由,在《新约》里它被编排在“马可福音”的前面,成为《新约》里第一部福音书。作者一直被认为是耶稣的12门徒之一,是个税务官,名叫利未。在马太福音中他叫马太。 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  6. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 福音书介绍 3) “路加福音”作者不详。据考证,他陪伴过保罗,很熟悉当时基督教众对耶稣及其生平的认识。它比其它福音多收入了一些资料,比如童子耶稣在耶路撒冷圣殿里同拉比们谈经论道等。 4)约翰福音是最后写成的。作者不是耶稣12门徒的约翰。约翰避开其它福音书宣传耶稣奇特的降生,而是把他当成是真正的血肉之躯,不同的是就是在他身上驻住着上帝的道,使他变得不同凡人。 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  7. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 耶稣降生 耶稣什么时候诞生? It was no earlier than 6 BC, because Luke says that Jesus was about thirty when he began his ministry around AD 27 or 28, and no later than 4 BC, because that is when Herod the Great died. We have no real way of knowing the date of Jesus’ birth. It was Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor, who ruled in AD 336 that 25 December should be celebrated as Christ’s birthday, a date chosen to replace a pagan mid-winter festival. Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  8. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 耶稣降生 1. 耶稣的降生与《旧约》的照应 在旧约中,尤其是在以色列灭国后,先知们曾多次预言,上帝将给人世派来一位救世主,一位弥赛亚,他将拯救以色列民族。但新约是基督教文献,具有普世性,所以这个上帝派来的救世主不单单拯救以色列,而是拯救全人类。 2. 耶稣的英雄神秘色彩 耶稣出生在以色列帝王世家里(玛利亚丈夫约瑟是大卫的后人,大卫又是亚伯拉罕家族)。耶稣的降生,每一步都有神护佑,天使提前托梦给约瑟,让他带着妻子和孩子转移,事态安定后,又有天使告诉他们回到加利利的拿撒勒。这体现了他的神子的独特。 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  9. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 耶稣降生 3. 耶稣降生虽然在福音书的内容里比不上他传教和殉教部分重要,但他的降生因完成了道成肉身而成为《新约》和基督教思想的核心,是基督教对犹太教的重大发展。 道(“the Word”)这样一个形而上的概念从此就有了承载它的载体。 4. 圣母从受孕、生产到逃避希律王的迫害都是一流的文学素材,同所有英雄和神人的故事同样富于传奇色彩,因此历代为小说、影视、绘画等多种艺术表现形式所钟爱。 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  10. A General Introduction the Gospel of Jesus Christ 耶稣降生 5. 圣诞节的内涵 圣诞节是庆祝基督诞生的同时实际上还是宣传和倡导仁爱和慈善的一个节日。然而几千年流传下来,基督诞生已经淡化了它那肃穆的内涵,他的诞生日演变成了当前这种由宗教色彩做点缀的消费性很强的节日。这不能不说是一大遗憾。 Appreciation and Oral Reading Of Classic English Works

  11. The Meeting House/Chaplaincy The Meeting House is the University's Chaplaincy Centre. It is one of the most versatile and extraordinary chaplaincy centres in the country in one of the most beautiful building on the campus.

  12. The Meeting House was designed to be shared across the different Christian traditions. It is used for worship and prayer for both groups and communities, but it is also a place of refuge where people from across the whole University come to give thanks or reflect.

  13. The Chaplaincy team is lead by Dr Gavin Ashenden, an Anglican priest, who lectures in the English Department, and is also a Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen • The Meeting House is open from 8am-9pm (Mon-Fri) and 10.30am-7.30pm (Sunday).

  14. Thank You

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