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Introductions. Talk to the person next to you for 2 mins.Introduce them to the group.. Context Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006
1. Safe Working Practices for Adults Working with Children & Young People Introduce selves.
Why are we here?
staff have requested clarity in what is acceptable/unacceptable behaviour in these changing times.
hopefully by the end of the session you will feel more confident in your role of working with children and young peopleIntroduce selves.
Why are we here?
staff have requested clarity in what is acceptable/unacceptable behaviour in these changing times.
hopefully by the end of the session you will feel more confident in your role of working with children and young people
3. ContextWorking Together to Safeguard Children 2006 Working Together 2006 was the result of the Laming Enquiry which looked into the death of Victoria Climbe
Another significant piece of guidance was from the Bechard Enquiry which followed the deaths of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells and as a result has had a major impact on people working in positions of trust and how we recruit staff.Working Together 2006 was the result of the Laming Enquiry which looked into the death of Victoria Climbe
Another significant piece of guidance was from the Bechard Enquiry which followed the deaths of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells and as a result has had a major impact on people working in positions of trust and how we recruit staff.
4. Explanation of process on managing allegations.Explanation of process on managing allegations.
5. Thresholds Exercise In groups of three discuss and decide action to be taken in the following situations. Distribute Threshold Exercise on additional sheet.
Ensure delegates identify areas of concern and involvement of appropriate person.
Elect spokesperson to feedback/involve all groups in discussion.Distribute Threshold Exercise on additional sheet.
Ensure delegates identify areas of concern and involvement of appropriate person.
Elect spokesperson to feedback/involve all groups in discussion.
6. What we have learnt about many adults working with children and young people. They are often unclear about what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and where personal and professional boundaries should lie.
Many staff are nervous about becoming the subject of allegations and certain practices e.g. touching children, 1-1, intimate care and physical intervention.
Staff subject to allegations often express surprise and disbelief that their behaviour has given rise to suspicion or concern and could be considered abusive, harmful, criminal or an act of misconduct.
It is now recognised that there are standards of behaviour that must adhered to protect children and young people and of course you as a worker. This is something that is not addressed during your training for your current post.
Now live in a society where all our actions must be transparent and justified.
Data??????of allegations
It is now recognised that there are standards of behaviour that must adhered to protect children and young people and of course you as a worker. This is something that is not addressed during your training for your current post.
Now live in a society where all our actions must be transparent and justified.
Data??????of allegations
7. Guidance for Safe Working Practice
What is Duty of Care
all adults who work with and on behalf of C&YP are accountable for the way they exercise authority, manage risk and safeguard C&YP
understand the responsibilities which are part of their role and be aware that sanctions will be applied if these provisions are breached
always act in the best interests of C&YP
avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions
as a worker you need to ensure you are aware of your agencies Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies and adopt them
you need to be responsible for your own actions and behaviour
No C&YP should be invited into the home of an adult who works with them unless cleared and agreed with Senior Managers except where the home is designated a workplace eg foster carers, child minders.
Under no circumstances should C&YP assist with chores or tasks in the home of an adult who works with them neither should they be asked to do so by friends or family of that adult.
You must always maintain a relationship recognising the boundaries of a worker/child/service user basis and not as a friend/peer.
As a worker you have a responsibility to follow your agencies protocols and policies in relation to the work you do.
Adults have access to highly sensitive and private information as part of their role, these details must be kept confidential at all times and only shared when it is in the interests of the child to do so. You must never use the information to intimidate, humiliate or embarrass the child or young person concerned.
If in any doubt of whether to share information seek guidance from a Senior member of staff.
The sharing of information should be in line with locally agreed information sharing protocols
The storing and processing of personal information on C&YP is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998
Whist adults need to be aware of the need to listen and support C&YP they must also understand the importance of not promising to keep secrets neither should they request this of a child/young person under any circumstances
additionally any concerns/allegations about adults should be treated and passed to a Senior Manager without delay.
Occasionally a C&YP may develop an infatuation with an adult who works with them, this needs to be dealt with sensitively and appropriately to maintain the dignity and safety of all concerned
Workers should remain aware that such infatuations carry a high risk of words/actions being misinterpreted and should therefore make every effort to ensure that their own behaviour is above reproach
an adult who becomes aware that a C&YP is developing an infatuation should discuss this at the earliest opportunity with a Senior Manager
Adults who work with C&YP have a responsibility to ensure that their relationships both in and outside the workplace are above reproach (refer back to threshold exercise)
We cannot provide a complete checklist of what is/is not appropriate behaviour for adults
All judgements should always be recorded and shared with a Senior Manager.
Adults should always consider whether their actions are warranted, proportionate, safe and applied equitably
Report any actions which could be misinterpreted to the Senior Manager and always discuss any misunderstandings, accidents or threats
Always record discussions and the reasons why actions were taken/not taken and any areas of disagreement
All adults working with C&YP are in position of trust, this means one party is in a position of power/influence over the other by virtue of their work
It is vital that those in a position of trust to understand the power this gives them over those they care for and the responsibility they must exercise as a consequence of this relationship. It is not a relationship of equals. Adults have a responsibility to ensure that the unequal balance of power is not used for personal advantage or gratification
When a person aged 18 or over is in a specified position of trust with a child under 18 it is an offence for that person to engage in sexual activity with or in the presence of that child or to cause or incite that child to engage in or watch sexual activity (Sexual Offences Act 2003)
All adults that work with C&YP have a responsibility to maintain public confidence in their ability to safeguard the welfare of C&YP
There may be times when an adults behaviour in their personal life comes under scrutiny from local communities, the media or public authorities. This could be because their behaviour is considered to compromise their position in their workplace or indicate an unsuitability to work with C&YP
Misuse of drugs, alcohol or acts of violence would be examples of such behaviour
..therefore you should understand and be aware that safe working practices also involve using judgements and integrity about behaviours in places other than the work setting.
the giving of gifts or rewards should be part of an agreed policy for supporting positive behaviour or recognising particular achievements
if this procedure is not followed it can be misinterpreted by others as a gesture either to bribe or groom a C&YP
Adults should exercise care when selecting children & young people for specific activities or privileges to avoid perceptions of favouritism or unfairness. Methods of selection should always be transparent and subject to scrutiny
Adults should not accept any gift that may be construed as a bribe by others or lead the C&YP to receive or expect any preferential treatment
Please seek any clarification from your individual agency on the receiving of gifts
A persons dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and self expression, however adults should dress in ways which are appropriate to their role.
This means that adults should wear clothing which is not likely to be viewed as offensive, revealing or sexually provocative.
Clothing should not distract, cause embarrassment or give rise to misunderstanding
Clothing should not display any political or otherwise contentious slogans
Clothing should not be considered to be discriminatory and should be culturally sensitive
Adults should have no secret social contact with C&YP or their parents
Consider the appropriateness of the social contact according to the role and nature of their work
any contact with children or parents/carers outside work must be agreed with senior colleagues
Understanding of some communications needs to be justified and called into question
What is Duty of Care
all adults who work with and on behalf of C&YP are accountable for the way they exercise authority, manage risk and safeguard C&YP
understand the responsibilities which are part of their role and be aware that sanctions will be applied if these provisions are breached
always act in the best interests of C&YP
avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions
as a worker you need to ensure you are aware of your agencies Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies and adopt them
you need to be responsible for your own actions and behaviour
No C&YP should be invited into the home of an adult who works with them unless cleared and agreed with Senior Managers except where the home is designated a workplace eg foster carers, child minders.
Under no circumstances should C&YP assist with chores or tasks in the home of an adult who works with them neither should they be asked to do so by friends or family of that adult.
You must always maintain a relationship recognising the boundaries of a worker/child/service user basis and not as a friend/peer.
As a worker you have a responsibility to follow your agencies protocols and policies in relation to the work you do.
Adults have access to highly sensitive and private information as part of their role, these details must be kept confidential at all times and only shared when it is in the interests of the child to do so. You must never use the information to intimidate, humiliate or embarrass the child or young person concerned.
If in any doubt of whether to share information seek guidance from a Senior member of staff.
The sharing of information should be in line with locally agreed information sharing protocols
The storing and processing of personal information on C&YP is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998
Whist adults need to be aware of the need to listen and support C&YP they must also understand the importance of not promising to keep secrets neither should they request this of a child/young person under any circumstances
additionally any concerns/allegations about adults should be treated and passed to a Senior Manager without delay.
Occasionally a C&YP may develop an infatuation with an adult who works with them, this needs to be dealt with sensitively and appropriately to maintain the dignity and safety of all concerned
Workers should remain aware that such infatuations carry a high risk of words/actions being misinterpreted and should therefore make every effort to ensure that their own behaviour is above reproach
an adult who becomes aware that a C&YP is developing an infatuation should discuss this at the earliest opportunity with a Senior Manager
Adults who work with C&YP have a responsibility to ensure that their relationships both in and outside the workplace are above reproach (refer back to threshold exercise)
We cannot provide a complete checklist of what is/is not appropriate behaviour for adults
All judgements should always be recorded and shared with a Senior Manager.
Adults should always consider whether their actions are warranted, proportionate, safe and applied equitably
Report any actions which could be misinterpreted to the Senior Manager and always discuss any misunderstandings, accidents or threats
Always record discussions and the reasons why actions were taken/not taken and any areas of disagreement
All adults working with C&YP are in position of trust, this means one party is in a position of power/influence over the other by virtue of their work
It is vital that those in a position of trust to understand the power this gives them over those they care for and the responsibility they must exercise as a consequence of this relationship. It is not a relationship of equals. Adults have a responsibility to ensure that the unequal balance of power is not used for personal advantage or gratification
When a person aged 18 or over is in a specified position of trust with a child under 18 it is an offence for that person to engage in sexual activity with or in the presence of that child or to cause or incite that child to engage in or watch sexual activity (Sexual Offences Act 2003)
All adults that work with C&YP have a responsibility to maintain public confidence in their ability to safeguard the welfare of C&YP
There may be times when an adults behaviour in their personal life comes under scrutiny from local communities, the media or public authorities. This could be because their behaviour is considered to compromise their position in their workplace or indicate an unsuitability to work with C&YP
Misuse of drugs, alcohol or acts of violence would be examples of such behaviour
..therefore you should understand and be aware that safe working practices also involve using judgements and integrity about behaviours in places other than the work setting.
the giving of gifts or rewards should be part of an agreed policy for supporting positive behaviour or recognising particular achievements
if this procedure is not followed it can be misinterpreted by others as a gesture either to bribe or groom a C&YP
Adults should exercise care when selecting children & young people for specific activities or privileges to avoid perceptions of favouritism or unfairness. Methods of selection should always be transparent and subject to scrutiny
Adults should not accept any gift that may be construed as a bribe by others or lead the C&YP to receive or expect any preferential treatment
Please seek any clarification from your individual agency on the receiving of gifts
A persons dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and self expression, however adults should dress in ways which are appropriate to their role.
This means that adults should wear clothing which is not likely to be viewed as offensive, revealing or sexually provocative.
Clothing should not distract, cause embarrassment or give rise to misunderstanding
Clothing should not display any political or otherwise contentious slogans
Clothing should not be considered to be discriminatory and should be culturally sensitive
Adults should have no secret social contact with C&YP or their parents
Consider the appropriateness of the social contact according to the role and nature of their work
any contact with children or parents/carers outside work must be agreed with senior colleagues
Understanding of some communications needs to be justified and called into question
8. Communication with Children & Young People Case Study
9. Flipchart Exercise. Identify good and bad practice in each of the areas below:
First Aid
Intimate/Personal Care
Physical Intervention
Physical Contact
Activities 6 pieces of flip chart paper will be posted around the room, with a heading and GOOD PRACTICE/BAD PRACTICE highlighted
e.g.. First Aid a piece of good practice will be to have an up-to-date qualified first aided/a piece of bad practice could be no recording/reporting system in place
In groups of three go round the room to go through each heading
See supplementary notes.6 pieces of flip chart paper will be posted around the room, with a heading and GOOD PRACTICE/BAD PRACTICE highlighted
e.g.. First Aid a piece of good practice will be to have an up-to-date qualified first aided/a piece of bad practice could be no recording/reporting system in place
In groups of three go round the room to go through each heading
See supplementary notes.
10. What is unacceptable behaviour? Sexual Contact Adults should not:
have sexual relationships with children/young people
have any form of communication with a children/ young person which could be interpreted as sexually suggestive or provocative i.e. verbal comments, letters, notes, electronic mail, phone calls, texts or physical contact
make sexual remarks to, or about, a child/young person
discuss their own sexual relationships with or in the presence of children/young people
11. What is acceptable behaviour? This means that adults should:
ensure that their relationship with children/young people clearly take place within the boundaries of a respectful, professional relationship
take care that their language or conduct does not give rise to comment or speculation.
Attitudes, demeanour and language all require care and thought, particularly when members of staff are dealing with adolescent boys/girls
12. Whistle blowing This means that all adults should:
Acknowledge their individual responsibilities to bring matters of concern to the attention of their line managers and /or relevant external agencies. This is particularly important where the welfare of children may be at risk. Bring to participants attention the Bolton Council Whistleblowing Policy or flag up individual agencies policy (depending on audience)Bring to participants attention the Bolton Council Whistleblowing Policy or flag up individual agencies policy (depending on audience)
13. Sharing Concerns This means adults should:
always feel able to discuss with their line manager any difficulties or problems that may affect their relationship with children/young people so appropriate support can be provided or action taken.
should be familiar with their organisations system for recording any concerns
should take responsibility for recording any incident, and passing on that information where they have concerns about any matter pertaining to the welfare of a child/young person
14. Just to revisit and recap on the procedure in place to Manage Allegations Against People Who Work With ChildrenJust to revisit and recap on the procedure in place to Manage Allegations Against People Who Work With Children
15. Questions.
16. Contact Details Head of Service Child Protection Unit
01204 337470
Principal Education Social Worker
01204 338173
Head of Service for Children and Young People
01204 334095