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Integrated Planning and Governance to Address Climate Change

Explore multi-level, multi-sectoral governance issues & methodologies for climate change planning. Learn about sub-national, city, and national governance structures and integrating climate change into development planning. Discover national and sub-national approaches with real-life examples. Address challenges, strategies, and steps in preparing low-carbon, climate-resilient strategies.

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Integrated Planning and Governance to Address Climate Change

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  1. Integrated Planning and Governance to Address Climate Change TACC Training Module 6 1

  2. Objectives of the Module • Introduce key issues relevant for effective multi-level and multi-sectoral governance to address climate change • Introduce methodologies available for sub-national authorities to undertake planning to address climate change Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  3. Overview • Section 1: Introduction to Climate Change Governance • Section 2: Developing Green, Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies (UNDP Methodology) • Section 3: Developing a Local Climate Change Plan (UN HABITAT Methodology) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  4. Multi-level Dimension of Climate Change Governance • Multiple levels of government concerned with climate change • National Level • Sub-national/territorial level (e.g. region, state, province) • City level (e.g. Municipalities/Metropolitan Areas) • Depending on the political system of a country, variations exist concerning • Division of decision authority • Authority to collect financial revenues • Accountability structures • Etc. Source: webinindia Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  5. Multi-sectoral Dimension of Climate Change Governance Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  6. Complexity of the Climate Change Governance Architecture Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  7. Integrating Climate Change into Development Planning • National development plans create important opportunities to address climate change • Development plans provide the basis for • Medium-term expenditure frameworks • Annual sectoral budgeting (e.g. agriculture, water, etc) • Strategic planning processes include, for example • Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers • UN Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs) • National Sustainable Development Strategies • Engaging with the National Climate Change Committees through the Ministry of Local Governments, where applicable • Consideration of sub-national issues differ from case-to-case Source: IEA Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  8. From Policy Formulation and Planning to Sectoral Budgeting Source: OECD 2009 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  9. Entry Points and Components in the Policy and Project Cycles: Mainstreaming Adaptation Planning Source: UNDP Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  10. Examples of National Approaches to Address Climate Change Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  11. Examples of Sub-national Approaches to Address Climate Change • Regional/State/Province Level • Alberta's Climate Change Strategy (Canada) • Uruguay: Montevideo, Calanones, San Jose • Many others… • Municipal/City Level • Chicago Climate Action Plan (2009) • Mexico City Climate Action Programme (2008-2012) • Durban Climate Change Strategy and sectoral action plans • Many others… Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  12. Questions and Challenges from a Sub-national Perspective • Is a national climate change policy framework/programme in place? • If so, how are sub-national issues taken into account? • How do sub-national authorities participate in relevant processes? Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  13. Questions and Challenges from a Sub-national Perspective (cont.) • In which areas of climate change governance do sub-national authorities have autonomous decision-authority vis-à-vis national authorities? • To what extent can sub-national authorities collect and allocate revenues to support climate change action independently? • What steps can sub-national authorities do to participate in international support and capacity development projects? Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  14. Overview • Section 1: Introduction to Climate Change Governance • Section 2: Developing Green, Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies (UNDP Methodology) • Section 3: Developing a Local Climate Change Plan (UN HABITAT Methodology) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  15. Overall Objective of UNDP TACC Approach • Sub-national Governments are supported to …. • …prepare green, low-emission and climate-resilient development strategies (LECRDS) • …that attract and direct public and private investment… • …rooted in robust and integrated scientific, institutional, financial, and socio-economic assessments • …address the threats, risks, vulnerabilities and uncertainties associated with global climate change Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  16. Key steps of preparing a sub-national low carbon and climate resilient strategy • Step 1: Develop Partnership and Coordinating Structure • Step 2: Prepare Climate Change Scenarios • Step 3: Identify Mitigation and Adaptation Options • Step 4: Assess Priority Climate Financing Needs • Step 5: Prepare Comprehensive Low Carbon & Climate Change Roadmap Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  17. Key steps of preparing a sub-national low carbon and climate resilient strategy (UNDP) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  18. Step 1: Develop Partnership and Coordinating Structure • Internal preparation and stocktaking exercises • Review existing governance/decision making structures • Identify key stakeholders • Analyze national and local policy document/strategies, national and local programmes and projects, etc. • Raise awareness among sub-national authorities • Establish • TACC Steering Committee • Project Coordinating Unit • Sectoral Working Groups • Establish a multi-stakeholder consultative process Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  19. The Example of a TACC Partnership Framework in Uruguay Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  20. Step 2: Prepare Climate Change Scenarios • Adaptation • Climate scenarios • Climate impact scenarios • Mitigation • GHG emission inventory • GHG emission scenarios Source: Wikimedia Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  21. Using Global Climate Models (GCMs) To Prepare Sub-national Climate Scenarios for Two Time Periods under Two Global Emission Scenarios • Methodology used by CLIMSAT in Uruguay: • 5km spatial resolution prospective climatology • Based on past climatology - 1970-1999 period • Using 12 models approved by the IPCC • Using the SRES scenarios A2 (business as usual) and B1 (global cooperation towards sustainable development). • Climatic variables : precipitation, temperature (and wind pending). Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  22. Potential Future Climate of the Metropolitan Area of Uruguay IPCC SRES A2 ( “ business as usual” assumption ) IPCC SRES B1 (global cooperation towards sustainable development) Baseline Period 2056 - 2065 2056 - 2065 1970-1999 2081 - 2100 2081 - 2100 2081 - 2100 2056 - 2065 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1 Source: ClimSAT

  23. Prospective Range of Climate Scenarios: Choosing the Right Outcomes to Inform Adaptation Planning Source: The Guardian Source: UNITAR Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  24. Step 3: Identify Mitigation and Adaptation Options • Identify priority mitigation and adaptation options through stakeholder consultation • Address variety of relevant thematic areas and sectors, e.g., • Energy • Transport • Natural resource management • Urban planning • Etc. Source: Tecacentre Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  25. Step 4: Assess Priority Climate Financing Needs • Take stock of existing sub-national/local government financing strategies • Undertake feasibility studies on sub-national/local government financing and policy • Undertake an assessment of socio-economic impacts • Prepare cost-benefit assessment of identified priority mitigation and adaptation options • Identify financial flow requirements • Identify policy and innovative financing instruments Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  26. Step 5: Prepare Low Carbon and Climate Change Roadmap • Prepare a comprehensive low carbon and climate resilient strategy and action plan • Develop and implement 1-3 ‘fast track’ projects • Develop and implement follow-up on integrated development projects • Develop policy instruments in support of the strategy Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  27. Possible Elements of a Climate Change Road Map Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  28. UNDP Green LECRDS Guidance Manuals and Toolkits www.undp.org Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  29. Key UNDP Technical Documents Preparing Low-emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies (LECRDS) - Executive Summary Charting a New Low-Carbon Route to Development Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  30. Overview • Section 1: Introduction to Climate Change Governance • Section 2: Developing Green, Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies (UNDP Methodology) • Section 3: Developing a Local Climate Change Plan (UN HABITAT Methodology) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  31. Setting the Framework for Local Climate Change Plans • Engaging stakeholders • Ensuring that all relevant parties are aware of the challenge of climate change and committed to addressing it • Understanding local climate change contribution and impacts • Identifying climate threats and measuring the contribution of the city to climate change • Assessing vulnerable places, people and sectors • Analyze patterns of vulnerability to identify key locations and groups for building resilience • Participatory strategic planning for climate change • Mobilizing stakeholders to create an overall vision for responding to climate change • Monitoring and evaluation • Ensure the desired outcomes are achieved Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  32. Local Climate Change Plan Development: Steps 1-3 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  33. Local Climate Change Plan Development: Steps 4-5 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  34. Local Climate Change Plan Development: Steps 6-8 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

  35. Local Climate Change Plan Development: Steps 9-10 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1

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