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Embrace diversity, respect opinions, ensure safety, promote health, nurture talents, and encourage participation in a supportive environment. Staff and students unite to create an inclusive community. Decision-making involves everyone, protecting each other from harm through active listening. Healthy living, education, and eco-friendly practices are prioritized. Encouraging participation in sports and clubs helps foster a sense of community and well-being. Kirkhill Primary School values and upholds the rights and well-being of all its members.
You have the same rights as everyone else: whatever your race, religion or abilities, whatever you think or say, whatever type of family you come from.Article 2 • We will make sure everyone is included by liking the fact that we are all different and by making sure that we help and support everyone to become involved. • Staff will make sure that all pupils and staff are accepted and work together as part of the community in which we live and learn.
You should have a say in decisions that affect you.Article 12 • We will show respect by letting everyone have their say and always listening to other people’s ideas. • Staff will provide opportunities for all pupils to be heard and involved in decisions that affect them.
You have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.Article 19 • We will keep ourselves safe by listening carefully and agreeing on the rules for our class, playground and school whilst taking care to keep safe on line and outdoors. • Staff will keep us safe by taking time to listen to us, our parents and other agencies in order to protect us in school, at home and in the community.
You have the right to clean water, food that is good for you, a clean place to live and good healthArticle 24 • We will keep ourselves healthy by choosing healthy snacks and taking part in a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities to keep us mentally and physically fit. • Staff will provide us with knowledge, opportunities and experiences to be able to make informed choices so that we continue to be a health promoting school.
Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.Article 29 • We will achieve by supporting and encouraging each other to try new things and to get better at them. We will be eco-friendly and respect all staff and other pupils. • Staff will help us become responsible citizens by encouraging us to use our talents and abilities and helping our school stay eco-friendly.
You have a right to play and to relax!Article 31 • We will encourage everyone to join in with sports, games and after school clubs because encouraging each other sets a good example and makes us feel good. • Staff will encourage everyone to join in with sports, games and after school clubs because encouraging each other sets a good example and makes us feel good.