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Week 3. 1. Fourier series: the definition and basics (continued). Fourier series can be written in a complex form. For 2 π -periodic function, for example,. (1). where c 0 , c 1 , c – 1 , c 2 , c – 2 , etc. are the complex Fourier coefficients . Theorem 1:.
Week 3 1. Fourier series: the definition and basics (continued) Fourier series can be written in a complex form. For 2π-periodic function, for example, (1) where c0, c1, c–1, c2, c–2, etc. are the complex Fourier coefficients.
Theorem 1: The complex Fourier coefficients of a real function satisfy the condition Proof: Compare (1) with (1)* and take into account that f* = f – hence, On the l.-h.s. of this equality, changen → –n and, thus, obtain Theorem 1 follows from the above equality.
Theorem 2: The complex and real Fourier coefficients of the same function are related by Proof: This theorem follows from Euler’s formula: eiA = cos A + i sin A. Theorem 3: The complex Fourier series of a 2L-periodic function is (2)
Theorem 4: The complex Fourier coefficients are given by Proof (for simplicity, for L = π): Multiply the Fourier series (2) by exp(–imx) and integrate the resulting equality with respect to x over (–π, π): In this equality, subdivide the series on the r.-h.s. into three parts: –∞ < n ≤ m – 1, n = m, and m+ 1 ≤n < ∞, which yields...
(3) Observe that Thus, both series on the r.-h.s. of (3) vanish and we can solve for cm (and obtain the desired expression for it).
Theorem 5: Any doubly periodic function f(x, y) with periods Lx and Ly can be represented by a 2D Fourier series of the form (Replace the “...” with an appropriate expression at home.)
Theorem 6: The Fourier coefficients of a 2D Fourier series are given by (Replace the “...” with appropriate expressions at home.)
2. Solving PDEs using Fourier series Example 1: Consider the following (1+1)-dim. initial-boundary-value problem: (4) (5) (6)
Seek the solution of the initial-boundary-value problem (4)-(6) as a Fourier series of a periodic function of period 2π: To satisfy the BCs, we should eliminate the constant and cosines – hence, (7) Substitution of solution (7) into Eq. (4) yields hence...
where An and Bn are undetermined constants. Then, (7) yields (8a) We’ll also need (8b) Next, extend the initial conditions H and H’ to the interval (–π, π) as odd functions and represent them by their Fourier series, (9)
Comparing (8) and (9), we obtain and (8a) yields the ‘final answer’:
Comment: Replace BC (5) with In this case, the solution should be sought in the form and the initial conditions should be extended as even functions. Q: What happens if the BC is
Example 2: waves in a rectangular pond (from Week 1) Assume, for simplicity, that c = 1, Lx = Ly = π. Then the equation and BCs reduce to (10) (11) Let the initial conditions be (12)
Seek the solution of the initial-boundary-value problem (10)-(12) as a Fourier series of a doubly periodic function with both periods equal to 2π: (13) To satisfy the BCs, we should eliminate all sines.
To satisfy the ICs, we should eliminate all terms except those involving 1, cos 3x, cos 3y, and cos 3x cos 4y: (14) Substitution of solution (14) into Eq. (10) yields (15)
The initial conditions for these equations follow from (12): (16)
The solution of the initial-value problem (15)-(16) is (17) Summarising (14) and (17), we obtain