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WW event selection with new Electron ID in 2011 data. S. Li 1,2 , Y. Liu 1 E. Monnier 2 , Z. Zhao 1 Center of Particle Physics and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China 1 & Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, CNRS/IN2P3 2. NEWS FOR 2011 ANALYSIS.
WW event selection with new Electron ID in 2011 data S. Li1,2, Y. Liu1 E. Monnier2, Z. Zhao1 Center of Particle Physics and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China1 & Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, CNRS/IN2P32
NEWS FOR 2011 ANALYSIS • No need to apply Electron Energy rescale for 2011 data (Rel 16.6): • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/EnergyScaleResolutionRecommendations#2011_data_Release_16_6 • No need to apply Jet OffsetEtaJES correction for 2011 data if >16.6.1 release, no new JetUserGuide available. Jet_*OriginEM yielding 0 value for both 2011 data and mc10, need consulting the latest MC10 approximation in the latest JetUserGuide version: • https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasgrp/browser/CombPerf/JetETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGuide-00-01-01/AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf • New WW baseline heading for pLHC using 2011 data only: • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/BaslinecutsforWWatPLHC
New Events in 2011 data by WW baseline selection • Both tight and medium+iso+Blayer electron ID spotted the same 9 events in black • Green colored: events came up when increasing the jet pt threshold for tight • Yellow colored: events came up when increasing the jet pt threshold for medium
WW selection on 2010 reprocessed data and MC10 with bunch train pile-up: new caloIso (caloIso98), reweight NOT applied
WW selection on 2010 reprocessed data and MC10 with bunch train pile-up: Medium++ + old Isolation(etcone30<6GeV)
WW selection on 2010 reprocessed data and MC10 with bunch train pile-up: Medium++ + new caloIso (caloIso98)
ee channel: METrel (2010, 35.2pb-1) Medium++ + Iso tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer
ee channel: Di-lepton pT (2010, 35.2pb-1) Medium++ + Iso tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer
ee channel: Di-lepton inv. mass (2010, 35.2pb-1) Medium++ + Iso tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer
eµ channel: METrel (2010, 35.2pb-1) Medium++ + Iso tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer
eµ channel: Di-lepton pT (2010, 35.2pb-1) Medium++ + Iso tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer
eµ channel: Di-lepton inv. mass (2010, 35.2pb-1) Medium++ + Iso Medium + Iso + BLAyer tight
Pile-Up effects in 2011 data:Using Zmumu sample (Without JES correction) 2011 2010
Pile-Up effects in 2011 data:Using Zmumu sample (With JES correction) 2011 2010
Jet Multiplicities w.r.t. various NVtx bin:2010 normalized to 2011(Without JES correction)
Jet Multiplicities w.r.t. various NVtx bin:2010 normalized to 2011(With JES correction)
Data-driven Wjets background estimation: fake factor estimation
Electron Medium++ ID(with new isolation): FakeRatepT dependence
Electron Medium++ ID(with new isolation): FakeRate MET dependence
Electron Medium++ ID(with old isolation): FakeRatepT dependence
Electron Medium++ ID(with old isolation): FakeRate MET dependence
WW selection exercise in 2011 data:Jet Multiplicities(with 30GeV pT Threshold)
ee channel: METrel tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
ee channel: Di-lepton pT tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
ee channel: Di-lepton inv. mass tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
eµ channel: METrel tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
eµ channel: Di-lepton pT Medium + Iso + BLAyer tight 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
eµ channel: Di-lepton inv. mass tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
Summary and Future work • All with bunch train pile-up MC10 samples with no reweighting applied • An impression of dramatic background enriching due to the medium+iso+Blayer for Electron ID mainly from Wjets, more intensive study needed to be done as soon as possible(Medium++? Need to be cross-checked with John Alison) • Accurate estimation needs to be done using data-driven(Wjets, DY background etc.)
µµ channel: METrel Medium + Iso + BLAyer tight 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
µµ channel: Di-lepton pT tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
µµ channel: Di-lepton inv. mass tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 11.6pb-1 tight Medium + Iso + BLAyer 35.2pb-1
Status • Using New Medium+iso+Blayer Electron ID study presented by Jochen Hartert: • https://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=117360 • New Electron ID selection introduced recently(not optimized): • egammaPID::ElectronMedium_WithTrackMatch (*Note that:el_loose, el_medium, el_tight available for 2011 egamma D3PD) • New Electron Isolation correction applied: (OLD: etcone20_pt_corrected<4GeV, not in d3pd, need to be re-calculated) • https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasusr/export/30076/mfiascar/WjetsD3PDskimming/trunk/IsoCorrection.h (NEW: caloIso98, using dedicated el_isIso mask (based on etcone30/ET, bin-by-bin tuned, flatter efficiency,better QCD rejection power) • http://alxr.usatlas.bnl.gov/lxr-stb5/source/atlas/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaInterfaces/egammaInterfaces/egammaIsolationMVATopToolDefs.h • egammaPID::TrackBlayer_Electron as Blayer requirement instead of simply NBLHits>0 if any hits are expected • Electron/Muon MC10 smearing applied(Job Running, ~100 MC samples!) • Using the same random seeding policy for electron and muon: Rndm_seed = 680049+EventNumber+index*100 • Using ERescaler Tool for Electron smearing and refer to MCP release 16 smearing recommendation: • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/MCPAnalysisGuidelinesRel16#AnchorResolutions • PileUp reweighting for mc10? Not yet, currently using non-pileup MC. • Different reweighting for e and µ, need to be discussed (mainly due to period difference) • Tested w/ and w/o rel15 reweighting, no dramatic impact! • Running on bunch train pile-up samples also, not yet finished • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/WZGroupInclusiveMeasurement
Some words about Jet selection in Rel.16 • OffsetEtaJES correction required for both data and MC suggested by Jet experts: (Toshi Sumida & CaterinaDoglioni) • https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasgrp/browser/CombPerf/JetETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGuide-00-01-01/AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf • Not optimal especially for bunch train pile-up MC • Negative Energy *full scaled* jets need to be cleaned due to a D3PDmaker level bug. (Mainly in forward region?) • EtaOriginEM, PhiOriginEM, MOriginEM mostly(?) yield 0 in current MC samples as well as in 2011 data(?), should refer to the latest ATLAS Jet User guide so as to approximately recover them(the one on Jet/Etmisstwikiis obsolete!)
Jet Multiplicities from data w/ tight w/medium Electron ID 7 new candidates spotted w/ old Iso, 2 disappeared w/ new caloIso98
Interesting New Candidates Yellow: killed with NEW caloIso98 Electron ID!
MET_rel distribution w/ tight and w/medium+newiso+blayer Electron ID
pT(ll) distribution w/ tight and w/medium+newiso+blayer Electron ID
Inv.M(ll) distribution w/ tight and w/medium+newiso+blayer Electron ID
Some preliminary results from MC10:with OLD caloIso (etcone20_pt_corrected)
Some preliminary results from MC10:with new caloIso (caloIso98)