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2. America, 1960. Traditionally, our culture was segregated in many ways. This segregation allowed virtual localized fiefdoms to be maintained. By the 1960s, a shared national culture was emerging that threatened traditional segregated lifestyles. Everyone across the country was watching the same
1. 1 The Age of Great Dreams By David Farber
2. 2 America, 1960 Traditionally, our culture was segregated in many ways. This segregation allowed virtual localized fiefdoms to be maintained.
By the 1960s, a shared national culture was emerging that threatened traditional segregated lifestyles.
Everyone across the country was watching the same mass mediated TV programming.
Old, traditional barriers that divided North from South and rural from urban were breaking down.
The power of local elites was being usurped by a nationally connected, expert-oriented national elite.
3. 3 America, 1960 Features of American culture in 1960
Rising power of the federal gov’t and centralized authority
Highly bureaucratized
National TV shows
A standardized, centralized, mass culture was emerging at the expense of local cultures and their traditional patterns.
4. 4 Symbols of 1960 Affluence The American car was a significant status symbol.
Big powerful cars symbolized individual/societal power.
Suburban homes symbolized stability, security, warmth.
The family was also a haven of escapism in context of Cold War hostilities.
Lots of new gadgets symbolized a new lifestyle of leisure and consumerism.
The family vacation symbolized the new hedonism - that life should be fun. After all, these were good times.
5. 5 Suburbs The American Dream of affluence, security, comfort.
Housing boom in the suburbs brought massive migration from the inner city by affluent whites.
Suburbs were efficient and bland, but they were comfortable. They were a new melting pot for everyone who could afford it – and who were white.
Suburbs united everyone as a consumer. Everyone in the suburb was participating in the new national shared culture, guided by mass mediated commercial television.
6. 6 Early 60s Popular Culture About 92% of U.S. households had a TV set and it was turned on an average of 6 hours per day.
Commercial TV emphasized specific myths
Myth of the rural frontier (the wild West)
Myth of the rugged individualist
Ex: Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Have Gun will Travel.
Myth of the suburb
Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver, etc.
Several TV shows challenged prevailing stereotypes: Beverly Hillbillies and Andy of Mayberry.
Both mocked consumerism, too.
7. 7 Early 60s Popular Culture California was symbolized as the promised land
This is where the Clampetts moved (away from the small town and toward suburban affluence)
The new land of opportunity and prosperity
Youth culture values emphasized
By the early 60s, many Americans were celebrating a new style of living based on a search for what fits the self.
Self fulfillment and self-expression were starting to become the “in” thing and California led the way.
8. 8 Early 60s Popular Culture The Barbie doll (1959) taught girls conventional patriarchal values plus the new values of youthful consumerism.
The pill (1959) encouraged the sexual revolution as well as feminism.
It allowed sexual freedom for young women, along with a new sensual hedonism.
The youth culture had developed its own styles, and advertising helped entrench these styles.
Because youth culture borrowed from the Beats, anti-establishment expressions were becoming more common.
9. 9 Early 60s Popular Culture Rock’n’roll broke down traditional barriers and taboos.
Be sexual, not repressed
Be free and expressive, not a blind conformist
Be loose, not uptight
Be yourself, not what your parents want you to be
Be authentic, not a cookie-cut reproduction of what a repressive mass society wants you to be.
Andy Warhol’s art featuring mass reproductions touched a nerve in the 60s.
10. 10 Early 60s Popular Culture The Beatles
Galvanized the new youth culture with their mop haircuts and challenging messages.
The were the Pied Pipers – and everyone listened when they became more critical of the establishment.
Ex: Eleanor Rigby, Paperback Writer, Nowhere Man
The Beatles, along with Dylan and others, taught youth culture to question authority and be free.
11. 11 Early 60s Popular Culture In context of the celebration of affluence, youthful self-discovery and freedom, American culture increasingly permitted youth to explore new lifestyles.
However, for African Americans, frustration and anger increased.
They had been denied these freedoms, and they were taking organized, direct action to change the establishment.
12. 12 American Contradictions, 1960 Despite the stereotypical “happy days” images conveyed in early 1960’s American television,
Racial segregation persisted, contradicting equality.
Racism was most severe in the Jim Crow South.
Gender polarization continued, contradicting equality.
Polarization was heightened by the baby boom, which produced 3.8 children per household at its height.
Women were expected to be the caregivers.
U.S. foreign policy tolerated many right-wing dictatorships, contradicting values of freedom, democracy, and sovereignty.
The Third World was uncomfortable with both U.S. and USSR superpower status because both had used imperialism.
13. 13 American Contradictions, 1960 In 1960 Eisenhower was the President, yet he too had contradictions.
He belonged to a white males-only country club.
Most Americans were somewhat complacent.
The advertising-driven mass media fostered escapist consumerism.
Americans had turned toward a celebration of the family after the War.
The commercial news media reinforced the “official” definition of events with little critical analysis.
14. 14 American Contradictions, 1960 During the 1950s and early 60s, the prevailing ideology was that what was good for GM was good for the country.
Yet Big Business was acquiring Big Brother influence.
Widespread poverty contradicted notions of affluence.
20% of Americans lived in poverty.
By 1960, 55% of the poor lived in cities. American inner cities were becoming over-stressed.
Unlike the rural poor, the urban poor were very visible.
15. 15 Daniel Bell: The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism Post-WWII U.S. culture was caught between two contradictory sets of capitalist values:
1. early industrial values of hard work, thrift, moderation, discipline, and delayed gratification.
2. post-industrial values, with an emerging emphasis on hedonism, self-expression, consumerism, materialism, and instant gratification.
Earlier values of thrift, moderation, discipline, and delayed gratification were giving way to wasteful, credit-based consumerism and instant gratification.
16. 16 Summary of American Contradictions Racism and sexism contradicted equality.
Suburbs were booming, inner cities were decaying.
The U.S. touted sovereignty and democracy yet supported right-wing dictatorships.
U.S. corporations provided material abundance, but acquired Big Brother influence.
Widespread poverty contradicted notions of affluence.
American consumerism contradicted earlier values.
Suburban conformity contradicted individualism.
17. 17 JFK By 1960, many Americans had begun to wonder if America had lost its way. They could see the contradictions.
This was the backdrop to JFK’s inaugural speech “ask not what your country can to for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
JFK promised a new purpose beyond the pursuit of self-pleasures.
JFK inspired a new idealism, aimed at youth especially, that anything is possible.
18. 18 JFK Kennedy versus Nixon: foreign policies
Both candidates were similar in foreign policy.
Both were anti-communist Cold War politicians.
Both used strong rhetoric against communism.
Both supported imperialist U.S. policies in the name of anti-communism.
Both saw Castro’s Cuba as a key issue.
Both supported the nuclear arms race.
Both were trapped by their Cold War rhetoric into a militaristic rather than a diplomatic approach to problems.
19. 19 JFK Kennedy versus Nixon: domestic policies
JFK differed from Nixon somewhat on domestic policies.
JFK was more liberal than Nixon.
More sensitive to the needs of minority groups.
More willing to use the Fed. Gov’t as a resource.
However, the Dixiecrats prevented JFK from embracing many policies that would bring significant domestic reforms.
JFK did not focus on domestic policies much until late 1962.
20. 20 JFK Kennedy-Nixon television debate, 1960
Whereas radio listeners tended to think Nixon won the debate, TV watchers preferred JFK.
JFK’s image: young, handsome, witty, intelligent, likeable.
JFK was America’s first television President.
Later, both Reagan and Clinton understood what this meant.
Highlighted the importance of image in this Brave New World of mass media television.
Political campaigns from now on would prioritize TV ads and TV images as crucial to winning, thus eroding trust and confidence in a political system based on images.
21. 21 JFK’s Foreign Policy JFK, like every president since Truman, prioritized foreign policy over domestic policy.
JFK goal: expand the empire with a dual approach
1. Peace Corps (reflected his idealism and inspired youth toward self-sacrifice).
2. Green Berets (reflected a realistic grasp of the grass roots nature of insurgency, but read by some generals as an attack on the reigning conventional military model).
JFK’s foreign policy emphasized military containment of communism.
He viewed Cuba as a Cold War battleground.
22. 22 JFK and Cuba Concerned with Cuba as a nearby front of the Cold War.
Fidel Castro represented the spread of communism in our own backyard (our own sphere of influence).
Would the U.S. - a superpower - tolerate such an event?
JFK, somewhat obsessed with Castro, secretly authorized the CIA to kill him.
JFK also endorsed the pre-existing CIA plan for a covert invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles.
23. 23 Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) In 1959 Fidel Castro, leader of the communist guerillas, overthrew Fulgencia Batista – the U.S. supported right-wing dictator of Cuba.
Castro and other Cuban nationalists attacked Batista as too friendly to the American corporate, political and mafia elite.
The USSR scored a Cold War victory when Cuba went red, embarrassing the U.S. and setting in motion a response.
In 1959, Eisenhower approved plans for a U.S. sponsored invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles living in Miami.
The CIA was over-confident from earlier similar successful overthrows in Guatemala and Iran.
24. 24 Bay of Pigs Invasion JFK endorsed the basic CIA invasion plan involving about 1500 Cuban exiles armed and covertly trained by the CIA.
The CIA erroneously assumed that Castro was unpopular and unprepared for such an attack. They assumed native Cubans would rise up and join the 1500 exiles to displace Castro.
The attack (April 15-17, 1961) was a disaster, embarrassing JFK, who had been in office only about three months.
CIA director Allen Dulles, one of the planners, was forced to resign.
The attack strengthened regional guerilla movements that claimed that the U.S. was imperialistic. “Yankee go home!”
JFK went on U.S. television to admit his role in the failed invasion. “Victory has a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan.”
JFK continued covert operations against Castro, and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis would be the next big confrontation.
25. 25 Bay of Pigs Invasion The willingness of the U.S. elite to invade Cuba (note their moralistic fear of communism) despite their professed support for the sovereignty of other nations revealed contradictions that would haunt the idealistic youth of the early 1960s.
Note Attorney General RFK’s defense of the legality of the Bay of Pigs.
26. 26 The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Fidel Castro, coming to power and facing U.S. hostility, sought resources from the USSR. The Soviets obliged.
Cuban and Soviet tensions with the U.S. were high.
In April, 1962, Castro agreed to allow Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuban soil. They arrived in September.
The Soviets knew that the U.S. had already installed nuclear missiles in Turkey (in the Soviet sphere of influence).
The Soviets publicly denied they were installing missiles in Cuba.
In October, U.S. spy planes discovered the missiles in Cuba.
JFK decides to confront the Soviets and Cubans.
27. 27 Cuban Missile Crisis Three military response options were debated by the U.S. National Security Council
Air attack on the missile bases
Full military invasion of Cuba
Naval blockade of Cuba (quarantine)
JFK opted for the naval blockade for the time being, but did not rule out the possibility of an invasion.
On October 22, 1962, JFK announced the quarantine.
Khrushchev claimed it was illegal and would cause a war.
On October 24, about 19 Soviet ships were blocked as the U.S. and Soviets engaged in a furious standoff.
28. 28 Cuban Missile Crisis The crisis deepened when neither side showed any signs they would back down.
Castro was convinced a U.S. invasion was immanent and urged a hard line to Khrushchev.
This was the closest the U.S. and USSR had ever come to nuclear war.
Through difficult and awkward negotiations, the U.S. and Soviets worked out an arrangement.
The Soviets would remove their missiles from Cuba and the U.S. would stop the quarantine and promise not to invade Cuba. The U.S. also privately agreed to remove their missiles from Turkey, pending NATO approval.
29. 29 Cuban Missile Crisis Because it appeared in the public eye that Khrushchev had backed down, the outcome weakened Khrushchev and strengthened JFK.
Khrushchev would remain in power only two more years.
The Soviets resolved to escalate their nuclear weapons program.
JFK’s image as a powerful world leader would rise and JFK learned some dangerous lessons (1) a macho foreign policy works and (2) the CIA and other secret agencies are essential programs.
The U.S. military increased its hubris (military solution in Vietnam).
Castro’s position in Cuba was strengthened.
Both superpowers resolved to establish good communications with each other to avoid another similar confrontation.
The U.S. and USSR created a direct-link “red telephone” system.
Greater U.S. and Soviet diplomacy led to a SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty) agreement by 1963.
30. 30 End of this section of Farber