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Ex-ante evaluations 2014-2020 of ESF operational programmes. Kamil Valica Unit A.3 Impact Assessment and Evaluation DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Budapest 26 th September 2013. Result Orientation - important factors. Intervention logic. Ex-ante evalu ation (EAE).
Ex-ante evaluations 2014-2020 ofESF operational programmes Kamil Valica Unit A.3 Impact Assessment and Evaluation DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Budapest 26th September 2013
Result Orientation- important factors Intervention logic Ex-ante evaluation (EAE) Programme design Interactive process Iterative process Indicators On-going evaluation Implementation Monitoring Ex-post evaluation
Intervention logic Indicators Timing Ex-ante evaluation – a few major points
Challenges and needs • Country-specific recommendations • National Reform Programme • European semester analyses • Consistent translation into thematic objectives and investment priorities Clear intervention logic (1) Funding priorities Linkage to Europe 2020 Strategy
Specific objectives (SO) • Precise definition (of change) • Should be more specific than the investment priority about target groups, problem area or structure, procedures, institutions, etc. it seeks to change • Should logically link to the proposed actions • Measurement (result indicators) • Types of actions • The most appropriate interventions to achieve SO (the right "action mix"?) • The choice based on an analysis of problems • Measurement of their outputs (output indicators) Clear intervention logic (2)
Logical framework / Theory of change • Clarifies the intervention logic • Demonstrates causal links between: • Types of actions -> outputs -> intended results / specific objective • Description of how planned actions will contribute to specific objectives is often lacking in first OP drafts reviewed. • Helps identifying for which results/outputs, not captured by common indicators, programme-specific indicators should be established Clear intervention logic (3) Result indicators Output indicators
Ex-ante evaluators should consult carefully draft guidance on ESF Monitoring and Evaluation 2014-2020 and assess: • Relevance • Result indicators should capture a change in the situation of supported participants or entities • Clarity • Indicators should have a clear title and an unequivocal and easy to understand definition Relevant and clear indicators
Ex-ante evaluators should also assess: • Target values – are they realistic? • Consult background papers for ESF target setting http://ec.europa.eu/esf/main.jsp?catId=67&langId=en&newsId=8174 • Data collection • Will data be collected and reported on time? • Have necessary arrangements been put in place to collect and store micro-data of participants? • Are existing databases used as data sources? (NB: reduction of admin. burden for beneficiaries) • Are procedures in place to ensure quality of data? Indicators with realistic targets and identified data sources
To allow for an interactive process, contractors need to be found on time to accompany the design of programme from its first draft To allow for an iterative process (work in stages, revisiting of earlier stages on basis of evaluation recommendations), also programme design should start on time to allow for sufficient time space to evaluate and take on board recommendations Good timing is necessary to allow for interactive and iterative process
Based on a questionnaire of 20 MS (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, HU, IR, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SI, UK) – information from DG EMPL country geodesks received by 24/09/2013 Ex-ante evaluations of ESF programmes – state of play
Based on a questionnaire of 20 MS (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DK, EL, EE, ES, FI, HU, IR, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SI, UK) – information from DG EMPL country geodesks received by 24/09/2013 • In general, the EAEs carried out in an interactive way • Challenges: • Time constraints • - Waiting for elaboration of other strategies • Parallel process of programming and EAE • Frequently changing OP drafts make preparation of EAE complicated and difficult to keep relevance of EAE interim reports; nevertheless valid EAE recommendations taken on board. • Delay in public procurement Ex-ante evaluations of ESF programmes – other observations