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Ex Ante Evaluations - Preparing for EU 2014-2020. Experiences from Germany concerning the Ex Ante Evaluation of 2014-2020 RDPs Budapest, 26th of September 2013 Jörg Schramek. 1. Federal Germany with 16 „ Laender “, 13 RDPs 2014-2020 and 9 Ex- ante Evaluators.
Ex Ante Evaluations - Preparingfor EU 2014-2020 Experiencesfrom Germany concerningthe Ex Ante Evaluation of 2014-2020 RDPs Budapest, 26th of September 2013 Jörg Schramek 1
Federal Germanywith 16 „Laender“, 13 RDPs2014-2020 and9 Ex-anteEvaluators Evaluators (withoutsubcontractors) Institute for Rural Development Research(Frankfurt) + ART BonnEval (Bonn) & entera Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (Braunschweig) Forschungsgruppe Agrar- und Regionalentwicklung (Triesdorf) Agripol-Network for Policy Advice GbR DSN-Moderation ISW- Institut für Strukturpolitik und Wirtschaftsförderung University of Hohenheim LMS-Landwirtschaftsberatung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH Source ofMap: Thünen Institut, Braunschweig
Main Stepsand Status of Programming in Germany Mainlydone In progress • Strategyofprogramme: • Definition ofobjectivesbypriorities • Selectionofmeasurestoreachobjectives • Distribution offinancialresourcesbymeasure Identificationofneeds Situation Analysis SWOT
ConsequencesofdelayedprogrammingforEx-Ante-Evaluation Ex-ante-Evaluation • Assessmentofthe Situation Analysis and SWOT • Assessmentoftheidentificationofneeds, based on SWOT • Major tasksoftheevaluation still needtobedone, whenprogrammesarefinalised (e.g.): ! • Assessmentofexternalandinternalconsistencyandcoherence • Assessmentofquantifiedtargetsatoutputandresult-level • Assessmentofthecontributionoftheexpectedoutputstoresults More emphasisof Ex-ante-evaluatortoproviderecommendationsto MA in theprocessofprogramming(severalcriticalpoints will besolvedat an earlystage)
ConsequencesofdelayedprogrammingforStrategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) • SEA expertsgavetheirpointofviewtosituationanalysis • Scopingisfirstcrucialstepof SEA • Scopingdocumentshavetobepreparedincluding • ObjectivesofScoping • Short overview on structureandobjectivesoftheprogramme! • First assessmentof potential environmental impactsofmeasures! • Scopingcannotstartwithoutthesebasicinformation! SEA expert startedto interview Managing AuthoritiesandscientificstaffofMinistriestogain relevant informationearly in advance
Questionstothe European Commission • Ex anteevaluationcomprises • Accompanyingprocess: Evaluatorisinvolved in theprocessofprogramme design • Asessementofthe final draftoftheprogramme (writtenpart) Question: Whatwrittencontributionsdoesthe EC expect, whenthekeyroleofthe ex anteistocontributetothedevelopmentoftheRDP? Question: Howdoesthe EC seethe final benefitofthe Ex anteevaluation?Shallitmainlyserveas a final certificatefortheRDP? • The finalisationoftheprogrammingof RDPs will bedelayeduntilearly 2014 Question:Doesthe EC havesuggestions, howthe final submissionofthe RDPs maynot befurtherdelayedby Ex-anteevaluation& SEA (e.g. consultationsaccordingto SEA requireminimumperiodof time)?
Anyquestions? Jörg Schramek IfLS – Institute for Rural Development Research Kurfürstenstraße 49 60486 Frankfurt am Main Telefon ++49 (0)69-972 6683-14 www.ifls.de 7