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The Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah: Evidence of Divinity

Explore the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus as the predicted Messiah to reveal divine truth and significance. Discuss the improbability of chance fulfillment with an unbeliever and emphasize the importance of recognizing Jesus as God. Share thought-provoking illustrations to spark reflection and encourage faith.

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The Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah: Evidence of Divinity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 10:Fulfilled Prophecy

  2. I. What Prophecies Did the MessiahHave to Fulfill?

  3. Tribeof Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23, 33 House of David Jeremiah 23:5 Luke 3:23, 31 Enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1–8

  4. ProphecyFulfillment Born atBethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1 Introduced by a messenger Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 3:1–3 Bodypiercedin crucifixion Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34

  5. ProphecyFulfillment Laidto rest with the rich Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57–60 Endurewounds and bruises Isaiah 53:5 Matthew 27:26

  6. ProphecyFulfillment Teachingand healing ministry Isaiah 61:1, 2; 32:3–4; 35:5 Matthew 9:35 Luke 4:17–21 Arrive before the Temple and Jerusalem destroyed Daniel 9:26 Temple, Jerusalem destroyed AD 70 Labeled Lord and God Jeremiah 23:6, Isaiah 9:6 John 20:28 Luke 2:11

  7. ProphecyFulfillment Killed 483 years after decree to rebuild Jerusalem Daniel 9:25–26 Gospels, history (Christ died about AD 30) Silent before accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:12

  8. II. What Is the Probability that Jesus Fulfilled Those Prophecies by Chance?

  9. II. What Is the Probability that Jesus Fulfilled Those Prophecies by Chance? • Conservative estimate: 1 in 1017

  10. III. What Do These Fulfilled Prophecies Demonstrate?

  11. They demonstrate that Jesus was the predicted Messiah, and since the Messiah was to be divine, it shows that Jesus was God.

  12. IV. Application of Lesson

  13. A. This week, discuss the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies with an unbeliever. Present the list of prophecies that Jesus fulfilled hundreds of years after the predictions. Use the Texas illustration to show the improbability that these prophecies were fulfilled by chance. In the space below, record his/her reactions.

  14. B. Share the following illustration with the same unbeliever: A prognosticator predicted 50 things about you. They all came true except one. The last one was conditional: If you drive down a certain street on a certain day, you will die in a fiery car crash. Would you drive down that street? In light of the fact that Jesus fulfilled at least 49 prophecies of the Bible (they all came true), are you going to ignore one more prophecy that says that if you don’t receive Jesus, you will be separated from God forever?

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