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Stramenopiles. Photosynthetic Stramenopiles (Ochrophytes). Chrysophyceans (Golden Brown). Synurophyceans (Silica-Scaled Algae). Phaeophyceans (Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweeds). Tribophyceans (Yellow-Green). Bacillariophyceans (Diatoms). Brown Algae (Phaeophycean) Diversity. Elachista.
Photosynthetic Stramenopiles (Ochrophytes) Chrysophyceans (Golden Brown) Synurophyceans (Silica-Scaled Algae) Phaeophyceans (Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweeds) Tribophyceans (Yellow-Green) Bacillariophyceans (Diatoms)
Brown Algae (Phaeophycean) Diversity Elachista Ectocarpus
Brown Algae Diversity Hormosira Scytosiphon
Brown Algae Diversity Fucus
Brown Algae Diversity Nereocystis
Brown Algae Diversity Streblonema Infected Macrocystis
Sexual Life Cycles I: Isomorphic Alternation of Generations Sporophyte (2n) Scytosiphon Ectocarpus Gametophyte (n)
Sexual Life Cycles II: Heteromorphic Alternation of Generations Sporophyte (2n) Nereocystis Laminaria Sargassum Macrocystis (Kelp) Gametophyte (n)
Sexual Life Cycles III: Diplontic (2n) Fucus (Rockweed) (1n)
Asexual Reproduction (2n) Ectocarpus (1n)
Brown Algae Ecological Significance Productivity: Up to 1 kg C / m2 / y (Graham et al. 2008)
Brown Algae Viewing Sites Point Lobos State Preserve, CA (just south of Monterrey CA)
Brown Algae Economic Significance Alginate
Growth Patterns: Diffuse (Non-Localized) Growth Chorda filum Fig. 14.19 in Graham et al. 2008
Growth Patterns: Apical Cell (Filamentous)
Growth Patterns: Apical Cell (Filament Bundles = Pseudoparenchyma) Desmarestia
Growth Patterns: Apical Meristem (Apical Meristem - Parenchyma)
Brown Algal Tissue Differentiation: Epidermis, Cortex and Medulla Laminaria Figs. 17.15 in Lee 1999
Brown Algae Sugar Conducting Cells: (Trumpet Hyphae) Figs. 14.45, 14.46 in Graham et al. 2008
Brown Algae Organ Differentiation (Holdfast, Stipe, Blade)
Brown Algae Organ Differentiation (Pneumatocysts= Bladders) Macrocystis Nereocystis Sargassum
Brown Algal Cell Wall Characteristics: Plasmodesmata
Cell Wall Components I: Alginate Mg2+ K+ Ca2+ Na+ Alginate
Brown Algae Herbivore Defenses: Physodes (Containing Tannins) 21
Brown Algae Plastids (PER) Fig. 12.5 in Graham et al. 2008
Brown Algae Plastids (PER) Plastid Membranes Fig. 12.5 in Graham et al. 2008
Brown Algae Pigments II Beta-Carotene Fucoxanthin 6
Brown Algae Storage Product: Laminarin Beta (1 – 3) Linkages
Brown Algal Cell Division (2n) Ectocarpus (1n)
Brown Algal Life Cycles Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) X
Isomorphic Alternation of Generations (Ectocarpus) Gametophyte (n) Sporophyte (2n) Spore (n) Zygote (2n) Gametes (n) Fig. 14.23 in Graham et al. 2008
Gametophyte Unilocular Sporangium 11 Ectocarpus Sporophyte Pleurilocular Gametangium 12
Male Gametangium Female Gametangium Pheromone (= Sex Hormone) (e.g., Ectocarpene)
Ectocarpus Summary Gametophyte (1n) Sporophyte (2n)