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I ntroduction to Central L ab Journal C lub

I ntroduction to Central L ab Journal C lub. 21 November 2013 by Asieh Azarm. Purpose of Journal Club talks :. Learn about different research field. Keep informed about new developments. Foster discussion and interaction.

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I ntroduction to Central L ab Journal C lub

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  1. Introduction to Central Lab Journal Club 21 November 2013 by Asieh Azarm

  2. Purpose of Journal Club talks: • Learn about different research field. • Keep informed about new developments. • Foster discussion and interaction. • Help students develop analytical and presentations skills.

  3. My students are dismayed when I say to them “Half of what you are taught as medical students will in 10 years have been shown to be wrong. And the trouble is none of your teachers know which half.” Sydney Burwell, Dean of Harvard Medical School

  4. Learning objectives: • Attitudes • Knowledge • skills

  5. Attitudes: • Internalize the need for a critical approach to the medical literature. • Internalize value of life-long learning and continued independent reading of the medical literature. • Recognize the extent of differing viewpoints during group discussion after reading the same article.

  6. Knowledge: • Become familiar with published guidelines for critical appraisal and how to apply them. • Become familiar with: Basic study designs Basic statistical approaches Basic outcomes assessment methods Issues of generalizability of results

  7. Skills: • Efficiently and concisely describe the major features of a study. • Provide critical appraisal, identifying: Strengths Weaknesses Applicability/generalizability • To be able to go to the literature and find an answer to a clinical management question.

  8. Approaches to Journal Club: • Reading and interpreting (with a critical eye) the medical literature that comes to you. • Asking answerable questions. “If you don’t ask questions, you will never learn anything.” “Fuzzy Questions lead to fuzzy answers.”

  9. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. Albert Einstein1879-1955

  10. Presenting at Journal Club: • Introduce yourself: • Why did you find or choose this paper? • How does it relate to your interests? • Tell the audience search strategies you used. • Briefly describe main study population, methods, results, conclusions. • Present your critical appraisal comments. • Have the content expert make comments! • Be ready for group discussion . • State the final take home messages.

  11. Critique: Subjectively: • How does it relate to your own experiences? • Why did you find this paper interesting or important? • What do you think the impact of this paper is? Objectively: • Is the method in obtaining answer is the appropriate for the research question? • Was their support valid?

  12. Expectations: When others present: • Attend class • Listen attentively • Participate in discussion • Provide constructive feedback

  13. Summary: • Journal club is the opportunity to express your communication skills and thought process. May be the only place where we value thoughts over memory in the learning process. The vital skill of medical profession and of life. • So take it as the opportunity to impress or let the staff know more about you.

  14. Good Luck

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