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The MOngols

The MOngols. Justin Koss. Background. The Mongol involve all who speak the Mongolic language- this includes the Khalkha Mongols, the Inner Mongolians, the Buryats , the Oirats , and the Kalmyks The name Mongol first appeared in the eighth century- the records of the Tang Dynasty in China

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The MOngols

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  1. The MOngols Justin Koss

  2. Background • The Mongol involve all who speak the Mongolic language- this includes the Khalkha Mongols, the Inner Mongolians, the Buryats, the Oirats, and the Kalmyks • The name Mongol first appeared in the eighth century- the records of the Tang Dynasty in China • Genghis Khan united Mongolic and Turkic tribes-the term “Mongol grew into an umbrella term” for these tribes

  3. Language • Historians have not found a specific origin of the Mongolic language or the languages used by the tribes that were under the “Mongol Umbrella” • Tungusic and Turkic are two languages that researchers have proposed that there is a link between these languages and the Mongolic language • These three languages along with other languages found in the are around Mongolia, are in a group called Altaic Languages

  4. Mongol Weapons • Horses- the Mongols were some of the first to use horses in battle, these horses allowed them to quickly move through the ranks of an army and the horses also allowed the Mongols to strike from above their enemies which gave the Mongols a greater chance of survival. • Composite bow- a lightweight bow perfect for hunting or for warfare on horseback

  5. Mongol weapons continued • The Mongols used three different types of arrows: • An arrow used for fighting had an iron head and could go as far as 200 meters • An arrow with a v-shaped tip was used for “piercing through the skin of enemies” • An arrow that had holes in it would make a whistling sound. This arrow could be used to tell an army which direction to march in • Halberds- a double sided blade that is mounted on a six foot tall pole could only be afforded by those of high rank or someone who is wealthy

  6. Modern day Mongolia • Ethnic Groups(2010)- 95.35% Mongol, 3.86% Kazakh, 0.8% others • Area- 603,909 square miles • 2010 census- 2,754,685 people • GDP(2011 estimate)- $13.264 billion • Currency-tögrög • Capitol (also the largest city)- Ulan Bator • Official language- Mongolian • Official scripts- Mongolian Cyrillic and Mongolian Script

  7. Works cited • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol • http://ryanwolfe.weebly.com/weapons.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolia

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