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The Mongols

The Mongols. The Onon River, Mongolia in autumn, a site where Temüjin was born and grew up. Largest Empire in World to Date Subjects of the Great Khan Fighting Force of 250,000.

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The Mongols

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  1. The Mongols

  2. The Onon River, Mongolia in autumn, a site where Temüjin was born and grew up. Largest Empire in World to DateSubjects of the Great KhanFighting Force of 250,000

  3. Why So Powerful?Nomadic LifeFlocks of Sheep and Herds of HorsesWarlike SpiritHard Life Pasture to PastureLeast Promising of the TribesMen Hunt and FightWomen Did the Rest of the Work

  4. Life With the MongolsSheep—Meat ClothingHorses—TransportLeather for ArmorMare’s Milk for CurdsFermented Milk called KoumissCamel for TransportationOxen to Pull SuppliesPastures—Highly MobileTrade Saddle From Childhood

  5. YurtsErect and DismantleFelt Stretched Over FramePapal Legate Giovanni de Plano CarpiniCamp of Batu KhanWheels 20 paces ApartAxles as Thick as a Ship’s Mast22 Oxens to Drag Cart26 Wives—Each had her Own Yurt100-200 Carts for ProvisionsVictory—More Wives and Children

  6. Temujin“The greatest joy that a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him, to ride their horses and deprive them of their possessions, to make their beloved weep, and to embrace their wives and daughters”Father Killed when he was a BoyMother Nestorian ChristianFighting, Diplomacy and Determination1206 Named Great Khan

  7. Attract and Hold His FollowersScattered ClansMotivationMilitary OrganizationLeft, Center, RightGuard of 1000 MenDisciplineUnits of 10, 100, 1000Formidable SoldierIron Stirrup (4th Century)Forward or RearDouble-Curved Compound BowPierce Armor and Kill at 200 Yards

  8. Light SaberLance with Hook and MaceSteel HelmetLight Body Armor—Lacquered HideExcellent CommunicationsTribal Politics—Regular Post RoutesHorse with Bells—Relay StationsBandaged From Head to Foot300 Miles in a DayGuard Served as Officer TrainingYounger Sons of Clan ChiefsHostages and TrainingGuards Special Privileges and Larger Share of PlunderSpies and Propaganda

  9. Temujin’s Empire at about 1227

  10. Wise Choice of OfficersOgadaiManage Men Most ImportantMagnetism and Fearless LeadershipYasa—”Code of laws”Protection of Trade Route Xi Xia on China’s Northwest Border 1209 Jin Defeated in 1215Do not Destroy Chinese Peasants—TaxTurkestan 1221Bokhara—Smarkand1227—Death and divided Among Four Sons and His Chief Wife

  11. Coronation of Ogadai in 1229 CE Ogadai Continued the Conquest1231 Persia ConqueredBatu Crossed into Russia (Moscow and Kiev)1241 Poland, Bohemia, and HungaryBatu Returned at the Death of Ogadai

  12. Caliph Al-Nasir (1180-1225) Restore OrderShake off Seljuks (Iraq and Kurdistan)Threat of Turkish Shi’ism 60,000 MongoliansNothing Could StandHavoc and DestructionKhwarism DevastatedHerat, Samarkand, BalkAl-Nasir and His Successors, the Last of the Abbasids

  13. 1253 HulaguSick Caliph in Baghdad1256 Hulagu Reached AlamutAssassins Mother Covent—DemolishedOrder Never Recovered1258 Battered the Walls of Baghdad Caliph Al-MustasimVizir and Nestorian PatriarchHulagu Not Receive Them“If the Caliph is Killed the Whole Universe is Disorganized. The Sun Hides its face, rain ceases, and plants grow no More” Alamut beseiged

  14. Persian Manuscript showing Hulague taking the city. February 10 1258 Brach in the Tower Caliph and 300 Officials slaughteredPlunder and FlamesSo Many Bodies that Mongols Had to Leave the CityHulagu Died in 1265

  15. Kingdom Passed to to SonsThe Il-KhansFrom the Oxus to SyriaCaucasus to the Indian OceanUtilize the AdministrationArtistic AbilityPatronized Cultivated SavantsGreat Grandson Ghazan Embraced Islam in 1295Devoted to Revivification of Culture

  16. Shrine of Imam Riza, Mashad; Eighth Imam Muslim Religion Succeeded Where Muslim Arms FailedCapital City of TabrizGhazan—Buildings, Gardens, Home for Dervishes, Hospitals, Observatory, Library, Academy, Religious Schools, and Administrative Buildings

  17. Under il-Khans Law CodifiedTaxes Equal and CollectedInternal Security MaintainedCaravan Roads Policed—10,000 SoldiersGenoese and Venetian Merchants in Tabriz

  18. Saadi (1184-1291)Brightest Jewel in Literary Crown Of PersiaPrisoner of CrusadersDitch DiggerFriend Ransomed SaidiReturned to ShirazThe Gulistan (Rose Garden)Bustan (Orchard)Sufi Poems Saadi’s Tomb in Shiraz

  19. Hafiz’s Tomb in Shiraz HafizLyric PoetAlso from shiraztheologianSang the Songs of Joys of Youth, Wine and Beauty of natureImagery“Song of Songs”Translated into Many Languages

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