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Religion in the Middle East. Judaism. W e know about Hebrews comes from laws/ requirements of Judaism Five books= Torah, most sacred text Hebrew Bible is called the Old Testament in Christian Bible Abraham God told Abraham to leave Mesopotamia & polytheism
Judaism • We know about Hebrews comes from laws/ requirements of Judaism • Five books= Torah, most sacred text • Hebrew Bible is called the Old Testament in Christian Bible • Abraham God told Abraham to leave Mesopotamia & polytheism Made covenant to new home in Promised Land Grandson Jacob had 12 sons = 12 tribes (Twelve Tribes of Israel) Abraham, son & grandson are patriarchs or ancestral “fathers”
Judaism • Moses God told him to lead Israelites out of Egypt • Exodus major event in Jewish history, celebrating Passover( special meal called seder) • The Ten Commandments only one God exists, self-control, justice
Teachings of Judaism • Most important belief is that only one God exists monotheism • Being Just= Treating other people with kindness and fairness • Being Righteous= doing what is right and proper EVEN when others do not • Mosaic Law governs how Jews pray and when they worship • Torah, Prophets and Writings all have recordings of sacred texts
Islam • Islam means “achieving peace through submission to God” • Muslims began to follow Muhammad • Qur’an sacred text of Islam • Muslims believe that only in original Arabic language know meaning and beauty of text • Five Pillars of Islam behaviors and obligations that are common to Muslims • Mosque name of the building Muslims worship
Five Pillars of Islam • 1- Profession of Faith • 2- Performance of five daily prayers (always face Mecca) • 3- Giving to charity or poor • 4- Required to fast • 5- Visit Mecca
Guidelines for Behavior • Muslims not allowed to eat pork or drink alcohol • Wash themselves before praying • Prohibits murder, lying, and stealing • jihad”struggle for faith”, defend the Muslim community