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Anatomy & Physiology 100 Section B It’s about your Body!. Course: AP 100, Human AP Survey, 5cr, Item # 0247, Sec. B, Spring 2007 Instructor: Steven G. Brumbaugh, M.S. Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology , 8th ed. by Marieb Schedule: Daily, 0800 to 0900, Bldg. STD-32
Anatomy & Physiology 100 Section B It’s about your Body!
Course: AP 100, Human AP Survey, 5cr, Item # 0247, Sec. B, Spring 2007 Instructor: Steven G. Brumbaugh, M.S. Text: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 8th ed. by Marieb Schedule: Daily, 0800 to 0900, Bldg. STD-32 Office/Hours: STA-68, Daily from 0700 to 0800, M & W 1000 to 1100 or by appointment Phone: (253) 833-9111, Ext. 4807, E-mail: sbrumbau@greenriver.edu Web site:http://www.instruction.greenriver.edu/sbrumbau/
Provisions of Americans with Disabilities Act If you believe you qualify for course adaptations or special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, it is your responsibility to contact the Disability Support Coordinator in the LSC 126 (253) 833-9111, ext. 2631, and provide the appropriate documentation. If you have already documented a disability or other condition that would qualify you for special accommodations, or if you have emergency medical information or special needs I should know about, please notify me during the first week of class. You can reach me by phone at (253) 833-9111, Ext. 4807, or you can schedule and office appointment to meet me in STA 68, during my posted office hours. If this location is not convenient for you, we will schedule an alternative site for the meeting.
EVALUATION of ASSIGNMENTS Quizzes and Final The Friday of each week starting with the 6th of April, you will take a 35-point quiz over the week’s material. The content of each quiz will be multiple choice, matching, short answer essay, and/or true/false. Each quiz will be given during the first half hour (don’t be late) of each Friday’s lecture. You will be allowed to drop one quiz score (usually the lowest, but if you prefer I can drop which ever score suits your fancy) to determine your final grade. Total quiz points (after dropping one score) = 280 points.
The final exam will cover the untested material at the end of the quarter (35 points) and some review questions from the first nine quizzes (65 points) divided equally between the quizzes. The final exam will be multiple choice or true/ false only. Total final points = 100 points. Quizzes and exams may be taken before the scheduled time but never late.
Practical Quizzes You will be required to take Four (4) practical quizzes during the quarter. During the week prior to each practical you will be given a sheet of materials which you will need to know for the practical. Practicals are designed to test your identification ability. For example I could show you a picture, drawing, or a real femur and you would identify it as such. Each practical will be worth 30 points. Total points for practicals = 120 points. Practical exams may be taken before the scheduled time but never late.
Writing Assignment Each student is required to complete a writing assignment. This will entail researching a medical condition, disease, or syndrome of your choosing. Start early and gather your information, read and re-read the information, and then write the paper in a narrative format. Basically, you are going to become kind of an expert on your topic and then will relate this information to your readers (me). The paper will be type written using 12 font and be double-spaced. The length of the paper should be a minimum of four pages of text to encompass the following topics: 1) A description of the condition, disease, or syndrome, 2) Treatment (if any) regimens for the condition, disease, or syndrome,
3) The means by which the condition, disease, or syndrome is passed from person to person, and 4) An explanation of your interest in the condition, disease, or syndrome and how this paper has changed your impression of the condition, disease, or syndrome. The final copy of the paper should have a separate title and bibliography page. The title page should have the following items: Title of topic, your name, course number, due date of paper, and instructor name. Each reference cited should be referenced within the body of the text and also appear on the reference page.
The proper technique to reference authors in the text can be one of two ways. One way is to cite the information in the text followed with the authors name and year of publication in parenthesis. The second way is to cite the information in the text followed by a number in parenthesis. This number refers the reader to the reference in the bibliography page from which the quotation has been cited.
On Friday the 18th of May you will bring in a rough draft copy of your paper to share with a peer (peer reviewing is worth 25 points towards the reviewer’s grade). The peer will use the rubric provided to grade your paper. You will then use this information to do a final draft that is due June 4th, along with the peer reviewed rubric. The final draft will be graded based on the paper evaluation rubric in this syllabus. Total paper points = 125 points.
In Class Assignments Classroom group assignments with each chapter of study will occur with regular and irregular frequency. Since we will be covering all sixteen chapters (sometimes more than one per week) there will be sixteen classroom assignments. These tasks are designed to assist you in mastering the topics covered in the course. Each assignment will carry a 20 point value towards your grade. A group consists of two to four students that will work together to complete the assignment. The assignments should take no longer than ten to fifteen minutes to complete. These can not be made up, but you can get a copy of the assignment and complete the tasks to assist you in taking the next quiz. Total In-Class Assignments = 320 points.
GRADING Student Point Capture for Grading Purposes (Use this table to track your point capture and the list below to track your grade.) 8 Quizzes (35 points each) Total = . 1 Final Exam (100 points) Total = . 4 Practicals (30 points each) Total = . 1 Written Paper (125 points) Total = . 16 Assignments (15 points each) Total = . Divide your total by the current course total to calculate your percentage.
The following schedule will be used to assign your final grade for this course. By keeping a running total on the table above you can track where your grade is at any time during the quarter. Use this as a motivational tool to obtain the grade you desire. The total points for this course will be 1015 points. 95%= 4.0 89%= 3.4 83%= 2.8 77%= 2.2 71%= 1.6 65%= 1.1 94%= 3.9 88%= 3.3 82%= 2.7 76%= 2.1 70%= 1.5 64%= 1.0 93%= 3.8 87%= 3.2 81%= 2.6 75%= 2.0 69%= 1.4 63%= 0.9 92%= 3.7 86%= 3.1 80%= 2.5 74%= 1.9 68%= 1.3 62%= 0.8 91%= 3.6 85%= 3.0 79%= 2.4 73%= 1.8 67%= 1.2 61%= 0.7 90%= 3.5 84%= 2.9 78%= 2.3 72%= 1.7 66%= 1.2
CLASSROOM POLICIES 1) Attendance The course material comes from a number of sources, including your book. I try to keep my presentations as current as possible. Your attendance is necessary for three reasons: 1) I ask quiz/exam questions mainly from my notes, 2) We need your valuable input for every lecture, and 3) Attendance plays a role in the final evaluation of your grade. If at the end of the quarter you find yourself on the cusp between two grades, attendance and participation will encourage me to move you into the next highest grade category.
2) Cheating My policy on cheating is pretty simple and straightforward. I don’t tolerate any blatant, implied, or appearance of cheating during any quiz or exam. If you are caught aiding yourself or others on a quiz/exam then your grade for that quiz will be a zero. If the behavior persists your name will be submitted to the Dean of Instruction for the Sciences for further consideration. It will be based on my decision and all my decisions will be final. WAC 132J-125-200
3) Pass/No Credit Option Students may elect to be evaluated on a “Pass” or “No Credit” basis rather that by decimal grade. To declare this intention, the student must file a petition with the registrar no later than the end of the eighth week of the quarter. For students who qualify, the registrar will convert the decimal grade submitted by the instructor either to a credit (P) or to a no credit (NC). Any student who does not inform the registrar by the deadline may not choose the P/NC option. See GRCC class schedule for details.
4) Student Conduct Inappropriate conduct will be addressed verbally as a first warning. The second offense will be addressed in writing to the student and the Dean. The third offense may result in permanent removal from class. WAC 132J-125-210
5) Helpful Hints: • Keep up with your reading. Stay ahead of the lectures. • Set aside daily time for review and study. Take small bites of information as opposed to large gulps. Don’t Cram. • Ask questions. Use the office hours, the e-mail, or phone to get clarification of information. • Understand the concepts and don’t just try to memorize everything. • Take some time off where you set your book aside and appreciate life. • Have fun learning about your body. • Set a goal early and Make It So!
6) Instructor’s Right The instructor reserves the right the change any policies, provisions, and considerations outlined in this syllabus. Be confident in your knowledge and work diligently to obtain your knowledge. Confidence and diligent work will greatly reduce the stress of a quiz or exam and ensure success. Good Luck!
Student Understandings • I understand the standards in this course and that I am responsible for monitoring my own learning. • I understand that when we are working in small groups I am responsible to take an active part in advancing the assigned work of the group. • I understand that I will be held responsible for assessing my own work using criteria and standards discussed in class. • I understand that if at any time in the quarter I feel unsure about my “grade”, I may request an assessment from the instructor.
Student Understandings • I understand that nearly every class period will have something due, in-class assignments, quiz, seminar/journal questions, labs, and etc. • I understand that all assignments will be prepared using the format discussed for each assignment. • I understand that pre-class assignments must be completed before coming to class. • I understand that in-class assignments can only be accomplished in the assigned period of instruction.
Student Understandings • I understand that the writing assignment will be evaluated using criteria and the rubric given in the syllabus. • I understand that I am responsible for my own learning. • I understand the use of the quizzes employed in this class is to prepare me for the coming week. • I understand that some projects will be worked on in pairs or larger groups. • I understand that the work of the course requires consistent classroom attendance and active participation. • I understand that the choice is mine and not the instructors...