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Investigating Resveratrol's Effects on Blood Sugar and Longevity in Drosophila<br>

This study examines how resveratrol affects blood sugar levels and longevity in Drosophila fruit flies. Resveratrol's potential to mimic calorie restriction for lifespan extension is explored.<br>

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Investigating Resveratrol's Effects on Blood Sugar and Longevity in Drosophila<br>

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  1. Abstract In 2000, poor diet including obesity and physical inactivity caused 400,000 U.S. deaths -- more than 16 percent of all deaths and the No. 2 killer (Mokdad, 2004). Also Worldwide, high blood sugar is linked to 3.16 million deaths each year (Chang, 2006). Insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) signal through a highly conserved pathway and control growth and metabolism in both vertebrates and invertebrates (Hafen, 2008). Resveratrol is shown to inhibit the insulin signalling pathway in several cell lines. (Zhang, 2008). Inhibition of insulin signaling, a hallmark of caloric restriction (CR) and longevity, also appears to be promoted by resveratrol in a SIRT1-independent pathway. Zhang suggests that resveratrol mimics calorie restriction to extend lifespan of Drosophila through the activation of Sir2 (Zhang, 2006). The different groups include control, resveratrol diet, high glucose diet and resveratrol with high glucose diet. The glucose was measured using a spectrophotometer and measuring its transmittance. Actual Causes of Death Need Figure 1- Human Deaths (Poor Diet) Mokdad, 2004 Knowledge Base Resveratrol/Blood Sugar http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v444/n7117/images/nature05354-f2.2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v444/n7117/fig_tab/nature05354_F2.html&h=913&w=600&sz=228&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=7wHZ9vzJGinRFM:&tbnh=147&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dresveratrol%2Binsulin%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DG Calorie Restriction http://www.nature.com/nrm/journal/v6/n4/images/nrm1616-f1.jpg Figure 3- Ex. of resveratrol on mice (similar effects on Drosophila as shown by zhang, 2006) Figure 4- Calorie Restriction activation ie. with resveratrol intake Drosophila Literature Review Hypothesis Null Hypothesis: There will be no significant difference between groups. Alternate Hypothesis: There will be a significant difference in blood sugar when resveratrol is supplemented and there will be an increase the longevity and no change in Fecundity. http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/life_sciences/report-52743.html Figure 5- Drosophila (magnified) Purpose

  2. Methedology http://www.gsrtech.com/unico/2100.html http://www.rpicorp.com/templates/products_imgs/5ml%20TUBE1.jpg http://www.ktf-split.hr/glossary/image/centrifuge.gif

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