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Cold War Invasions. Soviet Union. Afghanistan. Jeremy Gentile Tommy Kalb Matt Cina. Vietnam. United States. Thesis.
Cold War Invasions Soviet Union Afghanistan Jeremy GentileTommy KalbMatt Cina Vietnam United States
Thesis • The U.S. had common interests while entering the Vietnam War and when they aided Afghanistan in their war: to stop the spread of communism. While both the U.S. and the Soviet Union lost wars, the U.S.’ economy was more fit to handle the ups and downs of a world conflict.
Domino Theory • Countries act as dominos, they follow each other. • The U.S. feared that this would happen in Vietnam and Afghanistan
Reasons for Vietnam War • The U.S. entered the war to prevent Communism from spreading. • Gulf of Tonkin, U.S. boats were “attacked”.
Reasons for U.S. Aid in Afghanistan War • Prevent spread of Communism. • Numerous reasons Soviet Union thought Afghanistan was a strategic advantage and could help danger oil export to western countries.
Start of Vietnam War • President Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin to persuade Congress to declare war. • Attack at Pleiku, caused first bombing of the North.
Start of Afghanistan War • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, upset U.S. • Soviet Union commandos take over the government buildings in capitol of Afghanistan.
Important Dates of Vietnam War • February 1965, LBJ orders 1st bombing. • June 1971, Pentagon Papers released • March 1972, North invades the South, result largest bombing. • January 27, 1973, cease-fire accord achieved, fighting to stop. • April 30, 1975, North takes over South.
Important Dates of Afghanistan War • December 1979, Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. • January 1980, United Nations General Assembly voted on intervention. • April 1986, President Reagan orders CIA to supply Afghanistan with weapons. • February 15, 1989, official withdrawal of Soviet troops.
Bibliography "Afghanistan, Soviet Invasion of." International Military and Defense Encyclopedia. 6 vols. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1993. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/HistRC/ "U. S. Assistance to Afghan Mujahideen." History in Dispute, Vol. 14: The Middle East Since World War II, Part One. David W. Lesch, ed. St. James Press, 2003. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/HistRC/ "Soviet Troops Withdraw from Afghanistan, 1989." DISCovering World History. Online Edition. Gale, 2003. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/HistRC/ Feldmeth, Greg D. "U.S. History Resources" http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/USHistory.html (31 March 1998). "Causes of the Vietnam War." History in Dispute, Vol. 2: American Social and Political Movements, 1945-2000. Robert J. Allison, ed. St. James Press, 1999. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/History/ The Covert WarNew York Times (1857-Current file). New York, N.Y.: Jun 13, 1971. p. 38 (1 page)http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=1&did=170505062&SrchMode=1&sid=10&Fmt=10&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=HNP&TS=1141046057&clientId=52212