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Doing business with Allied Command Operations Slovakia Industry Day 2-3 May 2012. Mr. Danny Hovaere ACO Head Of Contracts SHAPE. PURPOSE. Provide overview of ACO’s Acquisition Policy and Governance Construct Provide information on how to find opportunities to bid for ACO Contracts
Doing business with Allied Command OperationsSlovakia Industry Day 2-3 May 2012 Mr. Danny HovaereACO Head Of Contracts SHAPE
PURPOSE • Provide overview of ACO’s Acquisition Policy and Governance Construct • Provide information on how to find opportunities to bid for ACO Contracts • Provide advice on how to improve quality of bids for future business opportunities • Provide an overview of some of the existing contracts managed by ACO
Goods and services shall be procured from the most economical government or commercial sources available within the funding member nations. Goods and services which cannot be obtained from a member nation may be otherwise procured NATO’s General Procurement Policy
North Atlantic Council Nations OPLANs NATO AGENCIES' NATO FinancialRegulations Charters Implementing Rules & Procedures for the NATO Military HQs Finance Annex Procurement Procedures Board of Directors (NSIP) Implementing Rules & Procedures for NATO HQ Bi-SC Directive 60-70 NSIP Procedures for ICB AC/4-D/2261 Bi-SC Directive 60-70 Procurement Regulations NATO Procurement
Applicable to: All Allied Command Operations (ACO) and Allied Command Transformation (ACT) HQ and programs Also applicable to Crises Response Operations (CRO) However: Agencies tasked by ACO – use own procurement rules Military Budget Procurement Bi-Strategic Command Directive 60-70
Integrity throughout the process Maximisation of competition amongst eligible/capable sources Transparency Value for Money / Best Value (most economical eligible and compliant source) Accountability of actions throughout the process Uniformity of acquisition through standardisation Governing Principles
Business Volume • Total amount of contracts awarded in 2011: • 2. 6 Billion Euro (to include ISAF and reimbursable) • Number of contract instruments: • 16,000 • - 2012 Estimated volume: no significant changes
Context: A single NATO bidding opportunities portal But numerous contracting authorities Where to check for opportunities: national channels NATO Channels What to look for: Notification of Intent : crucial info Where to start for ACO Contracts: Complete Vendor Registration Form How to attract business?
NATO delegations must be provided with: Reference, summary description and funding Intended issue and closing dates Identification of the procurement agency Need for security clearances? Partial bidding authorised? Method of bidding Date by which nominations of potential bidders must be received Notification Of Intent (NOI) Invitation For International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
NATO Delegations receive ‘heads up’ through Notifications of Intent Nations advertise business opportunities and nominate firms ACO advertises also its business opportunities on its website Agencies might apply pre-qualification Notice of Intent (NOI)
ICB Process Bid Closing Date IFIB Issue NOI Bidding period 14 days 28 or 35 days 42 or 84 days Request for extension 28 days New BCD Request for clarification Clarification 28 days 14 days Last request for clarification
Read carefully bidding instructions Use the clarification procedure Pay special attention to: mandatory submittals (pass/fail) mandatory site visits/ conferences past performance to match requirement evaluation criteria due in dates method on how to submit bid (electronic/ non electronic) Purpose: Full compliance with FINANCIAL, LEGAL AND TECHNICAL Pointers when Bidding
Other contracts (JFC/Theatre awarded) in support of NATO operations
Any questions ? • Find us on PAN network: • http://www.aco.nato.int/financeandacquisition.aspx • danny.hovaere@shape.nato.int • SHAPE ext. 3919