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P20W SLDS Grant Conference Leveraging Multi-Sector Data to Support Collaborative Decision Making

P20W SLDS Grant Conference Leveraging Multi-Sector Data to Support Collaborative Decision Making May 21, 2014.

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P20W SLDS Grant Conference Leveraging Multi-Sector Data to Support Collaborative Decision Making

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  1. P20W SLDS Grant Conference Leveraging Multi-Sector Data to Support Collaborative Decision Making May 21, 2014

  2. The Road Map Project is a collective impact initiative aimed at getting dramatic improvement in student achievement – cradle through college/career in South Seattle and South King County. The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  3. Road Map Project Goal The Road Map Project Goal is to double the number of students in South King County and South Seattle who are on track to graduate from a college or earn a career credential by 2020. We are committed to nothing less than closing the unacceptable achievement gaps for low-income students and children of color and increasing achievement for all students from cradle to college and career. The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  4. The Road Map Project Region The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  5. How Do We Reach the Goal? Collective Action at Work Alignment Parent & Community Engagement Power of Data Stronger Systems The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  6. The Road Map Project Team Approach The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  7. About CCER’s Data • Around 40 indicators of student success • Around 20 data sources • CEDARS • Other Sources Indicators of Student Success–2010 The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  8. CCER’s History of Data Collection • Stage 1: Directly from districts • One year at a time • Transfer of data was difficult • Cleaning and standardizing • Errors and resubmission • A burden on districts • No longitudinal analysis The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  9. CCER’s History of Data Collection • Stage 2: CEDARS via OSPI • Much better data quality • Still required district involvement • Still required physical collection • Put some burden on OSPI but much less burden on districts I CEDARS Manuals The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  10. CCER’s History of Data Collection • Stage 3: CEDARS via ERDC/P20W • Quality data • More sophisticated matching and selection • Enables longitudinal data analysis • Even less back and forth with districts • Less burden on OSPI and districts The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  11. Protecting Data • In Transit • At Rest • Limiting Access • Third-party Review • Worst Case The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  12. Data-Enabled Outputs: Formal Reports • Annual Results Reports • Annual district-specific and technical reports • Topical reports The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  13. Data-Enabled Outputs: Community Reports • Results Roundtables specific to districts, race/ethnic groups, etc. • Timely ad-hoc reports specific to program efforts, community campaigns, grant proposals, etc. The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  14. Data-Enabled Outputs: Action Planning • We expect to refine and improve our implementation as a result of CEDARS data. • We expect to adjust our implementation according to our predictive model to be improved by CEDARS data. The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  15. Data-Enabled Outputs: Action Planning Simplified Predictive Model High School to College Completion The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  16. Data-Enabled Change: Data and the Community • Data quality improves when data are used. • Improvement of community data sources • Data as a common language facilitates collaboration. • Increased community appetite for data • Data are helping make decisions. The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  17. Data-Enabled Change: Race to the Top • The Race to the Top Project ($40M) was written around the Road Map action plans (making it stronger in both the proposal and implementation phases). Race to the Top Framework Cradle to College/Career Stay Strong STEM Strong Start Strong The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  18. Data-Enabled Change: College Bound Completed College Bound Scholarship Applications Number and Percentage of Eligible 8th Grade Students with a Completed Application (Road Map Region) SOURCE: WASC The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  19. Data-Enabled Change: College Bound Completed College Bound Scholarship Applications Highline Public Schools – Middle Schools (as of May 28, 2013) Eligible Students* 216 172 243 209 *FRLP data reported by School Districts March/April 2013. Sign-ups include 8th grade students that signed-up in their 7th grade year. **Complete denotes that a student has a “complete” application (student/ parent signature is included, one or more of the income standards box is checked). For an updated list of students that have complete College Bound Scholarship applications for your school visit the secure Washington Student Achievement Council College Bound portal. *** In certain cases, rates might exceed 100% because more income eligible students sign up by the end of the eighth grade. When rates exceed 100%, we have recoded data to 100%. The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  20. Data-Enabled Change: Let’s Read Summer Reading Campaign The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  21. Data-Enabled Change: Full-Day Kindergarten 100% 100% 100% 2012-13 The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  22. Early Warning Indicator #2 9th Graders with a Suspension or Expulsion SOURCE: OSPI student-level data via ERDC The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  23. Pre-College Math Course-Taking 2011 High School Graduates at Washington Two-Year Public Institutions SOURCE: ERDC P-20 Reports The Road Map Project Supported by CCER

  24. For more information, please visit: www.roadmapproject.org Andrew Sahalie, Senior Data Manager, CCER asahalie@ccedresults.org

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