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This report covers findings from a study on a social awareness advertising campaign targeting pregnant women's attitudes towards alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The report analyzes changes in attitudes before and after the campaign to assess effectiveness.
IPSOS-ASI POLSKAAdvertising Campaign Effectiveness Study – stage IIReport compiled for Research report September 2008
Objectives and scope of research • This report covers the findings from an effectiveness study of a social awareness advertising campaign – stage 1 and stage 2. • The first wave – conducted before the planned advertising campaign – was aimed at defining attitudes among pregnant women towards the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. • With the second wave – conducted following completion of the advertising campaign – the goal was to check recall of the campaign, and to define changes that may have occurred in respondents' attitudes as a result. • The findings presented here cover the full scope of research ordered by Fabryka Komunikacji Społecznej, based on interviews conducted with respondents using questionnaires.
Methodology and sample structure • Survey before and after advertising campaign Methodology: • Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI F2F) Sample profile: • Pregnant women (quotas for women in each of the trimesters of pregnancy – n=3x100) • Target group – N=300 • Nationwide Polish urban sample • Aged 20 – 35 Location: • Cities – 100,000+ (selected locations – Warsaw, Gdańsk, Katowice, Poznań, Białystok, Kraków, Olsztyn, Łódź, Rzeszów, Gorzów Wielkopolski) Fieldwork dates: • Wave 1: 20.06 – 01.07.2008 • Wave 2: 15.09 – 26.09.2008 Number of interviews conducted: • Wave 1: N=319 • Wave 2: N=318 Interview length: • Wave 1: about 7-8 minutes • Wave 2: about 10-15 minutes
Most of the women interviewed were pregnant for the first time. When analysing the survey population for age, one sees that respondents in the youngest group (aged 20 to 24) were in their first pregnancy significantly more often than women in the other two age groups. The results of the two waves are consistent – with no significant differences. PREGNANCY Is this your first pregnancy? Among women aged 20-24: 94%25-29: 68% 30-35: 31% Among women aged 20-24: 91%25-29: 67% 30-35: 33% S12 Base: All respondents (Wave 1-N=319, Wave 2 –N=318), in %
The vast majority of respondents claimed to refrain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy. After the campaign the number of women refrainig from drinking increased by 2%. DRINKING ALCOHOL WHEN PREGNANT Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages during your pregnancy? A1 Base: All respondents (Wave 1-N=319, Wave 2 –N=318), in %
In the first survey wave respondents in their third trimester claimed less often to refrain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy than women in their second trimester. However, in the second wave no significant differences were noted between these results. DRINKING ALCOHOL WHEN PREGNANT – TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% N=106 N=106 N=108 N=107 N=104 N=106 A1
Respondent age made little difference to their declarations of whether they drunk alcohol during pregnancy. DRINKING ALCOHOL WHEN PREGNANT – AGE N=101 N=114 N=105 N=106 N=113 N=108 A1
In the second wave a difference was noted in respondents' declarations of not drinking alcohol when pregnant between women pregnant for the first time, and those in their 2nd or later pregnancy. DRINKING ALCOHOL WHEN PREGNANT – FIRST OR LATER PREGNANCY Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% N=201 N=209 N=115 N=109 A1/S12
In both waves the group of respondents saying they occasionally drank alcohol when pregnant was very small. The answers given most often by these respondents were "less than once a month" or "once a month". FREQUENCY OF DRINKING ALCOHOL WHEN PREGNANT A2/A1 Base: Respondents who said they sometimes drink alcohol (Wave 1 N=36, Wave 2 N=27), in %
The vast majority of the respondents felt convinced that the consumption of alcoholic beverages by women during pregnancy is very harmful for the baby's healthy. The survey conducted after the campaign indicated that women's opinions in this area – although accepting alcohol's harmful influence – were less radical (a significant growth in number of respondents answering "quite harmful"). None of the women interviewed in either wave claimed that drinking alcohol had a clearly positive or quite positive impact on the baby's health, while the percentage believing alcohol to have no effect on the baby's health was low and steady. IMPACT OF ALCOHOL ON BABY'S HEALTH Impact of alcohol on baby's health Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% A4 Base: All respondents (Wave 1 N=319, Wave 2 N=318), in %
The reasons given most often for consumption of alcohol by pregnant women were "for pleasure" and "drinking to socialise" (a significant rise in mentions in the 2nd wave). Being treated to alcohol as a reason for consuming such beverages during pregnancy was the third most common reason, but mentioned less often than the first two reasons by a statistically significant degree. In the survey after the campaign somewhat fewer women were unable to give any reason. MAIN REASONS FOR DRINKING ALCOHOL Reasons for drinking alcohol Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% Wave 2 stupidity 5 people unaware of the harm 5 people addiction / habit 2 people problems at home 2 people A5 Base: All respondents (Wave 1 N=319, Wave 2 N=318), in %
The circumstance given most often for drinking alcohol by pregnant women was parties at home. This was also the one mentioned most often regardless of age, place of living or the respondents' level of education. Drinking in solitude was the circumstance mentioned least often. No significant differences were noted between waves. MAIN CIRCUMSTANCES OF DRINKING ALCOHOL Circumstances of drinking alcohol Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% A6 Base: All respondents (Wave 1 N=319, Wave 2 N=318), in %
In line with their earlier declarations, a large majority of respondents (67%) claimed that there is no permitted level of alcohol one can drink when pregnant. This group was slightly larger in the wave conducted after the campaign, and this time was larger than the group initially describing alcohol as very harmful for the baby's health (67% - A4). The size of the group describing a single glass of wine as permissible decreased significantly in wave 2. PERMITTED QUANTITY OF ALCOHOL In your opinion, is there a permissible amount of alcohol one can drink when pregnant? Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% A7 Base: All respondents (Wave 1 N=319 , Wave 2 N=318), in %
The high percentage of women claiming not to consult their doctor about whether one can drink alcohol during pregnancy was in both waves consistent with their non-acceptance of pregnant women drinking alcohol declared earlier. This is due to the respondents being convinced and knowing about the harmfulness of drinking, and not a result of what the doctor might recommend. Nevertheless, there was a slight rise in the percentage claiming to have approached the doctor for such consultation. CONSULTING THE DOCTOR Did you consult your doctor on whether you could drink alcohol during your pregnancy? A8 Base: All respondents (Wave 1 N=319, Wave 2 N=318), in %
The poster proved the campaign medium with the highest ratio of getting through to the target group of pregnant women. Recognition of the poster was 3 times as high as that for banners on web pages or radio ads. As for ratings for the message in the different channels – the respondents' assessment was explicitly positive in regard to the poster and radio. As for the web banner, the proportion of positive ratings was lower, with a higher percentage of answers suggesting that it did not stand out very well. ADVERTISING REACH Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% A10/A18 Base: All respondents (Wave 2 N=318), in %
Analysing the whole (regardless of used advertising medium) reach of „Lepszy Start” campaign, gain results are good. 43% of respondents declared theirs contact with the campaign (awareness of one source of contact with the whole campaign at least). CAMPAIGN REACH A10/A18 Base: All respondents (Wave 2 N=318), in %
According to the declarations made by most respondents (77%), the campaign did not change their attitude towards the issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy (in their own conscious perception); most women were already convinced about the harmfulness of alcohol. 11% of the respondents said their attitude had changed after encountering the campaign. IMPACT OF CAMPAIGN Statistically significant difference at a confidence level of 95% A19 Base: All respondents (Wave 2 N=318), in %
Main conclusions • The findings of the two survey waves are consistent. Regardless of the respondents' age, whether or not they had had babies before, their place of living or the trimester of their pregnancy, they – pregnant women – invariably claimed not to drink alcohol when pregnant. • According to most respondents, pregnant women refrain from drinking alcohol due to the harmful impact it has on the health of the unborn child, regardless of the amount drunk. • Recommendations by the doctor seen by respondents during pregnancy have no direct influence on the declared non-acceptance for alcohol consumption. The opinion that alcohol should not be drunk at this time was widespread among the respondents, requiring no further confirmation by a doctor's authority. • The reasons given most often for drinking alcohol by pregnant women were "pleasure" and "drinking to socialise", which is not linked to the general disapproval of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. • The awareness campaign changed respondent’s attitude towards the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy in 11% of the target group. This is due to the vast majority of them being steadily and invariably convinced that drinking is harmful during pregnancy
Respondent profile – Wave 2 Occupation Net household monthly income Age Size of city Education Number of persons in household