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Terragni Consulting was found to deliver happiness to the customers of our<br>customers and the employees of our customers. We provide strategic solutions<br>which deal with how Terragniu2019s customers can run their businesses better by<br>investing in engaged customers and employees. We are a strategy consulting<br>organization with different business verticals ranging from solutions, platforms and<br>Executive Search. Customers come to us with fairly complex problems.
WHO ISTERRAGNI? अग्नि Terra Much like our name, we connectseemingly disparate dots and create interdisciplinarysolutions. Experts in creating solutions for complexhiring,TerragniExecutive Search is driven by our robust assessments, combining scientific methodswithinnovativecoaching processes andtools. Formorethanadecade,Terragnihas built a strong reach by building relationships, delivering exceptional valuethroughrightfits. TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
Terragni Consulting delivers business outcomes through Human (Customer + Employee) Employee) Engagement TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
WHO HAS TES WORKEDWITH? Turnaround Greenfield Growth World's leading supplier of precisionmetalpowdercomponents Global leader in providing technology-leading products, systems, and services to the worldwide constructionindustry World’s 2ndLargest Farm EquipmentCompany World’s 3rdBest ElectronicsCompany Leading manufacturer ofhigh-grade power transmission technology, brakingandcoolingsystems, and hydrauliccomponents Leading Tier 1 supplier of Proprietary AutomotiveSolutions World’s#1 Modular SwitchesBrand World’s #2Mastercolors manufacturingcompany India’s largest castingmaker World’s 2ndLargest AutomotiveCompany World leader in the supply of foundryconsumablesandsolutions Worlds #3 Hygiene productmanufacturer India's 3rd largestelectronic componentmanufacturer World’s #1 Power ToolBrand TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
HOW DOES TES DOIT? with... Deep Domain Knowledge Specialized Assessments CustomizedOnboarding TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
HOW DOES TES DOIT? Discoveringthe right fitwith Robust Methodology Meticulous SearchProcesses TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
GranularReports FunctionsWith Expertise New Age TechRoles
Making You Productive.Faster. PreciseShortlisting Our unique assessments and non-consciousinsights deliver a precise shortlist withchoices.Weknowwho to go after, guaranteeing a hiringconclusion. MarketKnow-How Overadecadeofexperience inhiringacrossfields ensures that we find the right fit for your organisation. Handholding withonboardingforquicker delivery ofcandidates. Post OnboardingSupport Our relationships extend beyondonboarding. Coaching leadersand refiningculture. In turn, makingyou productivefaster. We also provide cross learnings and best practices facilitatingemployeewell-being&capabilitydevelopment TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
WHAT ELSE CAN TERRAGNIDO? EXECUTIVECOACHING BEHAVIOUR &CULTURE EMPLOYEE FRICTION& ENGAGEMENT TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
WHAT ARE SOME OF TERRAGNI’SACHIEVEMENTS? 25 Most Promising Management & StrategyConsultants CEOInsights 10 Best Business Consultants2019 Customer Experience Asia Excellence BronzeAward CX VendorExcellence CRAA CRM Academy ofAsia CustomerStrategiesExcellenceAward2019 The CEOMagazine ConsultantoftheYear2016-17 TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
WHAT DO TES CUSTOMERSSAY? I must say that I was very positively surprised to receive some very interesting senior profiles.The3presentedbrought different perspectives, giving us choice and option to fill more than one role for our IT organization. ThankyouTeamTerragniforyour support and finding the right candidates for our newage roles. We are all excited to have them on board and look forward to workingwithyouinthefuture. Withyourtimelysupport,we wereabletoonboardasenior leaderinsuchashorttime. Thankssomuchforallyourhelp. Iwasveryhappywiththeservice youprovided. Global HR Partner European Leaderin IndustrialProducts CEO Indian Agri& Agri-tech Multinational Chairman & MD Indian Plastics & PackagingCompany TES™ ©Terragniconsulting(P)ltdPrivateandconfidentialnottobecirculatedwithoutpriorauthorisation
India London Bucharest www.terragni.in www.buyerbrain.com
ketki@terragni.in www.terragni.in/tes ThankYou +91 823 7025269 +91 202 5885776