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Bellringer. Take out your map homework and outline! Make sure your notebook is in order and up to date! Bad Joke of the Day: What do clouds wear under their clothes?. Objective.

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  1. Bellringer • Take out your map homework and outline! • Make sure your notebook is in order and up to date! • Bad Joke of the Day: What do clouds wear under their clothes?

  2. Objective • SWBAT describe how Sumer is an example of civilization and analyze why their locations and religions revolved around their needs.

  3. Ancient Sumer

  4. What is Civilization? • A society that exhibits complex culture and social organization.

  5. Characteristics of a Civilization • Advanced Cities • Organized living areas and centers of trade in locations beneficial to growth. • Sumer’s location:

  6. Advanced Cities, contd. • Sumer was a river valley civilization • Located on land near rivers for the water source and for the flooding that produced silt

  7. Advanced Technology • Better technology allows for more efficient farming • Ex. Sailboat, plow, wheel, irrigation • Surpluses allowed people to specialize in trades

  8. Specialized Workers • Workers who can focus on other occupations/trades aside from farming due to an agricultural surplus • Ex. Weavers, scribes, soldiers, etc • Effect: • Civilizations can have an economy based on BOTH agriculture AND trade

  9. Recordkeeping • Recordkeeping • Civilizations used recordkeeping to keep track of events, trade goods and for literary expression. • First form: Pictographs • Sumerian form: Cuneiform

  10. Complex Institutions • Helped to administer the civilization • Military • Government • Originally ruled by religious leaders • Later ruled by military leaders • Religion • Polytheistic religion based on thousands of gods of nature and the everyday • Why?

  11. Social Structure

  12. The Rise of Empires • Definition: a unified group of nations or peoples ruled by one leader • Why?

  13. Akkadian Empire (Sargon Dynasty), 2340 BCE- 2125 BCE • Founder: Sargon of Akkad • Adopted many of the Sumerian practices/beliefs for his empire • Expanded his city-state from the north of Sumer to the Persian Gulf

  14. Babylonian Empire 1894-2125 BCE • Hammurabi created an empire out of the former Akkadian territories • Relocated capital to Babylon • Maintained Sumerian practices • Language and religion • Hammurabi wanted to stabilize his rule by creating a standard code of law

  15. Hammurabi’s Code • First uniform code of law • Meaning it was the same throughout the empire • Engraved on stone and placed throughout the empire • First copy found on a stele in 1901 • Now in the Louve in Paris

  16. The Code Itself • 281 laws (but no #13!) • Showed that the government played an important role in arbitration • In other words, the government helped to settle arguments • Based on retribution • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth • Laws were applied differently to different genders and different social classes

  17. Essays • Essays are a great way to display your knowledge through writing • In Pre-AP, we will specifically be writing three kinds of essays: • Compare and Contrast (AP) • Finding similarities and differences and the reasons why those similarities and differences exist between two peoples/civilizations • Analytical (Research) • Answering a research question • Document Based Question (AP) • Using historical documents to prove an argument

  18. Writing an Essay • What is an essay? • A short literary composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author.

  19. 7 Steps of Essay Writing • Read and analyze the question. • Collect and sort the data/information • Create the thesis statement • YOU MUST: address the question, take a position, and provide categories for analysis • Write the introduction • Write the body • Write the conclusion • Proofread

  20. Key Terms • Good words to know for AP History Classes: • Analyze • Compare • Contrast • Summarize

  21. Test Scores • High Score: 94 • Low Score: 50 • Average Score: 79.8

  22. Remediation • Due September 21st • A second opportunity to prove your knowledge and improve your overall grade • Worth 50 points (1/2 as much as the test!)

  23. Thesis Statements • The fundamental part of any paper—your main argument • Working individually, read and complete the worksheet on Introductions and thesis statements.

  24. Compare and Contrast

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