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Vasco Nunez de BalBoa. By Katarina Sisneros. Vasco's Life span. Nobody knows the real date of when Vasco was born but they guess around1475, He died beheaded for treason. Born in Jerez de los Calbro in Estemda, Spain in the 1500s. He lived on his own island Hispaniola to work as a farmer. ,.
Vasco Nunez de BalBoa By Katarina Sisneros
Vasco's Life span Nobody knows the real date of when Vasco was born but they guess around1475, He died beheaded for treason. Born in Jerez de los Calbro in Estemda, Spain in the 1500s. He lived on his own island Hispaniola to work as a farmer. , King Ferdinand sent a guy named Pedro de Alvia to be the new governor of Dairen but then he had heard that Vasco had found the Pacific Ocean and the shore of Spain and made Vasco Balboa Adelantado of the south sea, and governor of Panama!
How traveling started for Vasco nunez de Balboa The reason why Vasco nunez de Balboa explored was because at age 16 he was the only one in his house to admire Christopher Columbus exploring. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain are the leaders that Balboa explored for (witch means King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella paid for the that Vasco went on). 1513 . Vasco nunez de Balboa discovered Hispaniola, A new world, The Pacific ocean, and South sea.
The way Vasco found the pasific ocaen,Hispanola,and the new world 1510 Vasco owed people a lot of money and he was hiding on a ship that was traveling to San Sebastain.Encisco the driver of the bout didn't know that Vasco was hiden on his ship.Encisowas the 2nd in comand Nicuesa.Since Vasco nunez de BalBoa had gone to San Sebstain in Columbia he had told the native indians to hed sothwest ( when they had arrived the native indians killed the colonist).
Traveling pays off Vasco went on on a journey and bent over a cliff to find the new world.Once Vasco found the pacific ocean and toched it for spain to iown.Nowbody so far knows how Vasco nunez de Balboa found Hispanola but I think I have a pretty good idea of how he found it : When Vasco hid on Enciscos bout and escaped a few moments later and saw Hispanola and swam to it so he could own te whole island
Balboas crew Balboa didn't have a very large crew like most people. All he had was Spainards,native indians and a guy named Francisco Pizzaro.They all went over the gulf of Urban to the Darien Peninsula.
The treasure he had found In 1513 Vasco nunez de BalBoa headed south in serch of gold. This whole expedition was to get gold for the King of Spain.
Sources www.googlehttp://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/18262.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.santaclaussuit.info/mrs-santa-claus-outfits.html&usg=__4pkYwkzNVdL-hPPO0eEtlUxyxUA=&h=1600&w=1600&sz=135&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=kjQcawqxgU8EoM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmrs%2Bclaus%26gbv%3D2%26 hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DG www.biography.com/search/article.do?id=9196350