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Special -ius Adjectives

U N U S N A U T A. nus, -a, -um. ullus, -a, -um. llus, -a, -um. olus, -a, -um. euter, neutra, neutrum. lter, altera, alterum. ter, utra, utrum. Special -ius Adjectives. otus, -a, -um. lius, alia, aliud. unus. una. unum. u n ī u s. u n ī. unum. unam. unum. unō.

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Special -ius Adjectives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. U N U S N A U T A nus, -a, -um ullus, -a, -um llus, -a, -um olus, -a, -um euter, neutra, neutrum lter, altera, alterum ter, utra, utrum Special -ius Adjectives otus, -a, -um lius, alia, aliud

  2. unus una unum u n ī u s u n ī unum unam unum unō unā unō Decline “ONE”In the singular

  3. nullus nulla nullum n u l l ī u s n u l l ī nullum nullam nullum nullō nullā nullō Decline “None”In the singular

  4. nullī nullae nulla nullōrum nullārum nullōrum n u l l ī s nullōs nullās nulla n u l l ī s Decline “None”In the Plural

  5. ullus ulla ullum u l l ī u s u l l ī ullum ullam ullum ullō ullā ullō Decline “ANY”In the singular

  6. ullī ullae ulla ullōrum ullārum ullōrum u l l ī s ullōs ullās ulla u l l ī s Decline “ANY”In the Plural

  7. solus sola solum s o l ī u s s o l ī solum solam solum solō solā solō Decline “Alone”In the singular

  8. solī solae sola solōrum solārum solōrum s o l ī s solōs solās sola s o l ī s Decline “Alone”In the Plural

  9. neuter neutra neutrum n e u t r ī u s n e u t r ī neutrum neutram neutrum Decline “Neither”In the singular neutrō neutrā neutrō

  10. neutrī neutrae neutra neutrōrum neutrārum neutrōrum n e u t r ī s neutrōs neutrās neutra n e u t r ī s Decline “NEITHER”In the Plural

  11. alter altera alterum a l t e r ī u s a l t e r ī alterum alteram alterum Decline “THE OTHER”In the singular alterō alterā alterō

  12. alterī alterae altera alterōrum alterārum alterōrum a l t e r ī s alterōs alterās altera a l t e r ī s Decline “THE OTHER”In the Plural

  13. uter utra utrum u t r ī u s u t r ī utrum utram utrum Decline “EITHER”In the singular utrō utrā utrō

  14. utrī utrae utra utrōrum utrārum utrōrum u t r ī s utrōs utrās utra u t r ī s Decline “EITHER”In the Plural

  15. totus tota totum t o t ī u s t o t ī totum totam totum Decline “WHOLE”In the singular totō totā totō

  16. totī totae tota totōrum totārum totōrum t o t ī s totōs totās tota t o t ī s Decline “WHOLE”In the Plural

  17. alius alia aliud a l t e r ī u s a l i ī alium aliam aliud Decline “other, another”In the singular aliō aliā aliō

  18. aliī aliae alia aliōrum aliārum aliōrum a l i ī s aliōs aliās alia a l i ī s Decline “Others”In the Plural

  19. hic haec hoc h u i u s h u i c hunc hanc hoc hōc hāc hōc Decline “THIS”In the singular

  20. hae haec hōrum hārum hōrum h ī s hōs hās haec h ī s Decline “THESE”In the Plural

  21. ille illa illud i l l i u s i l l ī illum illam illud illō illā illō Decline “that; those”In the singular

  22. illī illae illa illōrum illārum illōrum i l l ī s illōs illās illa i l l ī s Decline “those”In the Plural

  23. Decline “I, ME”In the Singular EGO MEĪ MIHI MĒ MĒ


  25. Decline “YOU”In the Singular TŪ TUĪ TIBI TĒ TĒ


  27. Decline “He, She, It” in the Singular ea is id e i u s e ī id eum eam eō eā eō

  28. Decline “They” in the Plural eī eae ea eōrum eārum eōrum e ī s eōs eās ea e ī s

  29. Decline “The Same” in the Singular eadem īdem idem e i u s d e m e ī d e m eundem idem eandem eōdem eādem eōdem

  30. Decline “The Same” in the Plural eaedem eīdem eadem eōrundem eārundem eōrundem e ī s d e m eōsdem eadem eāsdem e ī s d e m

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