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Rome. And the spread of urbanization. Spread of Urbanization. http://klio.uoregon.edu/maps/re/urbaniz_2ndCent.jpg. Urban Morphology. Urban morphology: or the physical form of the city, which consists of street patterns, building sizes and shapes, architecture and density.

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  1. Rome And the spread of urbanization

  2. Spread of Urbanization http://klio.uoregon.edu/maps/re/urbaniz_2ndCent.jpg

  3. Urban Morphology • Urban morphology: or the physical form of the city, which consists of street patterns, building sizes and shapes, architecture and density. • We will be looking at urban morphology to learn what is important about various cities. Today we will look at Roman cities.

  4. Roman theater http://www.sproson.com/grandtour/uploaded_images/trevi_fountain_rome-776600.jpg

  5. Characteristics of Roman Theater • Were designed in a half circle • Better sound • Good seat throughout • Usually built into a hill

  6. Another View

  7. Old theater

  8. Courtside Seat

  9. Leptis Magna

  10. Pompeii Theaters http://klio.uoregon.edu/im/re/Pompeii/pompeii_theaters_aerial.jpg

  11. Pompeii Theater

  12. What do We Have?

  13. Pittsburgh http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/147/PNC~PNC-Park-Pittsburgh-Pennsylvania-Posters.jpg

  14. Boston

  15. Yankee Stadium http://www.around-the-horn.com/Uploads/Remembering_Yankee_Stadium.JPG

  16. Amphitheater from Tunisia http://frit.lss.wisc.edu/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=265&g2_serialNumber=8

  17. Characteristics of a Roman Coliseum • Amphitheater/Coliseum: two theaters put together. • Great seat throughout. • Organized seats and gates • Spectacular Sports

  18. Amphitheater Pompeii

  19. What do We Have?

  20. Madison Square Garden New York City http://www.nytix.com/repository/broadwaytheatres/madisonsquaregarden/msg-large.jpg

  21. The Rose Garden http://www.portlandoctopus.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/rosegarden.jpg

  22. Madrid, Spain

  23. Bullfight

  24. Sevilla, Spain

  25. Aqueducts Segovia http://image20.webshots.com/21/8/8/15/331080815qbxclt_fs.jpg

  26. Roman Aqueduct Characteristics • Clean water • From a water source outside the city • Slight slope

  27. Cross-Section of Roman Aqueduct http://www.romanaqueducts.info/aquasite/koeln/foto8.html

  28. Slope

  29. Trevi Fountain http://nature.wallpaperme.com/3287-2/Trevi+Fountain_+Rome_+Italy.jpg

  30. What do We Have?

  31. Bull Run Reservoir http://www.portlandonline.com/shared/cfm/image.cfm?id=161699

  32. Benson Bubbler http://www.pdx.edu/media/a/l/alumn-_sbh_old_bubbler.jpg

  33. Bathhouse http://klio.uoregon.edu/im/re/water/frig-lep.jpg

  34. Bathhouse Characteristics • Gathering/social space • Clean water • Hot water

  35. Bath, England http://www.adamandlyn.co.uk/images/bath_img_0998.jpg

  36. Bathhouse in Pompeii

  37. http://klio.uoregon.edu/im/re/water/caldarium_diagram.jpg

  38. Latrines http://www.graysinmotion.com/photos/18Oct/latrines.jpg

  39. Characteristics of Latrine • Flushes the waste away from the city • They used sewers underground • Makes the city a more healthy place

  40. Another example http://homepage.mac.com/melissaenderle/tunisia/Images/Dougga/latrines.jpg

  41. Africa Latrine http://klio.uoregon.edu/im/re/water/latrine2a.jpg

  42. Roman Sewer http://klio.uoregon.edu/im/re/sew_model.jpg

  43. What do We Have?

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