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Sustaining our Army During a Time of Persistent Conflict. May 3, 2010. Topics. Supporting Operation Enduring Freedom Logistics Operating Environment Force Plus Up OIF Responsible Drawdown Reset. Supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. OEF Time/Distance Factors. MINNEAPOLIS.
Sustaining our Army During a Time of Persistent Conflict May 3, 2010
Topics • Supporting Operation Enduring Freedom • Logistics Operating Environment • Force Plus Up • OIF Responsible Drawdown • Reset
OEF Time/Distance Factors MINNEAPOLIS • Afghanistan • 432,162 sq km • Slightly smaller than the State of Texas • Most of Country between 2,000-10,000 ft elevation • Highest Regions are 24,000 ft BAGRAM DENVER 48 KM 1.5 HRS 113 KM 8 HRS KABUL BAMIAN 89 KM 3 HRS DEH RAWOD ST LOUIS 466 KM 2 DAYS GARDEZ 2011 KM 5 to 14 DAYS KANDAHAR 97 KM 16 HRS PAKISTAN EL PASO 917 KM 5 to 7 DAYS KARACHI CORPUS CHRISTI
OEF Restrictive Terrain Airdropped Supplies 2005 =600 STONs of supplies 2010 =15,000 STONs of supplies 2,500% increase • Limited road network • Limited Convoy Operations • Leveraged Host Nation trucks averaging 3,000-4,500 on the road per month • Restricted distribution: • Re-supply in restrictive terrain • Routine re-supply on small drop zones • Poor road network and lack of bridges • Supporting and sustaining FOBs, firebases, outposts, etc. • Aircraft, both rotary wing and fixed, operate with high threat in this area Remote drop zone 100 x 350 meters on the side of a mountain Northern Outpost 75 soldiers in combat rely completely on cargo delivery systemand rotary wing for sustainment
Aerial Resupply Options Fielded Systems • Joint Precision Airdrop System (JPADS) 2K • 5,000-25,000 Feet Above Ground Level (AGL) • Airdropped 10 STONs in FY09 (<1%) • Low-Cost Airdrop System (LCADS) • 1,000-25,000 Feet AGL • Airdropped 4,000 STONs in FY09 (43%) • Low-Cost Low-Altitude (LCLA) Parachute • 150-300 Feet AGL • Airdropped 500 STONs in FY09 (5%) • Container Deliver System Bundles • 400 Feet AGL • Airdropped 4,750 STONs (52%) Autonomous Guidance Unit (AGU) LCLA Parachute Developmental Concepts • Freedrop Packaging Concept Project (FPCP) • Below 100 Feet Above Ground Level AGL • High-Altitude Low-Opening (HALO) Container Delivery System (CDS) LCADS FPCP
Freedrop Packaging Concept Project (FPCP) • Viable, low-cost freedrop concept for the distribution of small quantities of supplies (50 to 150 lbs) from aircraft at low altitudes • Currently in design and testing stages -- using 5.56 mm ammunition as the initial base case 50 Feet Above Ground Level 70 Knots Innovative packaging concept whereby loads of supplies can be free-dropped from an aircraft at a very low altitude and because of the structural attributes or characteristics of the package itself, the supplies land at the desired point with no damage to supplies and in a condition that facilitates quick and easy recovery and distribution
OEF Commercial Distribution • Majority of ground support is through Host Nation commercial carriers • Supply Lines often have limited or no military presence • Theft and Pilferage • Border Delays
Afghanistan Force Plus-up • The plus up of 30,000 additional troops by 31 August, 2010 is feasible, but will be a challenge • Utilizing multiple modes of transportation to move equipment into Afghanistan. Air for critical and sensitive equipment and surface for the remaining equipment (e.g. food, consumables, etc) • Getting the best equipment to the Warfighter (to include MRAPs, UA TWV, IED-defeat technology) • Utilizing new production, Iraq drawdown, and APS assets • We are working with US Forces-Afghanistan to implement strategies to increase daily throughput at strategic hubs and border crossings • Utilize Northern Distribution Network when possible • Develop a multi-modal operation for movements, using sea and airports in Bahrain
Logistics Support for OEF Expansion • Increase security on Pakistan Ground Lines of Communications (PAK GLOC) through use of automation assessorial to the contract, requiring vehicles to move in convoys and use of sensor tags. • Developed alternateroute through north (NDN) to accommodate the increased US supply needs caused by the pending troop surge. • AMC establishing a robust Sustainment Maintenance footprint. • Aerial Delivery (JPADs, LCLA) – continuing to develop technologies to reach troops in remote locations. • Container Management - coordinating for the purchase of 2749 containers to reduce excessive detention and provide short-term storage capability. In the process of purchasing 450 reefers to supplement the CL I capability. • Maximize the use of space available airlift missions returning to CONUS at Transportation Priority 4 (TP-4) rates, enabling the reset/retrograde of cargo five times faster yet cheaper than surface mode. • Early Shipments of DA Sourced Theater Provided Equipment
Presidential Policy Guidance and Direction U.S. Goals for Iraq: “… an Iraq that is sovereign, stable and self-reliant.” “… an Iraqi government that is just, representative and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe-haven to terrorists.” “… a partnership with the people and government of Iraq that contributes to the peace and security of the region.” “… help Iraq build new ties of trade and commerce with the world.” • President Obama, Camp Lejeune, 27 Feb 09 • Presidential Guidance and Direction: “… my highest priority will be the safety and security of our troops and civilians in Iraq.” “… by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end.” “… retain a transitional force to carry out three distinct functions: training, equipping and advising the Iraqi Security Forces…; conducting targeted counter-terrorism missions; and protecting our ongoing civilian and military efforts within Iraq. … this force will likely be made up of 35-50,000 U.S. Troops.” “… I intend to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.” “…It is time for us to transition to the Iraqis. They need to take responsibility for their country and for their sovereignty.” • President Obama, Camp Lejeune, 27 Feb 09 • and Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq, 7 Apr 09 Campaign Goal: A U.S. partnership with a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq that contributes to the stability of the region. 12
What are We Trying to Accomplish Systematically and responsibly “drawdown” the size of The force in Iraq, including all supplies and materiel and in the process fill equipment requirements in Afghanistan, enhance the readiness of the Army, and provide required equipment for the Iraqi Security Forces, all while continuing to support our forces at war.
The OIF Drawdown Challenge Forward Operating Bases Installation Equipment Containers • 51 BCT Equivalents • 143K US Military Personnel, Coalition and Civilians • 147K Contractors • 22 Supply Support Activities • 21K STONs of Supplies Equipment in constant motion Ammunition Green and While Rolling Stock Property Book Items 4-Step Disposition Process: 1-Consume 2-Redistribute 3-Transfer 4-Dispose (DRMS) Non-Standard Equipment
Army Equipment in Iraq As of 13 Jan 10 Non-Unit Authorized/ Owned Equipment Army Equipment in Iraq 236,334 7.5% $10.2B Redeploys With Unit 356,893 11.3% $3.9B Retain 206,998 17.9% $2.3B Not Retained 149,895 12.9% 1,986,931 63% $11.7B $1.6B 571,336 49.1% $2.9B 571,336 18.1% $2.9B Non-Excess 219,791 18.9% $9.5B Excess 16,543 1.4% $0.71 B Unit Owned/Authorized Equipment TPE (Non-Standard) TPE (Standard) Contractor Acquired Equipment • 3.2M Pieces of Property at $28.8B • 63% is Unit Owned and Will Redeploy With Unit • Continuing to Refine NS-E Disposition
What Have We Done / Are Doing • Issued Army “Responsible Drawdown” Execution Order with detailed Logistics Annex outlining materiel disposition guidance • Augment ARCENT with subject matter experts forward to facilitate planning, coordination, and communications • Responsible Reset Task Force (R2TF) investing Army presence forward to facilitate drawdown and orchestrate Reset • Emphasizing Property Accountability / Visibility throughout; baselines moving • Engaging openly with GAO, members of Congress and Committees at all levels to build relationships • Hosting weekly VTCs to facilitate crosstalk and work to develop practical solutions • Assist CENTCOM / USTRANSCOM flow conferences for OIF Drawdown and OEF Plus-up planning; no lift concerns with OIF Drawdown
OIF Responsible Drawdown Update • There are two main milestones for the Responsible Drawdown of forces in Iraq that have been mandated by the President • 31 August 2010: End of the combat operations in Iraq • 31 December 2011: Complete withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq • We are currently on, or ahead of schedule in meeting our Drawdown milestones and metrics • The priority for redistribution of equipment no longer required in Iraq is to Afghanistan • The Army has developed disposition instructions for known NS-E in Iraq, and has teams forward to help implement those instructions
Providing Safe, Reliable & Capable Equipment to Warfighters Iraq and Afghanistan are tough places for vehicles and helicopters; slight drop from peak usage rates in the summer of 2008: • Our rotary wing aircraft continue to operate at up to six times non-combat usage levels • Our M915 Cargo truck fleet covers nearly 43,000 miles per day, the equivalent of nearly 100 round trips between Boston and New York • All of our vehicles travel some of the roughest terrain in the world, often with 4,000 pounds in extra armor and other survivability equipmentthey were not originally designed to carry • Even when vehicles are not moving, coarse sand, fine dust and extreme temperatures ravage sophisticated mechanical and electronic systems, from vehicles and generators, to computers and night vision goggles • The internal damage caused by these very tough conditions is often invisible until equipment is stripped down as part of a thorough inspection and overhaul; this is what "Reset" is all about The Army expects its Reset workload to spike over FY11/12
Providing Safe, Reliable & Capable Equipment to Warfighters • Reset efforts have sustained equipment operational rates at 90% and 75% in theater for ground and air, respectively, for the last 8 years of the war • Though most equipment coming out of OIF and OEF can be repaired, the Army experiences a washout rate that ranges between 1% and 3% across all commodities • The Army’s Depot Repair Facilities are producing at the highest output levels since Vietnam. Our Industrial Base repaired over 100,000 pieces of equipment in FY09 • The Army’s Depots also send skilled labor out to units. These teams repaired over 600,000 items in FY09, relieving the burden on Soldiers in the weeks after they return from the fight The Army expects its Reset workload to spike over FY11/12
Reset CSA’s RESET Intent – Establish a balanced six-month process following an extended deployment that systematically restores deployed units to a level of personnel and equipment readiness that permits the resumption of training for future missions. Reset: Actions taken to restore equipment to desired level of combat capability commensurate with a unit’s future mission. Reset reverses the effects of combat stress on equipment. • Replace– battle losses and washouts from the repair process (procure new) • Recapitalize– to zero miles/zero hours to account for damage/stress • Sustainment Level Repair – work performed to correct equipment faults that are above the Organizational/Direct Support (ORG/DS) level; performed by Directorate of Logistics (DOLs), contractors, and the Army’s industrial base. Automatic Reset Induction (ARI) items are automatically inducted into Sustainment Reset • Field Level Repair – work performed to correct equipment faults that are performed at ORG/DS level; performed at unit level by Soldiers, augmented by contractor as required Battle Losses/ Washouts Industrial Base REPLACE Damaged/ Stressed Vehicles RECAP Sustainment Repair Industrial Base, Depot, Contractor & In-Theater Field Level Repair Unit Inspection/ Repair
Snapshot of Reset Since 2008 • OIF/OEF Fleet Readiness: Maintained at > 90% Ground and >75% Aviation • Sustainment Level Reset: Depot production doubled since 9/11 -- highest output since Vietnam • FY08: Completed 121,176 items • FY09: Completed 98,367 items • FY10: Plan to complete 103,251 items • Special Repair Teams (SRT): Conducting depot level repairs at unit location, significantly reducing repair time and costs (Over 600K items in FY09) • Field Level Reset: • FY08: 24 BDEs completed (12 carry-over to FY09) • FY09: 29 BDEs completed (18 carry-over to FY10) • FY10: 25 BDEs to be completed (22 carry-over to FY11) Reset will continue as long as we have forces deployed and several years thereafter to ensure the Army’s readiness for the future
Thanks for all R&DA does for our Soldiers and Families… So we can be ALWAYS THERE, ALWAYS READY.