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RCOT Europe

RCOT Europe . Indo-European Migrations. Humans started out in Africa (circa 100,000 BCE)→ Mesopotamia (Circa 25,000 BCE)→ India→ Europe.

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RCOT Europe

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  1. RCOT Europe

  2. Indo-European Migrations Humans started out in Africa (circa 100,000 BCE)→ Mesopotamia (Circa 25,000 BCE)→ India→ Europe

  3. Classical Greece: Athens & Sparta: Greece emerged from its Dark Ages in the eighth century BCE. Independent city states emerged. Centralized government was difficult due to the mountainous topography of Greece. >Both fought in Peloponnesian war >Sparta won and overtook Athens >Sparta-totalitarian and militaristic >Athens: direct democracy Athens SPICE information Athens flourished in the 5th century BCE. It was one of the great classical era civilizations. S: stratification; male landowners over 18 could vote; women were second class citizens lacked rights; large class of slave labor P: Athens was more democratic, developed Democracy under Pericles, Funeral oration = importance of common good, I: sea trade on Mediterranean had columns (Parthenon) → represent strength, order, and symmetry C: Athens columns influenced US colonial architecture (supreme court buildings); sculptures; Olympics Socrates-Socratic oath (debate have reason) Hippocrates- Hippocratic oath (practice medicine ethically) Aristotle → binary logic (1 or 0, A or not E: mountainous geography  lack of fertile soil  had to trade to get more grain ; raised goats, sheep

  4. Roman Republic 500 B.C.E.- 30 C.E.

  5. Roman Empire Augustus (Octavian) -defeat Brutus, Cassius, gained major lands, Roman republic restored, consular power (life), father of country Urban Empire: adm.Through Alexandria, Egypt, Antioch in Syria and Carthage PaxRomana (Roman peace) Apostle Paul spread of Christianity Aqueducts- carry water 3rd century crisis (235-284) political,

  6. Byzantine Empire Under Justinian Trade in the MediterraneanEoahoclox trade spread to Black Sea Cyrillic alphabet Onion domes church Eastern Orthodox Hagia Sophia Great architecture Justinian- autocratic style influence Russian culture Constantinople is the capital Founded by Constantine (330’s) Justinian’s code-provided basis for civil law in Europe Had perimeter of Mediterranean (expanded) by build army, re-conquer lands -> improve economy, increase trade, bureaucracy (administrators collect taxes)

  7. Charlemagne’s Empire: Early Medieval Period Holy Roman Empire 800 CE It was not Holy, roman or much of an empire 843 CE- Empire is split by his grandson’s ->Italy ->France ->Germany Charlemagne’s grandfather Charles Martel, stopped Muslim advance from Spain in 732

  8. Invasions of Europe: Era of Political Disintegration 800’s-900’s Europe Plunder and pillage Invasions occurred in centers of roman imperial authority, then North and East Europe (decentralization) Vikings tormented Europe Urban based civilization Trade decreased Self sufficient economy Feudal society Manor system serf=? Workers tied to land Made roads in Europe Dangerous->Feudalism/Manorism Kings Lords Knights Peasants

  9. Crusades(1100-1300) Re-discovery of Greek and Roman classics -> Renaissance C-A-R-E Causes : Christians wanted to stop spread of Islam, regain Holy Land Results: Trade resumed between Europe and Middle East, people move off feudal manors and back to towns and cities, rising middle class of merchants 200 year battle, 6 crusade (1096-1270)

  10. Spread of the Bubonic Plague (circa 1350) Causes fleas get on rats that travel on the silk road, plague spreads to Middle East and Europe Effects: kills many (spots on people), devastates populations

  11. Hundred Year’s war (1337-1453) England driven from France Fight for control of throne of France Strengthened France by removing British presence 1453 (end) between France and England and the fall of the Byzantine capital of Constantine to ottoman Turks Joan of Arc led french to victory of England, tried by English churchmen for being witch, burned at stake (1431) Leads to stronger identity of french because they kicked out the Europeans

  12. Protestant Reformation (1500’s) Key people: Guten burg printing press, Martin Luther Henry VIII, Calvin Causes: Due to disagreement between him and Pope Leo; papacy condemned him and picked Bean Felt preachers emphasizing act of giving money more than faith Effects: Religious unity ended, religious wars began between Protestants and Catholics Northern Europe – Protestants (Germany and England) Southern Europe –Catholics (Spain and Italy) Luther translated bible to German and this was mass produced by the printing press (Gutenberg)

  13. Thirty Years War & Treaty of Westphalia End of the Holy Wars in Europe between the Catholics and Protestants (1618-1648)

  14. Absolutism (18th Century) Absolute Monarch- Absolute power Louis XIV - Sunking Louis XIV (lifestyle)- lush lifestyle in Versailles, spent fortune, got into costly wars -> debt Wars led to French Revolution and debt Louis XIV and his grandson get beheaded in the French Revolution

  15. French Revolution Causes: calling of estates General in 1789, taking on burden of supporting American Revolution, Assembly of Notables (1787) attempt to fix policies but did not work Effects: Positive? Expanded participants in political life Negative? Robespierre reign of Terror Three estates: Clergy, nobility, commoners, and bourgeoisie

  16. Europe under Napoleon (1812) Goal: conquer all of Europe Britain = enemy, continental system Russia wanted out of continental system because they wanted to trade with Germany Attack Russia (winter) -> downfall (scorched earth policy) Religious tolerance, legal equality Effect= Napoleonic code restored stability, France needed stability, when Napoleon came to power Overthrew directory and came to power 1800-1814

  17. Congress of Vienna (1815-1914): Post-Napoleonic Balance of Power Goal/purpose: get rid of democracy, restore monarchy Effect: limited monarch (shared power), balance of power no continental wide conflict for 100 years

  18. Revolutions of 1830 & 1848 Early 1800’s Nationalism: liberalism (not successful) Balance of power in Europe 1815-1914 but there were still localized revolutions especially in 1830 and 1848 They were usually rushed Upper classes and military troops suppress these revolutions, nationalism increases -> changes

  19. Unification of Italy (1860’s) After Franco-Prussian war, Italy became unified Cause: unify Italy Actions: drive out Austria Result: Italy unified (1860’s) Late 1800’s Nationalism Militarism- succesfull

  20. Unification of Germany (1860’s) Militarism “Blood and Iron” Cause: nationalism centered on liberalism to nationalism based in militarism Unify Prussian States (militarism, nationalism) Actions: which three wars? France, Austria, Denmark Effect: Prussian States unified Prussia->Germany Kaiser Wilhelm I Bismarck defeats three countries

  21. Europe 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand MAIN (central powers)-> Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy ->France ,Great Britain, Russia Militarism: united military ->fight hard Alliances: always have back up Imperialism: raw materials expand power Nationalism: unite to fight for country Important weapon= machine gun, troops ordered to attack-> casualties increased because running in open land before enemies Germany lost war: armies collapsed League of Nations; Germany pay rep. to new countries: Poland, Czech, Yugoslavia Women took soldiers jobs while at war U.S. neutral for 3 years until Germans starved British in unrestricted warfare (submarine); it failed and U.S. got involved

  22. Post WWI Europe (1919) Germany’s economy crushed (hyper-inflation) 6/28/1919 Treaty of Versailles signed, Germany pays reparations New countries: Poland, Czech, Yugoslavia Mandates created (Middle East) Leads to the rise of Hitler

  23. Nazi Domination of Europe in WWII Because Germany needed strong leader to restore economic, social, and political stability Violate Treaty of versailles Rebuild army, takes alsace Lorraine, Austria Gets part of Czech (in agreement with chamberlain)-> Munich Chamberlin appeasement to pact Hitler Hitler attacked Poland -> WWII Concentration camps Genocide “Master Race”

  24. The Cold War in Europe War between Soviet Union and U.S. Never fought until Cuban missile crisis Iron curtain (division between Soviet Union and U.S.) 1949 NATO= military defense alliance U.S. and countries of Western Europe again Soviet Union and its Eastern Europe allies Warsaw pact = Soviet Union and European allies against NATO Goal of NATO: protect countries in it from spread of communism Goal of Warsaw: protect countries in it from spread of imperialism United Nations ratified in 1945 (UNICEF, FAO, UNESCO) Maintain peace, avoid problems (did not work): War between communism and capitalism for world influence Marshall Plan=reconstruct countries World Bank: provide funds 1955 for reconstructing Europe

  25. European Union Cause: compete with U.S. to become super power (economy) Established Euro- common currency it’s not going well Reduce tariffs Easy to get across borders Economic alliance of European countries

  26. Europe

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