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Fugitive Slave Act. William Lloyd Garrison (left) “Don’t be alarmed Susanna, you’re safe enough” Slave catcher: “Don’t back out Webster, if you do we’re ruined.” Webster: “Though this Constitutional, is extremely disagreeable.”
William Lloyd Garrison (left) “Don’t be alarmed Susanna, you’re safe enough” Slave catcher: “Don’t back out Webster, if you do we’re ruined.” Webster: “Though this Constitutional, is extremely disagreeable.” Man holding volumes “Law and Gospel:” “we will give these fellows a touch of South Carolina.” Man with quill and ledger: “I goes in for Law and Order.” Fallen Slaveholder: “This is all your fault Webster.” Flags: 1 “All men are born free and equal.” 2 “A day, and hour, of virtous Liberty, is worth an age of servitude.”
In the center stands Democratic incumbent Franklin Pierce, dressed in the buckskins of a "border ruffian." Liberty is saying "O spare me gentlemen, spare me!!" At right is Lewis Cass stands licking his lips and scoffing, "Poor little Dear. We wouldnt hurt her for the world, would we Frank? ha! ha! ha! . . ." At the far right Democratic senator Stephen Douglas kneels over a slain farmer and holds up the hapless victim's scalp, exclaiming, "Hurrah for our side! Victory! Victory! "We will subdue them yet." " On the far left Democratic candidate James Buchanan and secretary of state William Marcy (with his characteristic fifty-cent" trouser patch) kneel over another victim and empty his pockets. Buchanan saying,"T'was your's once but its mine now, "Might makes right," dont it." Pierce responds, "You may bet your life on that, ole Puddinhead," and says to Liberty, "Come Sis--sy, you go along wid me, I'le take Good care of "you" (hic) "over the left."" In the left background a cottage burns, and the mad widow of a murdered settler stands before a group of ruffians. Widow: "Come husband let us go to heaven, where our poor Children are." Ruffian, thumbing his nose: "Ho! ho! She thinks I'm her husband, we Scalped the Cus and she like a D--m fool went Crazy on it, and now she wants me to go to heaven with her, . . . "
From left to right: Stephen A. Douglas, Franklin Pierce, Freesoiler, James Buchanan (President 1856-1860), Lewis Cass (author of popular sovereignty doctrine)
Title: Stephen Finding His Mother Stephen A Douglas (laying): “Oh! Mom, let me off this time and I’ll never do so any more!” Mother Columbia: “You have been a bad boy Steve, ever since you had anything to do with that Nebraska Bill and have made a great deal of trouble in the family and now I’ll pay you for it.” Uncle Sam: “Give him the stripes till he see stars,”
Pierce in center before a “slave holder and peace maker:” “I accept this cheerfully.” Slave holder: “Save the Union/and with the meanest Yankee Grease, smear the hinges of your knees/ and in silence pray for peace.” Democratic platform: “Southern Pine” and inscribed “Fugitive Slave Law and nigger catching, and resist agitation on the slavery question” Far left: “the Devil come up to attend his revival” says “well done my faithful servants” To right (an infamous, murderous general) “I feel quite at home in this company give me your hand my good fellow.” Further right: Lewis Cass and Stephen Douglas. Cass: “We are down Douglass, Pierce has bid lower than either of us.” Douglas: “There is nothing impossible for a New Hampshire conservative Democrat to do in that line.” On the ground: “the slaveocratic miscalled the Democratic party, how they obey the crack of the slaveholder’s whip!”