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Explore 10 milestone achievements from the SF Bay Area including RAMAC, SPICE Circuit, and HP-35 Handheld Calculator, shaping the landscape of technology and innovation.
IEEE Milestones in Region 6 Brian Berg: IEEE Region 6 Milestone Coordinator
Requirements for a Milestone • Must be at least 25 years old • Typically an invention, location or event • Achievement must be within IEEE’s fields of interest, e.g., • “the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering, as well as computer science, the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences” (from the IEEE Constitution) • An appropriate publicly-accessible location for permanent display of the plaque
What Appears on the Plaque • Title of the proposed milestone including the year(s) • Citationsummarizestheachievementand itssignificancein 70 wordsor less
10 IEEE Milestones in the SF BAY Area • RAMAC, 1956: San Jose, CA (IBM) • Semiconductor Planar Process and Integrated Circuit, 1959: Palo Alto (Fairchild) • Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 1962: Menlo Park • Inception of the ARPANET, 1969: Menlo Park • Birth of the SPICE Circuit Simulation Program, 1971: Berkeley • Development of the HP-35, the First Handheld Scientific Calculator, 1972: Palo Alto • The CP/M Microcomputer Operating System, 1974: Pacific Grove • The Floating Gate EEPROM, 1976-1978: Milpitas • First RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Computing) Microprocessor, 1980-1982: Berkeley • SPARC RISC Architecture, 1987: Santa Clara
1: RAMAC, 1956:99 Notre Dame St,San Jose, CA (IBM) • Developed by IBM in San Jose, California at 99 Notre Dame Street from 1952 until 1956, the Random Access Method of Accounting and Control (RAMAC) was the first computer system conceived around a radically new magnetic disk storage device. The extremely large capacity, rapid access, and low cost of magnetic disk storage revolutionized computer architecture, performance, and applications.
2: SemiconductorPlanar Process andIntegrated Circuit, 1959:Charleston Rd, Palo Alto(Fairchild) (near San Antonio Rd/US-101) • The 1959 invention of the Planar Process by Jean A. Hoerni and the Integrated Circuit (IC) based on planar technology by Robert N. Noyce catapulted the semiconductor industry into the silicon IC era. This pair of pioneering inventions led to the present IC industry, which today supplies a wide and growing variety of advanced semiconductor products used throughout the world.
3: Stanford LinearAccelerator Center,1962: Sand Hill Rd,Menlo Park • The Stanford two-mile accelerator, the longest in the world, accelerates electrons to the very high energy needed in the study of subatomic particles and forces. Experiments performed here have shown that the proton, one of the building blocks of the atom, is in turn composed of smaller particles now called quarks.
4: Inception of theARPANET, 1969:SRI, Menlo Park • SRI was one of the first two nodes,with the University of California atLos Angeles, on the ARPANET, thefirst digital global network basedon packet switching and demandaccess. The first documentedARPANET connection was fromUCLA to SRI on 29 October 1969at 10:30p.m. The ARPANET’stechnology and deployment laidthe foundation for thedevelopment of the Internet.
5: Birth of the SPICECircuit SimulationProgram, 1971:UC Berkeley • SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) was created at UC Berkeley as a class project in 1969-1970. It evolved to become the worldwide standard integrated circuit simulator. SPICE has been used to train many students in the intricacies of circuit simulation. SPICE and its descendents have become essential tools employed by virtually all integrated circuit designers. • Dr. Larry Nagel was primarily responsible for writing the SPICE software.
6: Development of theHP-35, the FirstHandheld ScientificCalculator, 1972:HP, Palo Alto • The HP-35 was the first handheld calculator to perform transcendental functions (such as trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions). Most contemporary calculators could only perform the four basic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The HP-35 and subsequent models have replaced the slide rule, used by generations of engineers and scientists. The HP-35 performed all the functions of the slide rule to ten-digit precision over a full two-hundred-decade range.
7: The Floating GateEEPROM, 1976-1978:SanDisk, Milpitas • From 1976-1978, at Hughes Microelectronics in Newport Beach, California, the practicality, reliability, manufacturability and endurance of the Floating Gate EEPROM -- an electrically erasable device using a thin gate oxide and Fowler-Nordheim tunneling for writing and erasing -- was proven. As a significant foundation of data storage in flash memory, this fostered new classes of portable computing and communication devices which allow ubiquitous personal access to data. • Dr. Eli Harari was responsible for the 1976-78 (SiO2 thickness) and 1988 (flash emulation of a disk drive) work behind this milestone.
8: First RISC (ReducedInstruction-Set Compu-ting) Microprocessor,1980-1982: UC Berkeley • UC Berkeley students designed and built the first VLSI reduced instruction-set computer in 1981. The simplified instructions of RISC-I reduced the hardware for instruction decode and control, which enabled a flat 32-bit address space, a large set of registers, and pipelined execution. A good match to C programs and the Unix operating system, RISC-I influenced instruction sets widely used today, including those for game consoles, smartphones and tablets.
9: SPARC RISC Architecture1987: Santa Clara(Oracle; formerly SunMicrosystems) • Sun Microsystems introduced SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture) RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Computing) in 1987. Building upon UC Berkeley RISC and Sun compiler and operating system developments, SPARC architecture was highly adaptable to evolving semiconductor, software, and system technology and user needs. The architecture delivered the highest performance, scalable workstations and servers, for engineering, business, Internet, and cloud computing applications.
10: The CP/M MicrocomputerOperating System and BIOS,1974: 801 Lighthouse Ave(1.2 miles from here)
CP/M and BIOS Milestone Dedicationat Pacific Grove City Hall (25 April 2015) • David Laws, John Wharton, Brian Berg, Tom Rolander, Gordon Eubanks (Symantec founder), Brian Halla (past President, National Semiconductor) and Howard Michel (IEEE President-Elect)
CP/M and BIOS Milestone Dedicationat 801 Lighthouse Ave. (25 April 2015) • Kristin and Scott Kildall (Gary’s two children) • Ted Hoff (uP co-inventor; worked with Gary Kildall at Intel)
Upcoming Milestones • Apple I, II, Macintosh • Mother of all Demos • Doug Engelbart’s 1968 Demo of mouse, windows, hyperlinks • Ampex Videorecorder • Birthplace of Silicon Valley • Site of Shockley Labs in Mtn. View • Pixar RenderMan • TCP (Vint Cerf) • ROLM CBX/Phonemail • Cisco • Qualcomm • Dialog (first search engine) • Shakey (first mobile and intelligent robot)
Can You Be a Milestone “Champion”? • If you are interested, contact me • Brian Berg, R6 Milestone Coordinator • b.berg@ieee.org