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BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. TECHNICAL ADVISER : lecturer Ph.D. Cristina Felea. Biotechnology and Crop Engineering. GROUP MEMBERS : Cristina Maria Luca Ioana Florea. BIOTECHNOLOGY.
BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering TECHNICAL ADVISER : lecturer Ph.D. Cristina Felea Biotechnology and Crop Engineering GROUP MEMBERS : Cristina Maria Luca Ioana Florea
BIOTECHNOLOGY applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields requiring bioproducts.[ 15 ] GENETIC CROP ENGINEERING it represents the manipulation of a plants genetic material by : • introducing, • enhancing, • eliminating specific genes
GENE identified & isolated gene replication gene inserted into plasmid bacterium mixed with plant cells heavy metal coated with plasmid DNA PLANT CELL with DNA insert into chromosome cell shot with gene gun plasmid inserted in cell gene screened for transgene TRANSFORMED CELL identified with selectable marker TRANSGENIC PLANT
ADVANTAGES • Enhanced taste and quality • Reduced maturation time • Increased nutrients, yields, and stress tolerance • Improved resistance to disease, pests, and herbicides • New products and growing techniques[11] In conventional farming • the conventional seeds are usually treated with fungicides and insecticides • are used synthetic fertilisers • toxic pesticides to control "pests" & weed
DISADVANTAGES • human health impacts • allergens, • transfer of antibiotic resistance markers, • unintended transfer of transgenes through cross-pollination, • unknown effects on other organisms • loss of biodiversity ETHICS • Violation of natural organisms • Tampering with nature by mixing genes among species • Objections to consuming animal genes in plants and vice versa • Stress for animal[10]
SAFETY FOODS AROUND THE WOLRD maize cultivation MON810 banned in : • Germany - april 2009 • France • Austria • Greece • Hungary • Luxembourg no objections...for now, in : • USA • Canada - from Health Canada 'MON810 offers the Canadian grower protection against the loss of yield due to infestation with the European Corn Borer (ECB),...'[ 5 ] • UE- Directive 90/220/EEC[ 4 ]
SAFETY FOODS IN ROMANIA • Ordinul MAPDR nr.237/2006 privind autorizarea cultivatorilor de plante modificate genetic publicat înMonitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 337 din14.04.2006;(pdf, 94 KB) • Ordinul MAPDR nr.471/2006 pentru completarea şi modificarea Ordinul MAPDR nr.237/2006 privind autorizarea cultivatorilor de plante modificate genetic publicat înMonitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 663 din 2.08.2006; (pdf, 71 KB) • OUG nr.43/2007 privind introducerea deliberata în mediu şi introducerea pe piaţă a organismelor modificate genetic publicat înMonitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr.435 din 28.06.2007; (pdf, 340 KB) • OUG nr.195/2005 privind protecţia mediului, publicat înMonitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr.1196 din 30.12.2005; (pdf, 275 KB) • HG nr. 173/2006 privind trasabilitatea si etichetarea organismelor modificate genetic si trasabilitatea alimentelor si hranei pentru animale, obtinute din organisme modificate genetic,publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 206/6.03.2006. • Legea 265/2006 pentru aprobarea Ordonantei de urgenţă a guvernului nr.195/2005 privind protecţia mediului, publicat înMonitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr.586 din 6.07.2006; (pdf, 68 KB)
RESPONSE : 'The vast majority of the 41 articles published in 2008 and 2009 indicate no impact on these organisms and only two articles indicate a minor effect, which is either inconsistent during the planting season or represents an indirect effect. Publications from 1996 to 2008 (376 publications) and recent meta-analyses do not allow to conclude on consistent effects either.' replied Monsanto to german goverment after they decided to ban MON180
WHAT THE SCIENTISTS THINK ABOUT IT : In fact looking into a prestigious magazine like Journal of Agriculture, Food & Chemystry, from 2002 to 2010, we find 80 articles about GMO • 98% detection of GMO's • 1% heat degradation of DNA • 1% immune response of a mouse to GMO's food
[ 11 ] [ 14 ] [ 12 ] [ 10 ] Rapeseed Rapeseed Tomato cotton
[ 13 ] Sweet Peppers rice [ 7 ] Rapeseed [8 ] Hawaiian papaya [ ] Squash
1. 2. A. Ricroch, & all, 'Is the German suspension of MON810 maize cultivation scientifically justified ?', Springer Science & Business Media B.V.2009 3. 4. * * * Detection and Quantification of Genetically Modified Organisms, UE 5. * * * Office of Food Biotechnology, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2 6.* * * www.all-creatures.org 7. * * * www.gazeley.com 8. * * * www.growhawaii.com 9. * * * www.meristem.com 10. * * * www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Humangenome 11. * * * www.oklahoma4h.okstate.edu 11. * * * www.seedland.com 12. * * * www.soils.wisc.edu 13. * * * www.treehugger.com 14. * * * www.tumbledownfarm.com 15. * * * www.wikipeidia.org 16. 17. Liste of references