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HOV Attitude and Usage Study. September 24, 2003. Today’s Agenda. I. Objectives and Methodology II. Detailed Findings Commuters Who Use the HOV Lanes Perceptions of HOV Reasons for Not Using the HOV Lanes Ridesharing Transportation and Commuting Issues
HOV Attitude and Usage Study September 24, 2003
Today’s Agenda I. Objectives and Methodology II. Detailed Findings Commuters Who Use the HOV Lanes Perceptions of HOV Reasons for Not Using the HOV Lanes Ridesharing Transportation and Commuting Issues Response to Information about HOV Lanes III. Conclusions and Implications
Objectives • Assess awareness of HOV lanes • Determine level of support and usage of HOV lanes • Assess perceptions and imagery of HOV lanes • Assess perceived benefits and importance of benefits of the lanes • Better understand HOV usage by comparing current users to commuters who could use the HOV lanes but do not • Assess perceptions of lane enforcement • Identify barriers to usage and ways that these barriers can be overcome
Methodology • A telephone survey was conducted among commuters in Northern Virginia who travel on the Dulles Toll Road, I-95, I-395 or I-66 • Some respondents currently use the HOV lanes, and some do not use the HOV lanes but could • Non-users had to travel a sufficient distance for HOV lanes to be beneficial. Commuters on I-95 and I-395 had to travel for at least 30 minutes to qualify. Commuters on DTR and I-66 had to travel for at least 20 minutes • For non users, HOV lanes had to be conveniently accessible to them • In addition, all respondents had to: • Be aged 18 - 65 • Commute at least 3 days a week during morning “rush” hour on DTR, I-95, I-395 or I-66
Methodology • 1,800 interviews were targeted for completion. These interviews were to include 200 HOV users on each of the corridors: DTR, I-95, I-395 and I-66. The sample was also designed to include non HOV users: 200 each on I-95 and I-395 and 400 each on DTR and I-66. • 1,817 interviews were completed, distributed as follows: TotalDTRI-95I-395I-66 Use Non Use Non Use Non Use Non Use Non HOVUserHOVUserHOVUserHOV UserHOVUser 677 1,140 174 478 219 291 223 237 301 536 • The typical morning commute for some commuters involves more than one of these corridors. Thus, some respondents are represented more than once in these categories.
Mode of Transportation Used Most Often Data from Q8: Which of the following transportation modes do you use most often when commuting on (DTR/I-95/I-395/I-66)?
Average Length of Trip in Minutes Data from Q12: On average, how many minutes does it take to travel from your home to (DESTINATION), one-way?
Average Length of Trip in Minutes-- By Corridor -- Data from Q12: On average, how many minutes does it take to travel from your home to (DESTINATION), one-way?
Average Length of Trip in Miles Data from Q13: About how many miles is that?
DTR I-95 I-395 I-66 Use HOV Non HOV Use HOV Non HOV Use HOV Non HOV Use HOV Non HOV % % % % % % % % 1 – 10 miles 9 10 5 4 8 10 9 9 11 – 20 miles 20 34 12 27 23 33 30 37 21 – 30 miles 37 32 29 27 28 29 34 29 31 – 40 miles 17 10 13 15 9 12 13 11 41 – 50 miles 5 5 16 9 10 5 4 4 51 – 60 miles 2 2 13 6 9 3 1 2 Over 60 miles 1 1 7 4 6 3 1 2 Don’t know 9 6 5 10 7 5 9 7 Average 27 miles 24 miles 37 miles 31 miles 32 miles 25 miles 25 miles 24 miles Average Length of Trip in Miles-- By Corridor -- Data from Q13: About how many miles is that?
Minutes Miles Use HOV Non HOV < 15 miles 27 min 32 min 15 – 19 miles 36 min 41 min 20 – 25 miles 45 min 48 min 26 – 35 miles 51 min 60 min Over 35 miles 68 min 72 min Average Miles and Minutes for Commute
Employment Status 44% of I-95 HOV users and 48% of I-395 HOV users work for the federal government Data from Q39: Do you work for … ?
Alternative Transportation Support Offered by Employer Data from Q40: Which of the following does your employer offer?
Age Mean age of HOV = 42 Mean age of non HOV = 40 Data from Q41: Which of the following best describes your current age?
Race or Ethnicity Data from Q42: Which of the following best describes your race or ethnicity?
Length of Time Lived in Area Mean years in area: HOV = 13 Non HOV = 15 Data from Q43: How many years have you lived in your area?
Annual Household Income Mean: HOV = $97,000 Non HOV = $94,000 Data from Q44: Is your current annual household income above or below $50,000? If “over,” ask: Is it $125,000 or more, $100,000 -$124,999, $75,000-$99,999, $50,000-$74,999? If “below,” ask: Is it … $35,000-$49,999, $25,000-$34,999, $15,000-$25,999, $5,000-$14,999, under $5,000?
Gender Data from Q46: Specify gender. (DO NOT ASK.)
Reasons for Using HOV Lanes Data from Q17: You indicated that you do use the HOV lanes on your regular commute. Why have you decided to use a transportation option that allows you to use the HOV lanes?
Agreement with Statements about HOV Lanes 86% 84% 84% 82% 83% 72% 69% 62% 50% 46% 44% 40% 36% 33% 22% Data from Q22: Next, I’m going to read you some statements that relate to HOV lanes. For each, please tell me if you agree or disagree with that statement. (Follow-up with: Would that be strongly or somewhat?)
Perception of How Strictly the HOV Lanes Are Enforced 39% Proportion who answered “5” or “4” on 5-point scale, where “1” means that the restrictions are not enforced at all and “5” means that the restrictions are enforced regularly. 37% 41% Data from Q36: How strictly would you say the HOV lane restrictions are enforced? Please use a scale of 1-5 for your answer, where “1” means that the restrictions are not enforced at all and “5” means that the restrictions are enforced regularly.
Perception of How Strictly the HOV Lanes Are Enforced-- By Corridor -- Proportion who answered “5” or “4” on 5-point scale, where “1” means that the restrictions are not enforced at all and “5” means that the restrictions are enforced regularly. Data from Q36: How strictly would you say the HOV lane restrictions are enforced? Please use a scale of 1-5 for your answer, where “1” means that the restrictions are not enforced at all and “5” means that the restrictions are enforced regularly.
Perception of Current Penalty or Penalties for Violation of HOV Restrictions Data from Q37: What is the current penalty or penalties for violation of HOV lane restrictions?
Perception of Current Penalty or Penalties for Violation of HOV Restrictions -- By Corridor -- Data from Q37: What is the current penalty or penalties for violation of HOV lane restrictions?
Agree that HOV Lanes Should Be Enforced More Fully Total proportion answer-ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “do not agree at all” and “5” means “agree very much.” Data from Q38: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “HOV lanes should be enforced more fully”? Please use a scale of 1-5 for your answer, where “1” means “do not agree at all” and “5” means “agree very much.”
Aware of HOV Lanes Based to those who do not use HOV lanes. Data from Q15: Prior to this interview, were you aware of the HOV lanes on (DTR/I-95/I-395/I-66)?
Familiarity with HOV Lanes Total proportion answer-ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “not very familiar” and “5” means “very familiar.” Based to those who do not use HOV lanes but are aware of them. Data from Q16: How familiar are you with the HOV lanes on (DTR/I-95/I-395/I-66)? By familiar I mean, do you know where the exits and entrances for the HOV lanes are? Do you know the hours of operation? How familiar would you say you are with the HOV lanes? Please use a scale of 1-5 for your answer, where “1” is “not very familiar” and “5” is “very familiar.”
Reasons for Not Using HOV Lanes Data from Q18: You indicated that you do not use the HOV lanes. Why have you decided not to use the HOV lanes? / You indicated that you use the HOV lanes 1-2 days per week. Why do you not use the HOV lanes more often?
Past Usage of HOV Lanes Yes: DTR = 30% I-95 = 43% I-395 = 45% I-66 = 37% Data from Q19: Have you in the past ever used any HOV lanes regularly? Based to commuters who do not use the HOV lanes.
Likelihood of Joining Carpool or Vanpool or Take Bus to Use HOV Lanes 26% 25% Based to those who currently SOV. 28% 26% 25% Data from Q25: How likely would you be in the future to join a carpool or vanpool or take a bus in order to use the HOV lanes? Would you be very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or not at all likely?
Transportation Most Likely to Use in Order to Use HOV Lanes Based to those who said they are somewhat or very likely to use alternate transportation in order to use HOV lanes. Data from Q26: Which of the following alternatives would you most likely use for your work commute/destinations?
Transportation Most Likely to Use in Order to Use HOV Lanes-- By Corridor -- Based to those who said they are somewhat or very likely to use alternate transportation in order to use HOV lanes. Data from Q26: Which of the following alternatives would you most likely use for your work/commute destination?
Attribute Impact on Likelihood of Ridesharing 52% 48% 42% Total proportion answer- ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “not at all likely” and “5” means “very likely.” 40% 40% 35% 33% 29% 29% Based to those who currently SOV. 16% Data from Q21a: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. On a scale of 1-5 where “1” is “not at all likely” and “5” is “very likely,” how likely would you be to rideshare once or twice a week if …?
Attribute Impact on Likelihood of Ridesharing-- DTR -- 51% 45% 39% Total proportion answer-ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “not at all likely”” and “5” means “very likely.” 49% 39% 34% 29% 25% 24% Based to those who currently SOV. 13% Data from Q21a: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. On a scale of 1-5 where “1” is “not at all likely” and “5” is “very likely,” how likely would you be to rideshare once or twice a week if … ?
Attribute Impact on Likelihood of Ridesharing-- I-95 -- 55% 52% 48% Total proportion answer-ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “not at all likely”” and “5” means “very likely.” 49% 48% 42% 44% 31% Based to those who currently SOV. 40% 24% Data from Q21a: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. On a scale of 1-5 where “1” is “not at all likely” and “5” is “very likely,” how likely would you be to rideshare once or twice a week if … ?
Attribute Impact on Likelihood of Ridesharing-- I-395 -- 58% 52% 48% Total proportion answer-ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “not at all likely” and “5” means “very likely.” 46% 46% 39% 44% 32% 36% Based to those who currently SOV. 18% Data from Q21a: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. On a scale of 1-5 where “1” is “not at all likely” and “5” is “very likely,” how likely would you be to rideshare once or twice a week if … ?
Attribute Impact on Likelihood of Ridesharing-- I-66 -- 53% 48% 44% Total proportion answer-ing “4” or “5” on 5-point scale, where “1” means “not at all likely” and “5” means “very likely.” 40% 39% 34% 34% 30% Based to those who currently SOV. 29% 15% Data from Q21a: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. On a scale of 1-5 where “1” is “not at all likely” and “5” is “very likely,” how likely would you be to rideshare once or twice a week if … ?
Reasons for Ridesharing Based to those who currently rideshare. Data from Q21b: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. For each one, please tell me whether it is or is not a reason why you currently rideshare rather than drive alone.
Reasons for Ridesharing-- DTR -- Based to those who currently rideshare. Data from Q21b: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. For each one, please tell me whether it is or is not a reason why you currently rideshare rather than drive alone.
Reasons for Ridesharing-- I-95 -- Based to those who currently rideshare. Data from Q21b: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. For each one, please tell me whether it is or is not a reason why you currently rideshare rather than drive alone.
Reasons for Ridesharing-- I-395 -- Based to those who currently rideshare. Data from Q21b: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. For each one, please tell me whether it is or is not a reason why you currently rideshare rather than drive alone.
Reasons for Ridesharing-- I-66 -- Based to those who currently rideshare. Data from Q21b: People rideshare for a variety of reasons. For each one, please tell me whether it is or is not a reason why you currently rideshare rather than drive alone.
Importance Index Respondents who rideshare were asked their first and second most important reasons for ridesharing. An “Importance Index” was created by assigning 2 points for every first place mention and 1 point for every second place mention. The points were totaled for each attribute (or “reason”). Then, the points for all attributes were totaled. The proportion of the total accumulated for each attribute represents that attribute’s “Importance Index.” This value represents each attribute’s relative importance in deciding to rideshare.