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IceCube construction status

IceCube construction status. Albrecht Karle PAP/SAC meeting Madison, March 1, 2007. IceCube 2007: IC22. IceCube array 70+ strings and IceTop stations planned 22 strings and 1320 DOMs installed 26 IceTop stations with 104 DOMs installed. 78. 74. 73. 72. 67. 66. 65. 59. 58. 57.

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IceCube construction status

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  1. IceCube construction status Albrecht Karle PAP/SAC meeting Madison, March 1, 2007

  2. IceCube 2007: IC22 IceCube array 70+ strings and IceTop stations planned 22 strings and 1320 DOMs installed 26 IceTop stations with 104 DOMs installed

  3. 78 74 73 72 67 66 65 59 58 57 56 50 49 48 47 46 40 39 38 30 29 21 2005, 2006, 2007 Deployments AMANDA 1+ 9 + 13 = 22 strings to date IceCube string deployed 01/05 IceCube string deployed 12/05 – 01/06 IceCube string and IceTop station deployed 12/06 – 01/07 IceCube Lab commissioned 1424 DOMs deployed to date Next year looking for 14 to 18 strings. Want to achieve steady state of >= 14 strings / season.

  4. Hotwater drilling: Trend towards increasingly stable operation continued. Experienced crew

  5. Drilling and deployment timelines 10 h 36 h

  6. Drilling and Deployment cycle Ice drilling on next hole begins while previous string is being secured, Highly parallelized operation Lunch break Identify leak in hose, Identify, pull back, Prepare action, Replace segment, Drill again* ~10h Typicallly ~33h *Simplified description of event ~51 hours/cycle

  7. Drill and deployment durations

  8. Independent firn drill • Based on electrical power (150 kW), eliminates need of EHWD for firn drilling. • Successfully used for three holes. Expected to save about 12 to 15 h per drill cycle - 2 holes per season!

  9. 2006 as built - 2008 preliminary plan Drill camp 2007/08 Already in place, Hope to gain 2 holes! See posters for detailed viewing

  10. Experienced field team deals very well with issues and harsh conditions.

  11. IceTop – the Surface Airshower Detector • 26 stations deployed • All tanks (160+) built. • Freezing process improved due to better insulation. • Continue with successful deployment. • Strategy: continue to stay a few stations ahead of the string installation (max 18 next season.)

  12. Primeminister of New Zealand, Helen Clark and the Director of the NSF, Dr. Arden L. Bement visit the South Pole, signing a DOM.

  13. DOM production • Production on track on all sites • ~1450 DOMs built today • 540 DOMs in McMurdo or at South Pole at present.

  14. Cable production - surface to DOM cables To date: 54 cables shipped from Ericsson

  15. DAQ S/W Status • November 2006 - project adopts plan for DAQ S/W streamlining: • Goals: • Simplification and streamlining • Allow for lower maintenance budget, less complexity, minimize need for CS professionals in DAQ • Improve accessibility for scientists. • January 29th, 2007 - begin integration of DAQ at South Pole. • February 21st, 2007 - SPS closed. 22 in-ice strings, 26 IceTop stations, and AMANDA detector integrated into DAQ. Improvements • Code is simpler - 117k lines of Java / 15k Python as compared to > 300k lines of Java before. • Less computing hosts (save 9 hosts ~ 1 plane of fuel/year) • Configuration server system is simple and flexible: • No more need for separate testing framework. (Each developer can run DAQ on a laptop for development work.) • Turn-around time is very fast as compared to previous system: 30 s for complete deploy and start-up to running state as compared to 10 min. This enables quick edit-compile-debug looping.

  16. Issues / TODO • pDAQ is not in stable running at Pole with 22 strings • I/O system from rDAQ is suspected as not being able to keep up to rate of hits at InIceTrigger component. A rewrite is underway but was not completed prior to close of Pole. Estimate 10-15 days to resolve. • Data is still being taken in HLC (hard local coincidence triggering on the DOM) / engineering format. • Events are big. Need to get compressed hit formats working to reduce event volume by factor of 3-5x then work on bringing up isolated hits. • Support for flasher board calibration runs pending.

  17. Neutrino event

  18. IceCube lab commissioned, • South Pole computing system (SPS), all racks and infrastructure installed, • 64 bit implemented on SPS and SPTS, • About 10 racks of computers and hubs. • Working simulation, exp control, PnF IceCube Lab (ICL) Temporary ICL, Now removed Independent Firn Drill

  19. On-Ice organization

  20. IceCube International Oversight and Finance Group NSF, Executive Agent IceCube Collaboration F. Halzen Principal Investigator Co-Spokesperson IceCube Collaboration Board C. Spiering, Spokesperson Advisory and Oversight Groups UW Leadership Team Science Advisory Committee, M. Schaevitz (Chair) Project Advisory Panel, J. Marx (Chair) Hot Water Drill Advisory Panel, M. Mulligan (Chair) IceCube Neutrino Observatory J. Yeck, Project Director R. Paulos, Associate Director A. Karle, Associate Director Engineering & Project Support Science & Instrumentation Safety and QA Manager, M. Zernick Logistics Manager, T. Hannaford Software Coordinator, TBD Detector Operations Run Coordinator A. Goldschmidt A3RI & Project SupportR. Paulos Accounting, N. Odalen Resource Coordinator, D. Laitsch E&O, E. Malkus Human Resources, T. Wipperfurth IT Support, M. Mueller KRC Business & PSL Technical Services Project Controls P. Nipko Engineering R. Paulos (A) J. Cavin* RPSC Support S. Clapp Drilling & String Installation T. Hutchings Instrumentation J. Haugen Data Acquisition K. Hanson B. Edwards Data Systems G. Sullivan Detector Comm&Verification D. Cowen Planning P. Nipko Drill A. Elcheick DAQ Hardware D. Nygren J. Joseph Experiment Control S. Patton Verification/Benchmarks G. Hill Electrical Engineering P. Sandstrom Optical Modules J. Haugen Monitoring & Analysis A. Peles System Engineering J. Cherwinka DAQ Software C. McParland Data Handling D. Schneider Reconstruction S. Schlenstadt Mechanical Engineering J. Cherwinka IceTop T. Gaisser Change Management B. Ziegler String Installation T. Ham Data Filter/Software E. Blaufuss Characterization K. Woschnagg System Testing A. Laundrie Cables/Special Devices J. Baccus Funds & Acct. Interface L. Riley Simulations K. Hultqvist AMANDA/I3 Integration T. DeYoung Software D. Wharton South Pole Labs S. Cantley June 8, 2006 Effective Date Legend Project Direction and Reporting Project Advice and Recommendations Project Support (A) - Acting Construction Project orgchart

  21. Maintenance & Operations Orgchart International Oversight and Finance Group NSF, Executive Agent Science Operations Operations Support Run Coordination Computing Software & Data Processing R&D Detector Monitoring Administrative Support Online Processing Filtering & Software Systems Northern Data Center Tech Support DAQ Reconstruction Software Metadata & Database Support Logistics Data Distribution Online Filtering Software Detector Hardware RPSC Data Storage Offline Filtering Software SPS Data Handling Tier 2 Support Simulation Software Data Center DESY AMANDA Data Production Winter Overs Offline Data MC Production Europe Monte Carlo SPTS Data Integrity Detector Calibration Data Verification Collaboration Board Executive Committee IceCube Collaboration Collaboration Spokesperson DRAFT IceCube Neutrino Observatory Principal Investigator Director of Operations Software Coordination Education & Outreach Science Advisory Committee A3RI & Project Support Trigger Filter Transmit Board Detector Operations Effective Date

  22. IceCube field teamJanuary 28, 2007 • 50 team members on the ice from Oct to early February • 30 drillers, 20 technicians and scientists

  23. Summary • Experience from last year: • Drill system capable of sustained operation at high rate for entire season • Digital optical module is manufacturable in large quantities and is robust: >1400 DOMs in the ice. • DOM Survival rates are very good. • The 22 strings and 26 surface stations in operation. • Surface DAQ SW revised; confident to reach stable operation with 22 strings soon. • The detector and data system is being exercised end to end. • String deployment plan: plan 14, up to18 strings next year. Looking to reach target of 75+ strings. • Detector is ready for operations.

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