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Title I, Part A/Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Webinar. June 13, 2012 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. LAP iGrants Form Package 218.
Title I, Part A/Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Webinar June 13, 2012 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
LAP iGrants Form Package 218 Chapter 28A.165 RCW requires submission of a district LAP plan, which includes any significant changes to a previously submitted and approved application, to OSPI by July 1 of each year. Significant changes would include, but not be limited to, changes to the LAP program, trends, students and content areas served, enrollment, and delivery to students, as well as changes in allocations for specific purposes and amounts to buildings.
Provide a description of the district's LAP program. The district is using its LAP allocation to fund programs at ten elementary schools, three middle schools and two comprehensive high schools and an alternative high school. LAP funds are used to provide literacy specialist support and other certificated teachers to assist staff in meeting the needs of the most academically-challenged students. Other roles supported by LAP are paraeducators who provide additional intervention, supplemental math or reading classes at the secondary site, credit recovery classes for 11th and 12th graders, summer programs for identified middle and high school LAP students, and some sites fund a LAP Advocate who serves as a mentor to support middle/high school learners in meeting academic standards. Each school must annually develop a School Improvement Plan, which looks at analyzing the specific needs of the school, analyzing available resources, and making/reviewing recommendations and requirements for LAP-funded staff. The district has created a uniform process of assessing students to identify those that would be most in need of additional intervention. State assessments are first considered. District assessments are also considered which include DIBELS Benchmark testing, MAP reading and math, Fall Math Screening and Math Benchmark Assessments. At the elementary schools the data is compiled, studied, and discussed by a team of educators referred to as CAST (Collaborative Academic Support Team) or Tier I team, which includes the classroom teacher, literacy, intervention, principal, counselor, nurse, psychologist, special education and/or ELL teacher, and language pathologist, when available. Identified lowest achieving elementary students receive additional instruction and support in reading and/or math under the direct supervision of a certificated teacher, using research-based programs, which include Read Naturally, Soar to Success, Skillbuilders, Corrective Reading, Reading Mastery, Phonics Intervention, Reading First Template strategies, Boost, Blitz, PALS, FASTTMath and Origo.
Provide a description of the district's LAP program. (cont.) LAP students are progress monitored frequently, with individual adjustments made to pacing, instructional practices, and groupings as needed. At the elementary sites this data is reviewed at each trimester by the CAST/Tier I team to identify additional students that would benefit from LAP services, as well as to exit students achieving benchmark goals. Supplemental instruction in most elementary schools is delivered in an intervention center with each student receiving about 30 minutes of daily instruction in their specific, identified areas of need. Some students receive in-class support through a Walk to Intervention model. In the secondary sites a supplemental reading or math class is offered to those students in greatest need of support. School administrators, counselors, and lead teachers work together to identify the students greatest in need of the additional supplemental instruction and try to build a schedule to benefit the unique needs of the students. Grade 11 and 12 students who are in danger of not meeting graduation credit requirements are offered credit recovery. An Academy is offered at each of the comprehensive high schools to provide additional opportunities for 11th and 12th grade students to receive additional support and credit recovery options. LAP funds are used to support these courses at some of the high schools sites. Counselors and lead teachers monitor closely the achievement and progress of all students.
(Q. 1) A.Analyze the district’s state and district assessment data trends over the past three years for every grade span group listed below. Grades K-6: During the past three years, the percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch has increased from 45 percent in 2007-08 to a current level of 52.9 percent. Additionally, the number of students whose primary home language is other than English is 19 percent of our total population as of April 2011. Districtwide, 11 percent of students have Spanish as their primary home language, four percent speak Russian or Ukranian, and four percent speak another language at home. The percentage of non-English speaking families is highest among elementary students (21 percent of all K-5). Even with these demographic shifts, the percentage of students meeting standard on both the WASL/MSP and MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) tests has been fairly constant over the past three years. 4th Grade WASL/MSP Met Standard Reading 2006-07: 70.8% Met Standard Reading 2007-08: 67.9% Met Standard Reading 2008-09: 70.0% Met Standard Reading 2009-10: 61.5% Met Standard Reading 2010-11: 53.5% Reading MAP (Measure of Academic Progress-from Northwest Evaluation Association) Percentage of students scoring at or above the 36th percentile: Grade 3 2007-08: 63.3% Grade 5 2007-08: 63.6% Grade 3 2008-09: 58.2% Grade 5 2008-09: 62.9% Grade 3 2009-10: N/A Grade 5 2009-10: 63.0% Grade 3 2010-11: 65.8% Grade 5 2010-11: 61.1% Grade 4 2006-07: 63.2% Grade 4 2008-09: 61.0% Grade 4 2009-10: 61.7% Grade 4 2010-11: 57.2%
(Q. 1) B. Describe how the district will use the data in (Q. 1) A. to design effective LAP programs in reading, writing, mathematics, and/or readiness in those subjects. Student progress in math and reading will be monitored at the school and district level. At the school level, teachers will work in grade level or subject area Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to address what students are expected to learn, how the learning will be assessed, what to do when students do not achieve the intended learning outcomes, and what to do for students who have already learned what teachers intend to teach. These issues will be addressed by PLC teams in an ongoing fashion throughout the school year. Additionally, at the elementary level the Collaborative Academic Support Team (CAST) or Tier I team, made up of grade level teachers and support staff, will systematically review the progress of both individual students and class cohorts in core math and reading instruction at least three times each year. Data reviewed by these teams will include classroom based assessments, state assessments, benchmark assessments and nationally normed standardized assessments. The results of school based CAST meetings will be reviewed at the district level by data accessed through the Learner Profile portal based application. This data will ensure that district administrators are able to monitor the progress of groups of students in the areas of mathematics and reading. Administrators and counselors also have access to the data dashboard which allows teams to review individual student data.
(Q. 2) A.Describe how the district’s strategic plan will improve student learning for underachieving students to meet academic learning standards and how the LAP program is a part of the plan. Adopted in the spring of 2008, the strategic plan guides the district’s work to support teaching and learning. The four strategic priorities are: Knowledge, Creativity, and Performance; Culture and Capacity; Time and Space; and Relationships and Connections. In 2012 a continued focus on professional learning communities, Elements of Instructional Excellence, innovative practices, shared responsibility, and flexible learning will occur. A new strategic plan will be developed during the 2012-13 school year. Teacher leaders from each grade level and all schools will meet in reading and math instructional leadership PLCs to receive focused instruction on standards aligned to state and Common Core K-2. Differentiated instructional strategies will also be reinforced to support all students in meeting reading and math standards. At the middle and high school level, these groups will include grade level science and social studies teachers to support the development of content area literacy skills. Lead teachers will share these practices with grade level colleagues during regularly scheduled PLCs (16 early releases throughout the school year). District’s continued work on High Probability Instructional Strategies will focus for the entire year on Language Development and Academic Language and Discourse. This focus directly supports the needs of low language native English speakers as well as English language learners, the very students who struggle to meet grade levels standards. Reading and math interventions at the middle school level have been retooled to align with core English instruction and will serve as Tier ll and Tier lll interventions supporting attainment of grade level standards in these areas.
(Q. 2) B. Describe how LAP is coordinated with other state, federal, district, and school resources and is implemented within school improvement plans. The instructional focus in the district is based on the need to coordinate efforts in relation to each school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP). The district has and will continue to engage in improving teaching and learning to eliminate the achievement gap for underachieving students. LAP is a part of the integrated plan to provide additional academic support to targeted students at identified schools and grades. The Operations Team (associate superintendent for teaching and learning, executive director of special services, chiefs of elementary and secondary education, manager of instruction and information technology, and the director of professional development) shares responsibility for instructional leadership. During weekly meetings, major instructional initiatives are identified and resources including all district, state, and federal programs are coordinated to maximize efforts to meet needs of all students with particular emphasis on eliminating the achievement gap for underachieving students. Monthly K-12 Leadership Institutes and principal meetings provide opportunities for district leadership (building and central office administrators, resource coordinators, and mentors) to work collaboratively to improve student learning. Leadership is engaged in learning about new instructional programs, identification of challenges and potential solutions, providing input to decisions, development of leadership skills, learning to use new data mining tools, analysis of site and district data, and learning about researched-based practices, as well as promising new practices to improve student learning.
(Q. 3) A. Describe how the district will evaluate the effectiveness of the LAP program in improving the academic achievement for students served with LAP as measured by state and district assessments. SIPs are revised each fall based on the results of state assessments, MAP, parent, staff and student survey results and other school data. The district contracted with Center For Educational Effectiveness to assist with the administration and analysis of parent and staff surveys. Also, as part of the revision process, staff and parents in all schools complete an annual evaluation of their SIP by responding to questions such as the following: • Is there evidence that individual students have been successful this year? • Is the school’s instructional program helping your school attain the instructional goals and objectives as stated in the SIP? • Is the professional development plan helping the school to attain the goals and objectives of the SIP? • Is the family and community involvement plan helping the school to attain the goals and objectives of the SIP? • Have the goals and objectives in the SIP been revised during the school year and if yes, why? School Improvement Plans are then reviewed and finalized by the Operations Team with specific recommendations for implementation. SIPs are shared with the Board of Directors each year. As we continue to support professional learning communities, school peer review teams will provide a forum for collegial dialogue about aspects of the instructional program.
(Q. 3) B. How will these results be used to determine program direction? The district’s Operations Team meets weekly to coordinate and review data on a variety of programs and to assure that the needs of low achieving students are met through collaborative budget and program coordination. This team includes the associate superintendent for curriculum and instruction, Chiefs of elementary and secondary education, the director of special services and the director of professional development. This team assures that LAP funds are utilized effectively and efficiently in improving student achievement. Monthly District Leadership Team meetings, K-12 Principal meetings, and Central Office Leadership meetings, also contribute to the review of data of LAP programs. Together, we make recommendations to the superintendent on any modifications to the LAP program as allowed by the state law. Each year the LAP program changes are a reflection of the reviewed collected data. The district is continually searching for best practices to improve student learning as we work to prepare all students to be college, career, and life ready.
(Q. 4) Describe the processes used for identifying eligible students to be served by LAP. Grades K-6 Underachieving students in the school district are defined as students who have not met grade level benchmark performance standards based on individual student performance on the state assessment. State Assessments: • Measurement of Student Progress (MSP)-Grades 3-6 • Washington Alternative Assessment System-Grades 3-6 Additional information is obtained from a variety of assessment tools and expected grade level performance expectations (GLEs). Specific performance or benchmark cut scores are established for each grade level and for each area of focus (intensive, strategic, benchmark and advanced) and can be identified specifically on the tiered intervention pathway documents. Additional assessments used to assist in appropriate instruction are as follows: • The WELPA will be used to assess the English language learners. • District assessments include DIBELS for Grades K through 2, MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress from the Northwest Evaluation Association) for Grades 3 through 6, Math and Reading Benchmark Assessments, and the QRI in Grades 1 through 5. • Assessments administered by teachers as part of their daily instructional practice include those embedded within programs such as Read Well, McDougall Littell, Houghton Mifflin, Harcourt Trophies, Soar to Success, Read Naturally, Prentice Hall, Connected Math, Levels 1 and 2 plus stand-alone assessments such as the San Diego Quick, STAR Early Literacy, WASL released items, DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency, Qualitative Reading Inventory, and Writing Performance Assessments.
(Q. 5) Accelerated Student Learning Plans-Indicate that you have developed an accelerated student learning plan that will be administered at each LAP- funded building for each LAP-served student and that it contains each of the following four required elements: 1. Student achievement goals. 2. Roles of (a) students, (b) parents, (c) teachers. 3. Communication procedures regarding student accomplishment. 4. Review of the learning plan/process for adjustments as needed.
(Q. 6) Describe focused and intentional instructional strategies used in the LAP program and how they are implemented. In 2010, a task force developed the Elements of Instructional Excellence (EIE). EIE serves as a framework for comprehensive, long term efforts to improve instructional quality for all students within the school district system. EIE are organized around the research of the Center for Educational Leadership, University of Washington, which identifies the 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning. Beginning with these dimensions, EIE represents a synthesis of ongoing VPS work in the areas of Powerful Teaching and Learning, Professional Learning Communities, Authentic Student Engagement, Personalized Learning, research-based instructional practices as well as other significant district priorities. One of the elements within the EIE framework, is Curriculum and Pedagogy. It is within this element that high-probability instructional strategies are identified. These research proven instructional strategies include: • Identifying similarities and differences • Learning targets/formative assessment • Skillful questioning • Summarizing and notetaking • Non-linguistic representation • Generating and testing hypotheses • Vocabulary development (Tier II words) • Elicit frequent response from students such as individual or group responses
(Q. 6) Describe focused and intentional instructional strategies used in the LAP program and how they are implemented. (cont.) Also identified as key components of high-quality instruction are: • Providing students with instructional materials that are appropriate challenging and supportive. • Engaging students in activities to develop conceptual understanding and create personal meaning through reflection. • Providing students with focused feedback and engaging students in questioning leading to activating prior knowledge, probing level of conceptual understanding and deepening understanding. • Developing academic behaviors and twenty-first century skills. In the 2011-12 school year, Instructional Leadership Teams consisting of teachers and administrators from each building, received training on learning targets, formative assessment, identifying similarities and differences, and skillful questioning. The Instructional Leadership Team was then charged with providing staff at their building with the knowledge and skills. Additional professional development opportunities focused on the strategies was available after school to staff. In the 2012-13 school year, additional high-probability strategies will be part of the district’s professional development plan. Additionally, all certificated staff work in professional learning communities focused on the four questions: • What do we expect students to learn? • How will we know when they don’t learn it? • How will we respond when they don’t learn it? • How will we respond when they already know it? • How will they learn it? Members of each professional learning community regularly examine the standards and student data making decisions about how best to meet the needs of diverse learners. The interventions students receive are timely and targeted.
(Q. 7) Describe how the district will provide support and professional development for highly-qualified instructional staff who work with LAP students. The district focuses on ensuring that all educators meet the highly qualified requirements. Of our 1400 (approximate) educators who need to be highly qualified in the core content areas, the district currently has all but two educators highly qualified. This has been a tremendous effort on the part of the Human Resource team. The following outlines the district plan to develop and support the most highly qualified staff: Certificated: In August, all educators complete a self-assessment and identify areas in which they would like professional development. The data is aggregated at the district level and is used to design professional development offerings. Training aligned with identified professional development needs and district initiatives are offered throughout the year. Categories for classes include: knowledge and curriculum, student learning, classroom management, educational leadership and professionalism, assessment, and technology. The training is free and educators can access their professional development funds to provide hourly reimbursement. A representative sampling of professional development opportunities include: • Socratic Seminars • Improving student achievement in mathematics and science through hands-on activities • GLAD Strategies overview
(Q. 7) Describe how the district will provide support and professional development for highly-qualified instructional staff who work with LAP students. (cont.) To support our new educators, the district has developed a comprehensive induction program consisting of a week-long orientation and mentoring. Mentors provide individualized professional development through activities such as observation, coaching, and feedback; designing lessons and assessing student performance; observing master teachers using the Powerful Teaching and Learning protocol; and professional development classes. Classified Staff: All new paraeducators have the required equivalent of two years of college coursework. During their first 90 work days, all paraeducators complete the required competency training which covers areas such as: supporting instruction and direct services to students, communication, discipline, diversity, elements of effective instruction, motivating learners, and using technology to assist teaching and learning. Paraeducatorsworking with ELL students also receive training in delivering services through sessions such as: Oxford Picture Dictionary for ELL Students, Aligning Practice with Curriculum, Writing Instruction and Support for ELL Students, and Sheltering/Scaffolding Strategies for Oral Language Development. Only highly qualified staff will serve LAP eligible intensive and strategic students in the core areas of reading, writing and mathematics.
(Q. 8) Describe how the district will utilize LAP funds to provide extended learning opportunities for eligible eleventh and twelfth grade students who are not on track to meet local or state graduation requirements. School district staff continually monitor the progress of all 11th and 12th grade students in their progress toward meeting graduation requirements. Students in Grades 11 and 12 participate in Navigation 101 where staff closely monitor and encourage student progress. Students complete a Student Learning Plan which is a personal outline of requirements needed to meet graduation requirements according to the individual student. Priority is given to underachieving students who are not meeting state content and academic standards in the Navigation 101 sessions. Seniors complete a Senior Graduation Plan. Those seniors who are level 1 or 2 and are at-risk of not meeting graduation requirements meet with counselors or administrators to review the Senior Plan. Students are instructed to have parents read, sign and return the Senior Plan which is kept on file. Students in 11th and 12th grade who are at-risk of not meeting academic standards are placed in a variety of intensive or strategic level intervention course work. Courses include Intensive Literature, Academic Literacy, Literacy Focus, Math Focus, Math Lab, and Integrated Algebra. High school administrators are given additional staff to provide students assistance in completing the senior project/research paper, as this is a local graduation requirement. A student advocate will be assigned to students who are most at-risk of not meeting graduation requirements. The advocate will provide tutoring and mentoring during the school day and during extended learning opportunities as necessary. Credit recovery opportunities are also offered to students needing credit retrieval. All high schools offer an Academy Model as a means of creating a small learning community for students at-risk of not graduating. The Academy allows the student to stay connected to the comprehensive high school but receive intensive support, advocacy, and credit recovery opportunities. During the summer of 2012, an opportunity for credit recovery will be offered.
(Q. 8) Describe how the district will utilize LAP funds to provide extended learning opportunities for eligible eleventh and twelfth grade students who are not on track to meet local or state graduation requirements. (cont.) During the summer of 2012, a summer Academy will be held at all high schools for students in Grade 12 that are two or less credits behind meeting graduation requirements. The purpose of the Academy will be to get more seniors to meet the on-time graduation goal by August 2012. At the high school (alternative high), students in Grades 11 and 12 will be given an opportunity for credit retrieval. Students in Grades 9 and 10 who qualify for LAP services because they are below benchmark standards in reading or math will be invited to receive summer intervention in order to increase academic skills.
LAP Application Page 2: Allowable Expenditures • Extended learning time opportunities for underachieving K-12 students occurring before or after the regular school day, on Saturday, and beyond the regular school year. • Extended learning opportunities for eligible 11th and 12th grade students who are not on track to meet local or state graduation requirements. Learning opportunities can include, but are not limited to: • Individual or small group instruction. • Instruction in English language arts and/or mathematics needed by eligible students to pass all or part of the MSP/HSPE. • Inclusion in remediation programs, including summer school. • Language development instruction for English language learners. • Online curriculum and instructional support, including programs for credit retrieval and HSPE preparatory classes. • Professional development for certificated and classified staff, focusing on (a) needs of a diverse student population, (b) specific literacy and math content and instructional strategies, (c) use of student work to guide instruction, (d) utilization of ESD resources. • Consultant teachers (TOSAs, reading/math coaches, etc.) to assist in implementation of effective instructional practices by teachers serving participating students. • Supplemental instruction (certificated, classified and volunteer staff, tutors, specialists) to provide additional learning services to underachieving students. • Family outreach and support for parents of participating students.
Title I, Part A/LAP Program Contacts • Gayle Pauley, Director, 360-725-6100; gayle.pauley@k12.wa.us • Jamilyn Penn, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6171; jamilyn.penn@k12.wa.us • John Pope, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6172; john.pope@k12.wa.us • Larry Fazzari, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6189; larry.fazzari@k12.wa.us • Mary Jo Johnson, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6103; maryjo.johnson@k12.wa.us • Petrea Stoddard, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6169; petrea.stoddard@k12.wa.us • Reginald Reid, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6168; reginald.reid@k12.wa.us • Julie Chace, Administrative Assistant, 360-725-6167; julie.chace@k12.wa.us • Tony May, Administrative Assistant, 360-725-6231; tony.may@k12.wa.us