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If you are new to the Blackboard Collaborate environment, take a moment to familiarize yourself. To test and configure your microphone and playback device, select the Tools menu, then Audio, and then Audio Setup Wizard. Follow the prompts. Click the Talk button to turn on your microphone and turn it off again when you are done speaking. Use these tools to mark up the whiteboard area. Enter your chat text here. Or click on the tool icon and follow prompts. Use these buttons to vote, raise your hand, smile, or show your status.
Informal Learning & Social Media for Learning LINGOs Virtual Coffee Break Tito Spinola, Learning and Knowledge Systems Fellow Habitat for Humanity International
Informal Learning Definition Formal learning vs. Informal learning “The terms formal and informal learning relate to who controls the learning objectives and goals. In a formal learning environment the learning department sets the goals and objectives, while informal learning means the learner sets the goals and objectives (Cofer, 2000)”
Informal Learning Definition Examples of Formal and Informal learning > Introduce examples of Formal and Informal Learning that you are using in your organization
Informal Learning Definition Which types of needs is each method best suited for? > Put a mark on the learner best suited for the learning solution in the blue box Community of practice • - Need to add information to an already existing body of knowledge • - Like “messy”, unstructured learning, find out things for herself and make the connections with the knowledge she already has • - New hired • - Likes structured learning, and need to be told what to learn and how to learn it.
Informal Learning Definition Which types of needs is each method best suited for? > Put a mark on the learner best suited for the learning solution in the blue box E-learning course proposed by LOD • - Need to add information to an already existing body of knowledge • - Like “messy”, unstructured learning, find out things for herself and make the connections with the knowledge she already has • - New hired • - Likes structured learning, and need to be told what to learn and how to learn it.
Informal Learning Definition Learning in some organizations Thanks honey, but I know what I want and I know were to find it. Let me set the goals and objectives for your learning.
Informal Learning Reasons Informal Learning accounts for ______ of the learning taking place in organizations today. > Put a mark on the percentage that you think could fill the blank 20% 40% 60% 80% Institute for Research on Learning (and other sources)
Informal Learning Outcomes Formal Learning Informal Learning Stage 1 Classroom learning Stage 2 E-learning Stage 3 Blended Learning Stage 4 Social Learning Stage 5 Collaborative learning/working Top-down control Bottom-up control Trainers Online courses, LMS Facilitators, colleagues, UGC, Collaboration Platform Same + Social Media / SLMS Trainers, online courses, LMS Working = Learning = working; autonomous learners Traditional approach to workplace learning managed and controlled by L&D Jane Hart, Founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT).
Informal Learning Outcomes > Which stage is your organization in? Put a mark on the white space Formal Learning Informal Learning Stage 1 Classroom learning Stage 2 E-learning Stage 3 Blended Learning Stage 4 Social Learning Stage 5 Collaborative learning/working Top-down control Bottom-up control Trainers Online courses, LMS Facilitators, colleagues, UGC, Collaboration Platform Same + Social Media / SLMS Trainers, online courses, LMS Jane Hart, Founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT).
Social Media for Learning Definition Social Learning vs. Social Media for learning
Social Media for Learning Definition Social Learning vs. Social Media for learning
Social Media for Learning Definition Examples > Type in ways in which Social Media can be used for learning
Discussion… What Social Media do you use for your personal learning?
Social Media for Learning Reasons Reasons to use Social Media for Learning • Informal Learning • Facilitate learning communities for social networking • Facilitate micro-learning with social media • Facilitate performance support with social media • Formal Learning • Deliver courses with SM learner collaboration • Deliver stand alone content via social media
Social Media for Learning Outcomes Results of using Social Media for learning in organizations
Social Media for Learning & Informal Learning How are organizations supporting/managing Informal learning? • Implementation • Bottom-up approach: • Support • Build • Encourage • Provide • Both external social media tools and internal collaboration tools. Facilitation Guy who needs to know Guy who have the answer • Evaluation • Networking patterns • Sense of belonging • Learning efficiency • Contribution patterns • Content quality…
Social Media for Learning & Informal Learning What are some challenges supporting informal learning? > Put a mark on the options that represent a challenge for you. Add other challenges. Technology / Internet access Cultural / Motivation Time Language Budget Measuring results Others
Social Media for Learning & Informal Learning Discussion How is your organization supporting informal learning?
ORGANIZATION: TECHNOLOGIES: LINGOs LINK Newsletter + Announcement Feeds Our goal with using social media is to reach and communicate with LINGOs members, explore in a non-systematic way and have an open communication.
ORGANIZATION: TECHNOLOGIES: A friendly interface would probably increase the use of the e-groups.
ORGANIZATION: TECHNOLOGIES: - Don’t write something that we will have to remove - Be respectful - We are not interested on what you had for breakfast or how you feel today. Keep it professional
ORGANIZATION: TECHNOLOGIES: Critical for success of any CoP: People have to be proud of being part of the CoP.
Discussion… What Social Media is your organization using for learning?
Save the Date: LINGOs events June 26-27Virtual Training Mastery Series (Members Only) July 10 Last Mile Learning Coaching Workshop & Focus Group (Nairobi) July 11 Project Management workshop & Focus Group (NBO) July 12Virtual DemoFestLast Mile Learning Prototype July 17 LMS Administrator Q&A (registration required) July 18 LINGOs Mid Year Update Aug 9 Virtual Coffee Break – topic TBD Nov 28-29 LINGOs 2012 Member Meeting, Washington, DC Nov 30 Optional Post-Meeting Workshops – Washington, DC