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Conflict Resolution Education: Goals, Models, Benefits and Implementation

Conflict Resolution Education: Goals, Models, Benefits and Implementation. Tricia S. Jones, Ph.D. Temple University. Objectives. Introduce CRE models and goals Explain the relationship of CRE to other programs Review the proven benefits of CRE for students and schools. Discussion Questions.

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Conflict Resolution Education: Goals, Models, Benefits and Implementation

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  1. Conflict Resolution Education: Goals, Models, Benefits and Implementation Tricia S. Jones, Ph.D. Temple University

  2. Objectives • Introduce CRE models and goals • Explain the relationship of CRE to other programs • Review the proven benefits of CRE for students and schools

  3. Discussion Questions • What kinds of conflicts do you see in your districts/schools? • What are your needs for a Conflict Resolution Education program - where should the focus be? • What are your current efforts? • What are your challenges to establishing these programs?

  4. Contents of CREProgram Components • An understanding of conflict • principles of conflict resolution • process steps in problem solving • skills required to use each of the steps effectively

  5. Content of CREEssential Skills and Abilities’ • orientation abilities • perception abilities • emotional abilities • communication abilities • creative-thinking abilities • critical thinking abilities

  6. CRE Program Models • Process curriculum approach • Mediation program approach • Peaceable classroom approach • Peaceable school approach

  7. Goals of CRE Programs • Create a Safe Learning Environment • Create a Constructive Learning Environment • Improve Classroom Management • Enhance Students’ Social and Emotional Development • Create a Constructive Conflict Community

  8. Goals of CRE ProgramsCreate a Safe Learning Environment • decrease incidents of violence • decrease anti-social behavior that leads to violence • decrease conflicts between groups of students • decrease suspensions, absenteeism, and drop out rates

  9. Goals of CRE ProgramsCreate a Constructive Learning Environment • improve school climate • improve teacher/administrator/student relationships • increase valuing of diversity and practice of tolerance • promote a respectful and caring environment

  10. Goals of CRE ProgramsImprove Classroom Management • Reduce the time teachers spend on discipline • increase use of student-centered discipline

  11. Goals of CRE ProgramsEnhance Students’ Social and Emotional Development • increase perspective-taking • increase empathy • improve emotional awareness and management • reduce aggressive orientations and hostile attributions • increase use of constructive conflict behaviors

  12. Goals of CRE ProgramsCreate a Constructive Conflict Community • increase parental and community involvement • link school CRE with larger commuity CRE efforts • develop more peaceful/peaceable school community

  13. Relationship of CRE to Other Fields Violence Prevention Social and Emotional Learning Conflict Resolution Education Anti-Bias Education Law-Related Education

  14. Violence Prevention • VP is more limited in scope • VP tends to focus more on systemic causes of violence than CRE • VP emphasizes policy change while CRE emphasizes individual skill building and community education

  15. Social and Emotional Learning • SEL focuses more on general emotional competence • conflict management skills are related but lesser focus • SEL programs are geared more toward younger K-5 students

  16. Anti-Bias Education • ABE focuses on cross-cultural awareness • ABE concentrates on prejudice reduction and appreciation for diversity • ABE has strong hate crime prevention elements • ABE examines the systemic roots of oppression and strategizing to dismantle them

  17. Law-Related Education • LRE explores the foundations and processes of law and legal institutions • LRE focuses on the full spectrum of conflict management that overlaps with law and legal institutions

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