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Business communication

Business communication. Chapter 6 Business negotiation. Contents. Business Conversation Listening. Business Conversation. A conversation is communication between two or more people. Business conversation skills are extremely important. A study showed

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Business communication

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  1. Business communication Chapter 6 Business negotiation

  2. Contents • Business Conversation • Listening Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  3. Business Conversation A conversation is communication between two or more people. Business conversation skills are extremely important. A study showed that CEOs that had good ability at small talk and were able to carry on a conversation were higher paid and more successful. How to have a great conversation? Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  4. Step 1 Get to know your business conversation partner . If it's someone who you work with,look at their department website and see if they have any projects in the works. Learn more about your colleague by asking him how he is, where he comes from or some other questions. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  5. The information you get can be good for starting conversations: "I was looking at the biochemistry department website and saw that you're working on a pretty interesting thesis! How'd you come to choose that topic?" "I saw on the office memo that you're working on the outreach project for local schools. How's that going?" Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  6. Step 2 Locate some common ground. Find out what similarities the two of you have, and then slowly move toward a more business oriented conversation, where you can talk about what your companies or departments have in common as well. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  7. Step 3 • Listen carefully Listen attentively(专心的) to what your partner says and respond with some quick comments throughout the business conversation . • Attentive listening means thinking and acting in ways that connect you with the speaker. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  8. Your skill as a listener can make or break your success in leadership, teams, customer relationships, and negotiation. • SO,BE A GOOD LISTENER! Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  9. Listening skill: • Wait until they finish making their points before you speak. Don't interrupt, and don't jump in with your own suggestions before they explain what they have already done, plan to do, or have thought about doing. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  10. DO NOT:- making critical or judgmental faces or sounds;- trying to "fix" their problem with a quick suggestion;- trying to cheer them up or tell them things aren't so bad;- criticizing them for getting into their situation;- telling them what you would do or have done in the past. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  11. Make some response by using connecting words or repeating. use words that show you are connecting with what they are saying, such as "uh huh", "OK", "yeah", "I get it", etc. • Use positive body language. such as making frequent eye contact and facing them squarely. Avoid negative body language like frowning and looking away. • Not noly get the information,but also the sensation(感情) Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  12. Game time! • Let’s make a story….. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  13. Step 4 • Compliment(称赞) your conversation partner throughout the exchange. • And then , Make your own points in the business conversation in a firm but concise way. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  14. Speaking skill: • Planning what to say when you speak • Make sure to say the right things at the right place • Use body language Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  15. DO NOT talk about: • Personal finance topics • Personal health topics • Secret of the company • Divisive(分裂的) topics • Gossip (八卦) • Politics • Religion Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  16. Step 5 • Close your business conversation with a firm handshake and a smile.Leave your partner with a positive and professional impression. Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  17. Reference • http://www.businesslistening.com • http://www.eslgold.com (英文沟通综合练习) • Communicating effectively for Dummies. Marty Brounstein 机械工业出版社 • 破译身体语言 宿春礼(著) 华文出版社 Business communication. Swust. Shirley Miao

  18. Thank You !

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