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Chapters, Local Activities, Distinguished Lecturers. Steven H. Gold. NPSS AdCom Meeting 25 July 2009 Québec, Canada. Chapters Report. • NPSS now has 17 chapters or joint chapters, an increase of two since the last meeting. 16 appear to be active, 7 in the US, 7 in Europe, 2 in Asia,
Chapters, Local Activities, Distinguished Lecturers Steven H. Gold NPSS AdCom Meeting 25 July 2009 Québec, Canada
Chapters Report • NPSS now has 17 chapters or joint chapters, an increase of two since the last meeting. 16 appear to be active, 7 in the US, 7 in Europe, 2 in Asia, • The Czechoslovakia Section Chapter was established on 17 March 2009. • Our newest chapter, the Seoul (Korea) Section Chapter, was established on 8 June 2009. • An unexpected request was received to add NPSS and Magnetics Society affiliation to Toronto, Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton, Kingston, and London Joint Sections Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Society Chapter. Approval was withheld, pending evidence of NPSS leadership and activity. Toronto Section now plans to submit a petition to create a new NPSS chapter. • Three chapters requested and received financial support in 2009: Saratov ($500), East Ukraine ($500), and Albuquerque ($250). • A standard chapter annual report form was developed, similar to those used by other societies, and posted it on the web. It will be required if chapters request financial support. • The Saratov chapter published an article in the June Newsletter. • The Italy Section Chapter will cosponsor Physcon 2009 (MOU approved by IEEE HQ), and also published an article in the June Newsletter. • The East Ukraine AP/AES/ED/EMB/GRS/MTT/NPS Societies Chapter won the Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award for 2008.
Chapter Cosponsored Conferences • Our East Ukraine and Saratov Section chapters cosponsor a number of conferences and workshops. According to IEEE rules, this may require an MOU signed by the chapter, the other cosponsoring groups, and also the IEEE. • Following the March meeting, both chapters were contacted to determine their past practices and to request that they follow this policy in the future. • The Saratov chapter had not previously established any MOUs. They recently submitted a draft MOU to Vita Feuerstein for their 2009 Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Physics conference, cosponsored by the Saratov Branch, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Science, which will be held in Saratov, Russia in September. They hope to use it as a model for similar agreements covering their other conferences. • The East Ukraine chapter reported that their largest conference, the Int’l Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, has technical co-sponsorship from IEEE EDS, MTTS, and APS, and has been covered by an MOU signed by the MTT. They are not sure that their smaller conferences and workshops require an MOU. I suggested that they use the Saratov MOU as a model, once it is approved. Also, some of their 2008 conference websites claimed NPSS technical support or cosponsorship and used the NPSS name and logo without our authorization. They agreed to remove them from future conference sites, pending clarification of this issue.
IEEE Policies Section 10 - Meetings, Conferences, Symposia and Expositions 10.0 Types of Meetings IEEE conducts three basic types of meetings: The first type includes Conferences, Symposia, Workshops, Tutorials, Short Courses, Expositions, Conventions. Throughout Policy Section 10 the term “Conferences” is defined … as technical or professional meetings that have a budgeted income or expense of greater than USD $25,000. Conferences can be Symposia, Workshops, Short Courses, Expositions, Conventions, and/or Tutorials. Appropriate guidelines for naming conventions for conferences can be found in the IEEE Conference Organization Manual, Section 3. Conferences are generally attended by both members and non-members of the IEEE. Attendees generally pay to attend. Conferences are typically self-supporting and frequently generate a surplus. Conferences are sponsored by one or more IEEE organizational units and/or other not-for-profit organizations (Policy Section 10.1 for details). The third type includes Other Meetings. There are various other types of meetings held by IEEE organizational units. They include organizational unit administrative meetings and small technical, professional, educational and social meetings. These meetings may have a mix of administrative and non-administrative content. Most of these meetings are free (or minimal fee) to members and sponsored by an IEEE organizational unit. Policies governing such meetings can be found in the related organizational unit’s operation manual. 10.1.5 Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement (MoU/MoA) A Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement(MoU/MoA), sets forth the relationship and obligations of the involved parties. A MoU/MoA is required when two or more organizational units agree to provide co-sponsorship or technical co-sponsorship/technical cooperation to a conference. These organizational units may be all IEEE organizational units or IEEE and non-IEEE organizations as indicated in Policy 10.1.2.
Distinguished Lecturers Report • There are now 20 DLs offering 37 lectures. All 2008 lecturers were continued into 2009. (How long should they be continued?) • Thus far in 2009, 9 lectures were presented or scheduled, including 3 to NPSS chapters, 2 at our expense. • At the last meeting, I requested that the TC chairs nominate new transnational lecturers for 2009: as a result, three new lecturers based in Europe were nominated and appointed. Also, one lecturer has relocated to Singapore. • The updated distinguished lectures list was published in the June NPSS Newsletter. • A set of standard DL slides was developed with Peter Clout’s assistance, and distributed to all lecturers. Additional NPSS slides were also distributed. • The IEEE has discontinued the Distinguished Lecturers database. In its place is a page with links to all the society DL pages, including ours. • I renew my request for the TC chairs to nominated additional DLs located outside North America.
NPSS IS THE TECHNICAL SOCIETY THAT COVERS… --- Computer Applications in Nuclear and PlasmaSciences --- Fusion Technology --- Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences --- Particle Accelerator Science and Technology --- Plasma Science and Applications --- Pulsed Power Science and Technology --- Radiation Effects --- Radiation Instrumentation
NPSS SPONSORS AND COSPONSORS MANY CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA …. --- International Conference on Plasma Science --- Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference --- Particle Accelerator Conference --- Pulsed Power Conference --- Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference --- Symposium on Fusion Engineering --- Real-Time Conference --- International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems --- International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators & Applications --- International Conference on High Power Particle Beams
NPSS CONFERENCES—2009 • SPONSORED • 16th Real Time Conference (2009 RTC) - Beijing, China, 10-15 May 2009 • Particle Accelerator Conference (2009 PAC) Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009 • International Conference on Plasma Science (2009 ICOPS) - San Diego, CA, 1-5 June • Symposium on Fusion Engineering (2009 SOFE) San Diego, CA, 1-5 June 2009 • Pulsed Power Conference (2009 PPC) -Washington, DC, 29 June - 2 July 2009 • Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (2009 NSREC) - Quebec City, Canada, 20-24 July 2009 • Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2009 NSS/MIC) Orlando, FL, 22 October - 1 November 2009 • COSPONSORED • Inorganic Scintilators and their Applications (2009 SCINT)Jeju, Korea, 8-12 June 2009 • International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (2009 ANIMMA)Marseille, France, 7-10 June 2009 • 10th European Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (2009 RADECS) Bruges, Belgium, 14-18 September 2009 • International Conference on Accelerator and Large ExperimentalPhysics Control Systems (2009 ICALEPCS) Kobe, Japan, 12-16 October 2009
NPSS PUBLISHES A NUMBER OF OUTSTANDING JOURNALS…. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Sciencepublished 6x per year IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science published 12x per year IEEETransactions on Medical Imaging published jointly with other IEEE societies 12x per year IEEESensorsJournal published jointly with other IEEE societies 6x per year
WHY JOIN THE IEEE NPSS? • Membership in NPSS provides regular communication and direct technical interchange with the foremost international practitioners of the nuclear and plasma sciences and engineering through its meetings and publications • NPSS Members and Affiliates receive: • Electronic access to the Transactions on Nuclear Science, the Transactions on Plasma Science, and all NPSS Conference Records via Xplore • NPSS Newsletter published three times per year • Reduced rates on print subscriptions to NPSS publications • Significant discounts on registration rates for NPSS Conferences • As IEEE members, they also receive: • Subscriptions to the monthly magazine SPECTRUM and also The Institute, a monthly news supplement • Low rates on IEEE's many publications