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Rasthriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan-Karnataka. Subject Teacher Forums ”Breaking Thought Barriers ”. Why? Current Situation. 50% of government high schools have ICT facility Remaining government high schools and government aided high schools will have ICT facility in 2012-13
Rasthriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan-Karnataka Subject Teacher Forums ”Breaking Thought Barriers”
Why? Current Situation • 50% of government high schools have ICT facility • Remaining government high schools and government aided high schools will have ICT facility in 2012-13 • Outsourced agency manages the computer labs • Teacher knowledge and usage of digital equipment is minimal • Computer lab mostly limited to computer literacy of students • Digital equipment not being used optimally
Objectives • Building teacher professional development networks to support a new teacher education model that is peer based, self directed, decentralised, mentored and continuous • Creating contextual digital learning reso Curces and share resources in a public repository • Supporting the inclusion of ICT in curriculum and syllabus • Preparing the teacher to integrate in teaching-learning • Exploring digital vocations such as animation, desktop publishing, and film making which have huge employment potential
What is addressed? • Core Areas: -Subject teacher expertise -Subject teacher networks • Strengthen subject matter expertise among teachers • Increase the range of curricula resources available to the teachers for use in their classroom transactions.
What is addressed? • Awareness and usage of many new and innovative educational resources and tools -informative resources on the internet -technology based educational tools • Create their own themeplans/lesson plans • Continuing teacher professional development • Establish subject teacher networks -understand education teaching learning both locally and globally at the same time
What is addressed? -Create, share and exchange themeplans/ lesson plans, ideas news and issues regarding their work -Communicate and network in a non- hierarchical manner Web Portal for teachers- http:\\rmsa.karnatakaeducation.org.in
Requirements • Computer with Public Software / Ubuntu • Internet connectivity • Skills to e-mail, blog, use discussion forums, share and access resources and mobile projector
How? Process • Invitation to 30 subject teachers in each of the subject -Mathematics -General science -Social science • Orient subject teachers to the idea of subject teacher forums and evolve steps to be followed to acieve the objective
How? Process • Evolve template to develop open educational resource material to shared with the forum members -concept map -theme plan -curricular objectives -background material -activities to understand the concepts and sub-concepts -evaluation
How? Process • Orientation to use of public software -what is public software? -how to use public software ? -how to connect to external devices? -web resources -computer aided educational tools -installation of Ubuntu
How? Process • Collaborative work in teams to develop open educational resources -share educational resources with all members -critique by other members -editing of resource material -finalised open educational resource material on the web portal http:// rmsa.karnatakaeducation.org.in
What hapens in the process? • Appropriate usage of specific digital tools for subject teaching learning to aid; -conceptual understanding -logical/analytical thinking -provide multible platforms to engage with the subject -ability to see abstrct concepts in concrete forms -provide a platform to share, discuss and enhance ideas and resources
Expection from the teacher • Create open educational resources • Critique/ add/ modify/ delete the educational resources • Adapt to local context/ language • Adapt to different conceptual development patterns of the classroom • Contribute and enrich the educational resources • Belonging to virtual communityof learning- continuously • Exposure to new educational developments
Public Education Tools • Mathematics -geogebra, K turtle, Tuxmaths • Science -Phet, Kalzium, K stars, Stellarium, K techlab • Social science -Marble, K geography • Language -Kanagram, Khangman
Plan Ahead • Bring all government and aided high school teachers into the fold of subject teacher forums in phases -core subject teachers of 824 government high school techers in 15 districts -reach out to all government and aided high schools in Karnataka -include language teaching learning -exposure to more and newer educational tools
Goals to be achieved • Vibrant network of teachers who are: -digitally literate and knowledgeable -enrich their own subject knowledge through self and peer learning mathssciencestf@googlegroups.com socialsciencestf@googlegroups.com • Understand why and how to interprete technology into their teaching learning • Create, use, share, modify and review digital resources/ tools • Eventually be able to participate at the systemic level
partnership IT for Change