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Explore how the built environment impacts physical activity levels and public health, with a focus on comfort conditions, thermal control concepts, and sustainable design. Learn the importance of thermal comfort, body temperature control, and factors influencing heat balance. Gain insights into the health impacts of buildings and green building development.
End of the topic, you be able to • Identify the negative and health impact of the building • Identify the current issues on building development towards greening building
INTRODUCTION TO BUILT ENVIRONMENT • WHAT IS BUILT ENVIRONMENT? • refers to the structures and infrastructure, that are made by man. • ranging in scale from personal shelter and buildings to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply or energy networks. • including infrastructure elements like streets, sidewalks, water and sewer lines, and electric and other utilities. • For instance, where a structure is built can have a total effect on environment. Schools built near highways could be subject to much higher levels of pollution that contribute to poor human health and higher development of disease.
Role of built environment towards physical activity and public health • Reduced the physical activity • Technological innovations- automation • Labor- saving devices in home • Dominance of the automobile for personal travel • Life style and cultural changes - increases in television watching and other sedentary activities So that – well-documented causal connection between physical activity and health, the role of the built environment in physical activity levels is a relatively new area of inquiry.
Located in Chicago’s growing River North district, this mixed use development offers engaging and sustainable design. Clybourn Point offers ground floor retail and parking, three levels of contemporary condominium living, and a habitable green roof to top it all off.
The modern passive solar house design in Nikaia, Greece. Its geometric form, open concept layout and glass walls frame the stunning views of Mount Olympus. The house is divided in two cubes connected by a glass bridge.
End of the topics, you be able to • Analyze the elements involves in thermal comfort • Analyze the effects on the building design • Analyze the bio-climatic solutions for warm climates
COMFORT CONDITION • Thermal and atmospheric conditions in an enclosed space are usually controlled to ensure • the health and comfort of the occupants • the proper functioning of sensitive electronic equipment that have limited range of temperature and humidity tolerance • Former known as comfort conditioning, latter process air conditioning
Benefits associated with improvements in thermal environment and lighting quality include: • Increased attentiveness and fewer errors • Increased productivity and improved quality of products and services • Lower rates of absence and employee turnover • Fewer accidents • Reduced health hazards such as respiratory illnesses • Benefits of air conditioning • eliminated the need for large windows • allows for more compact designs with lower ceilings, fewer windows, less exterior wall areas, and less land space for a given enclosed area. • cleaner and humidity controlled, contributes to reduced maintenance of the space.
Comfort - as the absence of discomfort. • People feel uncomfortable when they are too hot or too cold, or when the air is odorous and stale. • is based on a network of sense organs: the eyes, ears, nose, tactile sensors, heat sensors, and brain. • Thermal comfort (TC) - is satisfied with the thermal environment; it is thus the condition of minimal stimulation of the skin’s heat sensors and of the heat-sensing portion of the brain. • TC occurs – when there is a thermal equilibrium in the absence of regulatory sweating between the heat exchange between the human body and the environment
Factor that are conducive to thermal comfort are: 1. Temperature of the surrounding air 2. Radiant temperatures of the surrounding surfaces 3. Humidity of the air 4. Air motion 5. Odors 6. Dust 7. Aesthetics 8. Acoustics 9. Lighting
BODY TEMPERATURE CONTROL • Normal internal body temperature - 98.6°F (37.0°C). • Heat is produced in the body as a result of metabolic activity. • The internal temperature rises or falls beyond its normal range, mental and physical operation is curtailed, and if the temperature deviation is extreme, serious physiological disorders or even death can result. Physiological reactions to body temperature.
DETERMINANT OF THERMAL COMFORT RESPONSE • Air temperature • Humidity • Mean radiant temperature • Air movement • Clothing • Activity level
Air Temperature • affects the rate of convective and evaporative body heat loss. • It is perhaps the most important determinant of comfort, since a narrow range of comfortable temperatures can be established almost independently of the other variables. • Temperature drifts or ramps are gradual temperature changes over time. • Drifts refer to passive temperature changes, while ramps are actively controlled temperature changes.
Humidity • Humidity is the amount of water vapor in a given space. • The density of water vapor per unit volume of air is called absolute humidity. It is expressed in units of pounds (of water) per cubic foot (of dry air). • The humidity ratio or specific humidity is the weight of water vapor per unit weight of dry air; it is given in either grains per pound or pound per pound (kg/kg).
Mean Radiant Temperature • a concept arising from the fact that the net exchange of radiant energy between two objects is approximately proportional to their temperature difference multiplied by their ability to emit and absorb heat (emissivity). • MRT is simply the area weighted mean temperature of all the objects surrounding the body. • Technically, MRT is defined as the uniform temperature of a surrounding surface giving off blackbody radiation (emissivity e = 1) which results in the same radiation energy gain on a human body as the prevailing radiation fluxes which are usually very varied under open space conditions.
Air Movement • Affects body heat transfer by convection and evaporation. • Air movement results from free (natural) and forced convection as well as from the occupants’ bodily movements. • The faster the motion, the greater the rate of heat flow by both convection and evaporation.
Comfort Zone • Malaysia comfort zone is between 26.0°C to 30.7°C. • 22.8°C to 26.1°C for summer • 20.0 °C to 23.9 °C for winter
IMPORTANCE OF THERMAL COMFORT • very important to many work-related factors. • It can affect the distraction levels of the workers, and in turn affect their performance and productivity of their work. • Thermal discomfort has been known to lead to Sick Building Syndrome symptoms. • Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a combination of ailments (a syndrome) associated with an individual's place of work (office building) or residence.
Design Consideration • Prevent the entrance of direct sunlight (through correct building orientation & use of shading tools). • Do not block wind passages (right orientation & building openings) - help better ventilation & cooling. • Examine the effects of windy rain (need shelters). • Direct sunlight from large windows/skylights requires lower room air temp. to compensate for high radiant gain. • To avoid having to lower air temp. in the summer, the windows/ skylights could be shaded. • Encourage the circulation of cool & healthy air into building – enhance environmental quality (add elements of green plants, water, grassy area).
Design Consideration • The comfort chart is useful for determining design conditions to be met by a building envelope and its heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. ASHRAE’s Thermal Comfort Standard • ASHRAE’s Standard 55, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, describes the combinations of indoor space conditions and personal factors necessary to provide comfort. It addresses the interactions between temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, air speed, personal activity level, and clothing. • ASHRAE -The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
AIR QUALITY AND QUANTITY • The quality of air in a space can even seriously affect its ability to support life. Under heavy occupancy of a space, the concentration of carbon dioxide can rise to deleterious levels. • In addition, excessive accumulations of some air contaminants become hazardous to both plants and animals.
Air Contaminants • Air contaminants can be particulate or gaseous, organic or inorganic, visible or invisible, toxic or harmless. Loose classifications are • dust, fumes, and smoke - solid particulates (although smoke often contains liquid particles) • mist and fog, - liquid particulates • vapors and gases - nonparticulates
Tobacco Smoke • Tobacco smoke is the most common indoor pollutant. A growing percentage of the public is finding it extremely objectionable. • Smokers and nonsmokers are segregated in public restaurants, on airplanes, and on many other modes of public transportation. • But isolation of the smoker does not solve the problem as long as the nonsmoker breathes the same air circulated by a common air handling system. It only results in better dilution. • is an extremely complex mixture of combustion products that consist of particulate matter (visible smoke) and gaseous contaminants. • The gas constituents - nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and nicotine.
Formaldehyde • a colorless, strong-smelling gas, is used in the manufacture of synthetic resins and dyes, and as a preservative and disinfectant. • Carpeting and panelboard in newly constructed or renovated buildings may give off small quantities of formaldehyde gas for many years. • In buildings, it can reach concentrations that may cause irritation, discomfort, and with long exposure, more severe effects.
Airborne Microorganisms • Bacteria and other airborne microorganisms can cause infections and diseases in humans. Yeasts and molds in the air can contaminate many food products and can cause expensive damage in the food industry. • Microorganisms often become airborne by attaching themselves to dust particles which are then suspended in the air by nearby activity. • The most successful methods of controlling airborne microorganisms are dust control, air sterilization, and carefully designed ventilation.
Ventilation • Define as the concentration of indoor air contaminants and odors can be maintained below levels known to impair health or cause discomfort, by the controlled introduction of fresh air to exchange with room air. • Outdoor air ventilation requirements for various indoor spaces are followed the ASHRAE Standard 62.1. • Standard 62.1 includes an alternative performance method of providing acceptable indoor air quality. • It specifies maximum allowable contaminant concentrations which can be tested for and corrected by an air-cleaning system. • Air cleaning systems can reduce both particulate and gaseous contaminants.
Macro and Micro-climate • Climate - The climate of the earth consists of a series of interlinked physical systems powered by the sun. • In the built environment we are generally concerned with local climatic systems in particular: • Macro-climate the climate of a larger area such as a region or a country • Micro-climate the variations in localized climate around a building
The macro and micro climate has a very important effect on both the energy performance and environmental performance of buildings, both in the heating season and in summer. • The site and design of a building can have a profound effect upon the interaction between a building and its environment.
Macro climate • The orientation of the building affects solar gains and exposure to the prevailing wind (ventilation). • The location of neighbouring trees and buildings affects the solar gains (shading) and wind patterns. • Neighbouring trees and buildings also protect the building from driving rain. • The macro climate around a building cannot be affected by any design changes, however the building design can be developed with a knowledge of the macro climate in which the building is located.
Micro climate • The site of a building may have a many micro climates caused by the presence of hills valleys, slopes, streams and other buildings. Effect of Local Terrain • Surrounding slopes have important effects on air movement, especially at the bottom of a hollow. In hollows air warmed by the rises upwards due to buoyancy effects (anabatic flow), to be replaced by cooler air drifting down the slope (katabatic flow).
Micro climate - Effects of Buildings • Buildings themselves create further micro-climates by shading the ground, changing wind flow patterns. • One example of how buildings affect the local climate is the heat island effect in large cities where the average temperature is higher than the surrounding area:
Solar energy absorbed and re-emitted from building surfaces, pavements roads etc. creates a warming effect on the surrounding air. Also the large quantities of buildings break up the wind flow, reducing wind speeds and causing the warm air to remain stagnant in the city. This also causes increased pollution as well as temperatures. • The presence of local high rise buildings can degrade the local climate as wind speed at ground level can be significantly increased, while extensive shadows block access to sunlight for long periods, increasing space heating costs in surrounding buildings.
Bio-climatic design • Bioclimatic architecture refers to the design of buildings and spaces (interior – exterior – outdoor) based on local climate, aimed at providing thermal and visual comfort, making use of solar energy and other environmental sources. • Basic elements of bioclimatic design are passive solar systems which are incorporated onto buildings and utlilise environmental sources (for example, sun, air, wind, vegetation, water, soil, sky) for heating, cooling and lighting the buildings.
Principals of bioclimatic design • Heat protection of the buildings in winter as well as in summer, using appropriate techniques which are applied to the external envelope of the building, especially by adequate insulation and air tightness of the building and its openings. • Use of solar energy for heating buildings in the winter season and for daylighting all year round. This is achieved by the appropriate orientation of the buildings and especially their openings (preferably towards the south), by the layout of interior spaces according to their heating requirements, and by passive solar systems which collect solar radiation and act as “natural” heating as well as lighting systems.
Protection of the buildings from the summer sun, primarily by shading but also by the appropriate treatment of the building envelope (i.e. use of reflective colours and surfaces). • Removal of the heat which accumulates in summer in the building to the surrounding environment using by natural means (passive cooling systems and techniques), such as natural ventilation, mostly during nighttime.
Improvement – adjustment of environmental conditions in the interiors of buildings so that their inhabitants find them comfortable and pleasant (i.e. increasing the air movement inside spaces, heat storage, or cool storage in walls). • Ensuring insulation combined with solar control for daylighting of buildings, in order to provide sufficient and evenly distributed light in interior spaces. • Improvement of the microclimate around buildings, through the bioclimatic design of exterior spaces and in general, of the built environment, adhering to all of the above principles.
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Hyderabad, India This building designed using the principles of Green Buildings and is India’s premier developmental institution, offering advisory services to the industry on environmental aspects and working in the areas of Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Water Management, Environment Management, Renewable Energy, Green Business Incubation and Climate Change activities.