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Tuesday- Block 1. As you enter: Take out your book. Fill out a homework slip and put it in the basket. Be honest. Today’s learning Objective: Students will read independently for a prolonged amount of time to practice reading stamina. Reading Stamina. Today’s learning Objective:
Tuesday- Block 1 • As you enter: • Take out your book. • Fill out a homework slip and put it in the basket. • Be honest. • Today’s learning Objective: • Students will read independently for a prolonged amount of time to practice reading stamina.
Reading Stamina • Today’s learning Objective: • Students will read independently for a prolonged amount of time to practice reading stamina.
Stamina is the ability to stay with something, even though it might be hard and even if your body and brain are getting tired. Just like athletes have to practice their sport to get better, we have to do the same with reading in order to get better!
You will build your reading stamina by practicing daily, keeping track of the # of pages read (30 pages) & self-reflecting.
Today’s Agenda • Set #1 Timed Reading – 20 Minutes • Self Assessment • Break: Video on Persaverance • Set #2 Timed Reading – 25 Minutes
Reading Stamina • Today’s learning Objective: • Students will read independently for a prolonged amount of time to practice reading stamina.
Quotes from Students • “If I can read for 20 minutes, I know I can read of r40.” • “The book went well, but at one point it got boring when the character starts talking about his food but I practiced self-control.” • “I like doing this because it helps me to read more and learn self-control.” • “At one point I stopped to look up but then I got back to focusing on my book.” • “I tried my hardest to control myself when I wanted to take a break.”
Switch! Time for a Reading Break! • https://www.google.com/search?q=TED+talk+grit&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS757US757&oq=TED+talk+grit&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3104j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8