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Edinburgh Local Employability Partnership 9 th December 2013

Edinburgh Local Employability Partnership 9 th December 2013. City of Edinburgh Strategic Skills Pipeline And SDS Employability Fund. Brian Martin, City of Edinburgh Council Senior Manager, Employability & Skills Economic Development ,. Contents. The Past JU4J

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Edinburgh Local Employability Partnership 9 th December 2013

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  1. Edinburgh Local Employability Partnership9th December 2013 City of Edinburgh Strategic Skills Pipeline And SDS Employability Fund Brian Martin, City of Edinburgh Council Senior Manager, Employability & Skills Economic Development ,

  2. Contents • The Past • JU4J • Strategic Skills Pipeline • The Present • MI – Caselink • LMI • The Future • Integrated Employability Services • Quality & Credibility

  3. In the beginning….. Joined Up For JobsService Delivery Model

  4. City of Edinburgh, Integrated Employability Service Commissioning Strategy 2012 – 2015 • The City of Edinburgh Council is committed to leading the fight against “No Pay/Low Pay” and in 2009/10 it undertook a review of locally funded employability services. • This highlighted a fragmented and opaque landscape, which hindered decision making, and a rapidly changing national structure that would lead to a duplication of effort in future. • We have therefore embarked on a restructuring of services that will complement the work of our partners and provide greater clarity on how the Council will use its resources in future. • This commissioning strategy is part of this restructuring process in setting out our new approach and how resources will be targeted to deliver a good quality and relevant services for our customers. • The vision is for an Integrated Employability Service that is well understood by its customers, helps individuals achieve their economic potential, supports sustainable economic growth and, uses evidence and collaboration to deliver value for money.

  5. Edinburgh Pipeline Model The Present….. Emphasis on Alignment with National Provision Stages of Intervention Provision of Specialist Support Partnership working Progressions/Outputs/Outcomes Quality offer to jobseekers and employers

  6. Employability FundContracting Strategy The Present….. • “The Employability Fund embodies a new approach to developing Scotland’s pre-employment skills offer.” • “Building on existing localised provision the Employability Fund should support far deeper engagement between SDS and its partners, and help to ensure what is on offer is in line with the needs of local businesses”. • “The Fund heralds far reaching changes in the way we work with providers, colleges and partners to meet the needs of learners and employers.” • “There will be ongoing and extensive review of its performance, including a formative evaluation of the way in which participants achieve outcomes.” • “Through this unified fund we hope to encourage even closer working across partners and delivery bodies at a local level, across Scotland, and better integration with the other services we offer.”

  7. The Present….. Caselink Pipeline Report - October 2012 to September 2013 • Aggregate of all Caselink held provider information since Version 2 went live October 12 • 3,861 (57%) the focus of most employability interventions • Over one third of records held not specified!

  8. The Present….. Pipeline Stage/Age Range Analysis

  9. Caselink Pipeline Stage Analysis

  10. The Present….. Where is the Demand? Number of registered enterprises and their total employment – City of Edinburgh

  11. The Future….. Potential Demand for Places

  12. Public Declarations Reputation of the Partnership

  13. Summing Up… The Future……. In your hands? The Past JU4J Strategic Skills Pipeline The Present MI – Caselink LMI The Future Integrated Employability Services Quality & Credibility

  14. Questions? And Feedback

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