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A heartfelt thank you to all supporters of the Summer Sizzler event at St. Barnabas School, raising £1957 for school improvements. Gratitude to volunteers, participants, contributors, and attendees; your enthusiasm made it a memorable day of fun and community spirit. Proceeds benefited by purchasing digital cameras for classrooms. Stay tuned for news on the next event in Autumn. Happy holidays to all!
FRIENDS OF ST BARNABAS PTFA WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANKYOU The Summer Sizzler raised a grand total of £1957.00 This is a fantastic achievement so a huge thankyou goes to everyone who supported this event; Mrs Howarth and all of the staff at St Barnabas for allowing us to take over their school and facilities for the day – we really appreciate it. Everyone who sent in Bottles, Summer Items, Cakes & Biscuits. Each of you who gave up your time to help out and contribute before, during and after the fair –you did an absolutely FANTASTIC job. Everyone who donated other items for the various stalls or as prizes and everyone who ran the stalls, games, competitions and bouncy castles, painted faces, cooked burgers, served in the café, painted nails etc – we couldn’t have done it without you! All of the children who entered the World Cup Picture competition – the entries were all absolutely fabulous – Well done to the winners & runners up from the Infants & Juniors! Mr Walsh, Mrs Rogers and Mr Parsons for being great sports by going into the stocks and getting drenched! That’s what summer fairs are all about! All our display teams:- Darwen KungFu School’s Chinese Lion Dancer, Genjitsu Martial Arts, Dance Force Dance School, Tumblebeez Gymnastics Club, Belmont Morris Dancers and Dance Crazy Dance School – absolutely brilliant! Thankyou. I must also mention Mr Walsh again, he was an absolute star from start to finish! PCSO Dave Cozens for taking some superb photographs for us throughout the day – these can be seen on the display monitor in the school foyer – Thankyou A special thanks goes to the FOSB team; Mrs S Fernandez, Tracey Yates, Jonathan Mercer, Kathy Earp, Sonja Barnes and Debbie Jeal– all your efforts and preparation really paid off – Fantastic job – thankyou so much! And most importantly to everyone who attended the event– children, parents, teachers, friends, family members and local residents who really embraced the day– that’s what it was all about and is what made the day such a success. It was great to see lots of faces from past and present, we hope you all had a fun day out and will join us again next year. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without all of your support, participation and enthusiasm - Thankyou so much to everyone – Allison (FOSB) We have purchased 7 digital cameras (1 for each class) from the proceeds of the Easter Fair and we will keep you informed how the money raised from the Summer Sizzler is used to benefit our school and all of our children. Watch this space for news of our next event in the Autumn term. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL