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Strategy on Integrating Migratory Bird Conservation Initiatives (Flyways in the Americas)

This document outlines recommendations and actions from the WHMSI meeting regarding migratory bird conservation initiatives in the Americas. Recommendations include finding lead organizations, identifying funding sources, engaging decision-makers, and more.

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Strategy on Integrating Migratory Bird Conservation Initiatives (Flyways in the Americas)

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  1. 2013 Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative -- Interim Steering Committee MeetingWashington 28-29 December 2013 Strategy on Integrating Migratory Bird Conservation Initiatives (Flyways in the Americas) By Alberto Yanosky

  2. Background on Session "Integrating Migratory Bird Conservation Initiatives" To analyze the components of a framework for a future cooperative agreement for flyways in the Americas (CAFA) held in WHMSI IV Miami, 7-9 December 2010

  3. Group 1 - Tackling Species-specific issues (coordinated by Lyndon John – St. Lucia) Grupo 2 - Developing countries (Coordinated by Ana Aber - Uruguay) Group 3 – Addressing issues at the broad scale (Coordinated by Sara Lara - ABC) Group 4 - Conserving important sites (Coordinated by Vladimir Puentes - Colombia).

  4. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SESSION Environment is ready for a future cooperative agreement for flyways in the Americas (CAFA) Sub-committee on MBSs should search for lead organizations to encourage integration and reach target constituencies. Develop need assessment, including capacity building, to address threats to MBSs Be a forum to discuss common issues in the flyway countries Inform the donor community about needs and actions to address threats to MBSs. Identify potential sources of funding to support hemispheric, regional and national initiatives Engage decision makers and identify strategies to work with land-owners and large corporations Provide tools to strengthen NGO capacity and opportunities to influence governments Help identify the key sites for migratory bird species in the hemisphere and their protection status.

  5. CONTINUED • 10. WHSMI Steering Committee is asked to: • Report back to participating country governments of results of this session • Help improve the communication between governments and civil society organizations to support governmental decision-making • Encourage bird conservation groups to work together on common issues, such as site designation, sharing of data, constituency. • Strengthen information networks and cooperation among countries in the whole flyway. • Develop common stories for communication matters

  6. Where are we now and where do we go? • The committeprepared the final documentverywelldiscussed and commented, now it is time for actionfrom the SC and WHMSI • Final version of document “Integrating Migratory Bird Conservation Initiatives in the Americas (Flyways in the Americas)” distributed to SC on 11 October 2012 • We need to decide what are the next steps if approved • Structure of the final version • Introduction • Mandate and further consultations • Action plan for the Flyways in the Americas based on 5 fronts and 9 set of actions

  7. FRONTS OF WORK Promoting the conservation of threatened migratory species from extinction and a wider set of migratory species. Promoting the removal of landscape-scale barriers to migration Promoting the conservation of networks of critical stop-over sites Providing support for building capacity for flyway-scale conservation Understanding and addressing the wider land-use issues

  8. Areas of work / tobedeveloped Given the enabled environment for a future cooperative agreement for flyways in the Americas, advance its development and implementation Promote the identification of leadership and/or leaders to support the integration, enhance efficiencies of current flyway initiatives and other partners. Develop needs, including capacity building, to address threats to migratory bird species Create a forum to discuss common issues in the flyways countries Inform the donor community about needs and actions to address threats to migratory bird species Identify potential sources of funding to support hemispheric, regional and country initiatives Engage decision-makers and identify strategies to work with land-owners and large corporations Provide tools to strengthen NGO capacity and opportunities Help identify the key sites for migratory bird species in the hemisphere and their protection status.

  9. Someissuestobeconsidered • Howtowork as anumbrellainitiative • Howtogeneratebenefits for the severalinitiatives • Howbesttomaintaineffectivacommunication • Howtoworkwithcommingevents • CMS FlywaysWorkingGroup • V Parters in Flight Conference • WHSRN in Colombia • Atlantic Flyway Initiative which meets in February in Washington

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