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Last time. We learned about BFSWe will cover DFS after we learn more about connectivity and digraphsToday, connectivity properties. Robustness of connectivity. We can make a graph disconnected by deleting either edges or verticesAn edge is a bridge of G if G-{e} is disconnected. . . . . . . . . .
2. Last time We learned about BFS
We will cover DFS after we learn more about connectivity and digraphs
Today, connectivity properties
3. Robustness of connectivity We can make a graph disconnected by deleting either edges or vertices
An edge is a bridge of G if G-{e} is disconnected
4. Theorem An edge e is a bridge of G iff e lies on no cycle on G
e is a bridge ? e is on no cycle
e is on a cycle ? e is not a bridge
e is on no cycle ? e is a bridge
e is not a bridge ? e is on a cycle
5. bridges In a sense, if a graph contains a bridge, then its connectivity is not very robust
Can you come up with a graph where every edge is a bridge?
6. Cut vertices v is a cut vertex if G-{v} is disconnected
Note that we delete edges incident to v as well
7. Theorem Let v be a vertex incident with a bridge.Then, v is a cut vertex iff deg(v) ? 2
v is a cut vertex ? deg(v) ? 2
deg(v) < 2 ? v is a not cut vertex
deg(v) ? 2 ? v is a cut vertex
8. Corollary Given connected G of order ? 3. If G contains a bridge, then G contains a cut vertex
9. Theorem A vertex v of a connected graph G is a cut vertex of G iff there exists two vertices u and w (not equal to v) such that v lies on every u-w path.
10. Non-cut vertices All edges of a tree are bridges
Can you come up with a graph where every vertex is a cut vertex?
11. Theorem Let G be a nontrivial, connected graph. Pick a vertex u. If v is a vertex that is farthest from u in G, then v is not a cut vertex.
12. Corollary Every non trivial graph contains at least two non-cut vertices.
13. Non-separable graphs A graph is non-separable if it contains no cut vertices
14. Theorem A graph of order at least 3 is non-separable if and only if every two vertices lie on a common cycle
Common cycle ? non-separable
Suppose not
Non-separable ? common-cycle
Suppose not. Pick u and v that do not lie on a common cycle. Among all possible pairs, pick two such that d(u,v) is as small as possible.
15. Non-separable ? common-cycle Case 1: d(u,v) = 1. Not possible. The edge (u,v) is a bridge
17. Blocks Maximal non-separable subgraphs
If G is non-separable then it has only one block
Analogy: disconnected graphs are composed of components (connected subgraphs)
18. Theorem Define a relation R on edges where
e R f : either e=f or e and f lie on a common cycle.
R is an equivalence relation
19. Transitivity
20. Corollary Every two distinct blocks B1 and B2 of a nontrivial connected graph have
B1 and B2 are edge disjoint
B1 and B2 have at most one vertex in common
If v is the common vertex, then v is a cut vertex.
21. B1 and B2 are edge disjoint Immediate because blocks correspond to the equivalence classes of R as we just saw
22. B1 and B2 have at most one vertex in common Suppose not.
23. If v is the common vertex, then v is a cut vertex.
24. Vertex-cuts A set U of vertices is a vertex cut if G-U is disconnected
25. Connectivity of G Minimum vertex cut
Define the connectivity of G, ??(G)0 ? ?(G) ? n-1
We say a graph is k-connected if ?(G) ? k
26. Edge-cuts Are defined similarly
Minimal vs. minimum?
27. Edge-connectivity?? ?(G): size of a min edge cut
G is k-edge connected if ?(G) ? k
28. Theorem For every graph G: ?(G) ? ?(G) ? ?(G)
29. Proof First, special cases
G is disconnected or trivial
?(G) = ?(G) = 0
G is complete
?(G) = ?(G) = ?(G) = n -1
We may assume that ?(G) ? n-2
30. Proof (cont) First: ?(G) ? ?(G)
Next: ?(G) ? ?(G)
Case 1: Let X be a min. edge cut
|X| = ?(G) ? n-2
G X has two components, say G1 and G2
Let k be the order of G1. So order(G2) = n-k
Note that every edge in X joins a vertex in G1 to a vertex in G2
31. Order(G1) = k, Order(G2) = n-k, k?1 and n-k?1 Case 1: Every vertex in G1 is adjacent to every vertex in G2
|X| = k(n-k)
We have (k-1)(n-k-1) ? 0. Hence,
(k-1)(n-k-1) = k(n-k)-n+1 ? 0
Hence ?(G) =k(n-k) ? n-1
But we are studying the case ?(G) ? n-2
So case 1 is not possible
32. Case 2 There exists u in G1 and v in G2 that are not adjacent in G
Let us find a vertex cut U of size <= ?(G)
For each edge of the edge cut, we add a vertex to U
33. For this last case ?(G) ? |U| ? |X| = ?(G).
34. Interesting cases: For a cubic graph G, ?(G) = ?(G).
?(G) ? ?(G) ?? ?(G) = 3
So there are 4 possible cases.
?(G) = 0: Only if G is disconnected. ?(G) = 0
?(G) = 3: ?(G) = 3
Other cases: Let U be a min vertex cut; G1 and G2 be the two components in G-U|U| is either 1 or 2. In either case, for every u?U, one of G1 or G2 contains exactly one neighbor of u
35. ?(G) = 1
36. ?(G) = 2
37. Other interesting cases: Last time we proved that, ?(G) ? 2m/n
It turns out that this bound is sharp.
Define H(r,n): Harary graphs of order n and ? = r
38. A deeper look into connectivity A set S of vertices separate u and v, if G-S is disconnected, and u and v are in different components
Note: If S separates u and v
S is a vertex cut
u and v are not adjacent
39. Paths between u and v Let P = {u, u1, u2, , uk, v} be a u-v path
u1, u2, , uk are internal vertices
A collection P1, P2, .., Pk of u-v paths are internally disjoint if every two paths have no internal vertices common.
40. Mengers Theorem Let u and v be nonadjacent vertices in a graph G. The minimum number of vertices in a u-v separating set equals the maximum number of internally disjoint u-v paths in G
41. Proof by induction on the size (# of edges) Basis: m = 0.
Inductive step. Assume true for all graphs of size ? m
Let U be a minimum u-v separating set.
Clearly, the number of u-v disjoint paths is at most |U| = k. So we need to show equality.
42. Proof (cont) We look at all minimum u-v separating sets. There are three cases
Case 1: There is a u-v separating set U that contains a vertex that is adjacent to both u and v
Case 2: There is u-v separating set W with a vertex not adjacent to u and a vertex not adjacent to v
What is the remaining case?
Case 3: For each min. u-v separating set S, either (every vertex in S is adjacent to u but not to v) or (every vertex in S is adjacent to v but not to u)
43. Case 1 Consider G-{x}:
Its size is less than m
U-{x} is a min. separating set for G-{x}. Why?
Since |U-{x}| = k -1, by the ind. hypothesis,there are k-1 internally disjoint u-v paths in G-{x}
So in G, we have these paths plus u-x-v
44. Case 2 Note: x and y can be the same vertex
45. Case 2 W = {w1, , wk}
First lets construct G(u) which contains all u-wi paths for all wi ? W in G1 + W (this must be added to the proof in the book)
Make a new graph G(u) by adding a new vertex v to G(u) and connecting it to all wi
Construct G(v) and G(v) similarly
46. Case 2 size G(u) < m
W is a min u-v seperating set of size k.
By the ind. hyp., there are k disjoint u-v paths.
We take these paths and delete v from them. Call the resulting paths P1
With similar reasoning, we conclude that G(v) has k disjoint v-u paths. Generate paths P2 in a similar fashion.
Combine P1 and P2 using the vertices wi.
We obtained k internally disjoint paths for G
47. Case 3 We have either the situation on the left or the symmetric case (where v is connected to all in S)
48. Case 3 Let P = {u,x,y, , v} be a u-v geodesic in G
Let e = (x,y) and consider G-e
Claim: The size k of any minimum u-v separating set in G-e is also k.
Clearly, k ? k-1. Why?
Suppose, for contradiction, that k = k-1 (i.e. the claim is false).
Let Z be a min u-v separating set in G-e
Z + {x} is a min u-v separating set in G
So all vertices in Z are adjacent to u (we are in case 3)
Z + {y} is a min u-v separating set in G
So y is adjacent to v
Can you see a contradiction?
49. Case 3 (cont) G-{e} has a min. u-v separating set of size k.
By ind. hyp. It has k internally disjoint u-v paths.
So does G!
50. We have just proved: Let u and v be nonadjacent vertices in a graph G. The minimum number of vertices in a u-v separating set equals the maximum number of internally disjoint u-v paths in G
51. Theorem A non-trivial graph G = (V,E) is k-connected (k ? 2) if and only if for each distinct u,v ?V there are at least k internally disjoint u-v paths in G
52. k-connected ? k disjoint u-v paths ?u,v We need to prove for any u,v
Case 1: u and v are not adjacent
Follows from Mengers theorem
Case 2: u and v are adjacent. Let e = (u,v)
Claim: G-{e} is (k-1)-connected
Then, there are (k-1) internally disjoint paths in G-{e}.
In G, we also have the path u-v
53. ?u,v; k disjoint u-v paths ? k-connected Take a min-vertex cut U. Pick u and v from different components
There are at least k disjoint u-v paths
Mengers theorem says that the min. size of a u-v separating set is at least k
So |U| is at least k
The graph is k-connected.
54. Corollary Let G be a k-connected graph and S be any set of k vertices. If a graph H is obtained by adding a new vertex w to G and connecting w to all the vertices in S, then H is also k-connected.
55. Corollary If G is a k connected graph and u, v1, , vk are k+1 distinct vertics of G, then there exist internally disjoint u-vi paths for all i = 1, , k
56. Another way of looking at k-connected graphs Last lecture we proved:
A graph of order at least 3 is nonseparable iff every two vertices lie on a common cycle
Note that non-separable means 2 connected.
We now prove a generalization of this theorem
57. Theorem If G is a k-connected graph, k ? 2, then every k-vertices of G lie on a common cycle.
Proof: suppose not.
Suppose there exists S = {v1, , vk} and there is no cycle containing S.
Among all cycles in S, pick cycle C that contains most number of vertices of S.
58. Proof (cont) Suppose C contains l < k vertices from S.
Once we choose C, we may assume that the vertices v1, , vl appear on C in this order (otherwise we rename the vertices).
59. Proof (cont)