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Explore the levels and trends of youth migration worldwide in 2011, analyzing factors such as age, region, and socio-economic background. The data highlights the smaller proportion of youth migrants compared to the total population, with a focus on Africa and Asia. Discover how the percentage of female migrants varies by age and region.
Youth Migration: levels and trends 2011 Migration and Development Series jointly organized by UNITAR, IOM, UNFPA and the MacArthur Foundation 28 April 2011 Pablo LattesMigration SectionPopulation Division - DESAUnited Nations
Total population by sex and age 1990, 2000 and 2010 (millions) United Nations Population Division/DESA
International migrants by sex and age 1990, 2000 and 2010 (thousands) United Nations Population Division/DESA
Youth migrant stock in 2010 (thousands) United Nations Population Division/DESA
“Youth”15 to 24 years old United Nations Population Division/DESA
Migration flows and stocks • Migration flows • Refers to the event of moving, from one country (origin) to another (destination) in a given period (ex. 5 years). • Migrant stocks • Refers to the stock of “foreign born” or “foreigners” living in a specific country at a specific date. Foreigners may include second generation (son/daughters of foreigners). United Nations Population Division/DESA
Models of migration by age Source: Model Migration Schedules, Andrei Rogers and Luis J. Castro, 1981 United Nations Population Division/DESA
Age distribution of international migrants - 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: UNPD estimates - 2010
Age distribution of migrants and total population - 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: UNPD estimates - 2010
Age distribution of migrant stock 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: UNPD estimates
Age distribution of migrant stock by development level – 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: UNPD estimates
Regional distribution of migrant stock aged 15-24 - 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA
Percentage of migrant stock aged 15-24 over total migrants United Nations Population Division/DESA
Percentage female among the migrant stock by age – 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: UNPD estimates
Percentage female among the migrant stock by age – 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: UNPD estimates
Percentage female migrants: 15-24 and total - 2010 United Nations Population Division/DESA
Conclusions • Reasons and patterns for youth migration very different by age, region and socio-economic background. • Percentage of youth among migrants is relatively small compared to that of youth among the world population (12.4 to 17.6 respectively)… • …but the proportion of youth migrants in Africa and Asia is higher than in the rest of the world. • Percentage female starts to decline around age 20, to reach its lowest level around age 40 - in particular in developing regions. United Nations Population Division/DESA
Percentage of migrant stock aged 15 to 24 United Nations Population Division/DESA