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Test and Demo Buildings used by ennovatis for Linking EPDB and Continuous Commissioning

Test and Demo Buildings used by ennovatis for Linking EPDB and Continuous Commissioning presentation at the 2nd BuildingEQ expert meeting by Dan Hildebrandt, Roland Kopetzky, Frauke Schönfeld and Fritz Schmidt ennovatis GmbH Germany Helsinki , June 2007. Contend.

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Test and Demo Buildings used by ennovatis for Linking EPDB and Continuous Commissioning

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  1. Test and Demo Buildings used by ennovatis for Linking EPDB and Continuous Commissioning presentation at the 2nd BuildingEQ expert meeting by Dan Hildebrandt, Roland Kopetzky, Frauke Schönfeld and Fritz Schmidt ennovatis GmbH Germany Helsinki, June 2007

  2. Contend • Ennovatis approach for Linking EPDB and Continuous Commissioning • Test building – ennovatis office building Description and first results • Demo building 1 University of Stuttgart Description and past results • Demo building 2 Hospital in Hagenow Description

  3. L0 L1 L2 L3 General strategy to evolve EA into EM including EPBD • Select building from building stock Level 0 • Perform Level 1 EA using the multi zone model of EPBD • Extend Level 1 EA through • Short term measurements • Simulation kernel based on hourly methods including system simulation (e.g. Energy+) • Detailed descriptions of loads result is Level 2 EA • Replace short term through long term measurements, adapt demand model and introduce model based EM – Level 3

  4. Calc18599 Integration of 18599 kernel with ennovatis tools 2

  5. Tribute to Granlunds BIM presentation Integrating EBPD with E+ Similar interface with RIUSKA possible

  6. Test: ennovatis office building Großpösna

  7. Building model 2D tabular grafical => CADdict CAD CAD-systemen => Import

  8. Building model 3D

  9. Thermal model 2D and 3D 2D and 3D generation and visualisation of zones

  10. Result of step 1 Room based building model which can be used to • Generate thermal model to calculate demand according to DIN 18599 • Generate thermal model to calculate demand according to VDI 2067 • Generate thermal model to calculate consumption according to VDI 2067 • Generate thermal model to calculate component behaviour according to E+ • Visualization of results • Communication of results and measures with owner and tenants

  11. Energy demand as calculated by VEC and DIN 18599 VEC DIN 18599 Results not yet comparable due to inadequate transfer of models

  12. Measurements in the test building The following data are collected through ennovatis-Smartbox: • External temperature (1/min) • Electricity for heating lightening and internal loads (1/15min) • Gas (1/15min) • Temperature Server-room (1/min) • Water (1/15min) Online visualization is comming soon

  13. Water consumption monthly

  14. Water consumption dayly

  15. Electricity consumption in week 17 in 2007

  16. Water and electrical consumption dayly

  17. Water and electrical consumption monthly

  18. Energy consumption

  19. First preliminary conclusions (to be confirmed) • We can use the EPBD geometry model to calculate both energy demand and energy consumption • We can derive from measured consumption data (water and electricity) valuable information to determine the internal loads • We still have to improve the profiles for the consumption simulation • We expect to be able to predict the energy consumption with an accuracy of 5% or better • Measures to improve energy efficiency can be derived from the hourly data. They should be applied if discrepancies become more than 5% • We also will be able to derive rules for modeling of buildings and building systems to achieve the 5% accuracy

  20. Use of 2D models for visualisation [kWh/(m²a)]

  21. Case Study Building 1: University of Stuttgart

  22. Steps taken and planned • Already taken • Identify energy saving potentials • Install data acquisition system • Model and analyze building • Define measures to be taken • Realize the defined measures • Implement an energy management system • Visual control of the consumptions • Next Steps • Generate energy certificate • Simulate consumption • Develop methods to reduce consumption to demand

  23. Building Model CADDICT

  24. Metering of consumption data Visual Data Analyser Flexible graphic display

  25. Heating energy consumption (temperature corrected)

  26. Monthly energy consumption

  27. Case Study Building 2: Hospital in Hagenow

  28. Some data concerning Hagenow hospital

  29. Thank you very much for your attention Address Stuttgart branch ennovatis GmbH Stammheimerstr. 10 D-70806 Kornwestheim E-Mail: F.Schmidt@ennovatis.de fon: +49 7154-83600-69 http://www.kenwo.de http://www.ennovatis.de

  30. L0 L1 L2 L3 Vom Energieausweis zur modellbasierten Betriebsanalyse • Klassifizierung der Gebäude über benchmarking: Level 0 Energie Audit • Level 1 EA Ausstellung Energieausweis einschließlich Maßnahmen • Erweiterung des Level 1 EA durch • Kurzzeit Messungen • Anlagensimulation auf Basis stündlicher Werte (e.g. Energy+) • Detailierte Beschreibung der inneren Lasten Ergebnis Level 2 EA • Übergang von Kurzzeit zu Langzeit Messungen; Anpassung des Bedarfsmodels Übergang zum modelbased EM – Level 3

  31. Measurements in the test building Die folgenden Daten werden über eine ennovatis-Smartbox gesammelt: • Außentemperatur (1/min) • Strom für Pumpen, Beleuchtung und innere Lasten (1/15min) • Gas (1/15min) • Temperatur Server-Raum (1/min) • Wasser (1/15min)

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