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TEORI KOALISI. Perbandingan Kepartaian dan Pemilu Jurusan Ilmu Politik FISIP Universitas Andalas By Irawati, S.IP, MA. ira.tanjung@gmail.com. Pemahaman. Coalition : an assembly of various factions that unite to form a stronger alliance for mutual action ;

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  1. TEORI KOALISI Perbandingan Kepartaian dan Pemilu Jurusan Ilmu Politik FISIP Universitas Andalas By Irawati, S.IP, MA. ira.tanjung@gmail.com

  2. Pemahaman Coalition : an assembly of various factions that unite to form a stronger alliance for mutual action; (Morgan, Donovan, Pothollm, Americn Politics, 1979:173) Alasan berkoalisi : • Lemahnya political grip, terutama parlemen; • Kebutuhan membangun/menjaga image pluralitas utk memobilisasi dukungan masyarakat; • Tidak adanya paradigma panutan; • Akumulasi swinging voters, protest voters lebih besar daripada pemenang pemilu;

  3. Tipe-Tipe Hubungan Politik • Kolutif: aktor sama kuat, terikat kepentingan yang sama, mau bekerjasama dalam konteks melindungi kepentingan bersama dari ancaman fihak lain; • Konflik/disharmoni : aktor sama kuat, satu aktor ingin menonjol, dan mengancam kepentingan partner; • Dominatif : beda kekuatan, posisi/legitimasi salah satu aktor lemah, menghindari konflik terbuka; • Kolaboratif: aktor sama kuat, kepentingan sama, hadapi musuh yang sama, beda redefinisi kepentingan bersama; • Harmony : sama kuat, sadar kepentingan beda, saling komplementer, ada check and balance;

  4. Lobby : pertemuan antar pihak yang bersaing di luar prosedur/agenda resmi untuk menyatukan persepsi ttg pemecahan sebuah masalah; • Sumber kekuatan lobby : @ Bersifat fisik/material, misalnya uang; @ organizational, di-backup oleh SDM @ political link (network) dari decision makers; @ motivational, ada motive utk bertindak; @ intangible (adanya kemampuan utk mendapatkan simpatisan baru)

  5. ADA 5 BENTUK KOALISI • Minimal Winning Coalition • Minimal Size Coalition • Bargaining Potition • Minimal Range Coalition • Minimal Connected Winning Coalition

  6. 1. Minimal Winning Coalition • Maksimalkan kekuasaan/sebanyak mungkin perolehan kursi di kabinet dan abaikan partai yang tidak berarti; • Koalisi dibentuk tanpa perlu mempedulikan posisi partai dan spektrum ideologi;

  7. 2. Minimal Size Coalition • Partai dengan suara terbanyak akan mencari partai yang lebih kecil untuk sekedar mencapai suara mayoritas; • Rendah sekali probabilitasnya teori ini sehingga paling jarang dipakai utk menganalisis;

  8. 3. Bargaining Position • Koalisi dengan jumlah partai paling sedikit; • Prinsip dasar : memudahkan proses negosiasi dan tawar menawar karena anggota atau rekan koalisi hanya sedikit; • Jumlah rekanan yg sedikit juga bukan jaminan bahwa koalisi akan berjalan lancar; • Termasuk teori yang jarang dipakai sebagai acuan;

  9. 4. Minimal Range Coalition • Dasar koalisi : kedekatan pada kecenderungan ideologis sehingga memudahkan partai2 berkoalisi membentuk kabinet;

  10. 5. Minimal Connected Winning Coalition • Partai2 berkoalisi karena masing2 memiliki kedekatan dalam orientasi kebijakannya; • Partai-partai akan mencari anggota koalisi dari partai yg terdekat secara ideologis, yg dg sendirinya tercermin pada orientasi kebijakan partai; • Partai tidak sekedar bergabung untuk merebut kekuasaan, tetapi juga mempertimbangkan benar2 kedekatan kebijakan masing-masing partai • Paling banyak dipakai secara empiris

  11. Koalisi Antar Oposan • Terjadi karena : • Delegitimasi kekuasaan • hegemonik • Kepercayaan rakyat pd sistem • dan institusi politik merosot tajam • Dasar koalisi : • Common threat • Shared threat • Utilitarian motive • Tujuannya : • Ciptakan nilai-nilai baru • Membangun institusi2 baru • Ciptakan mekanisme politik baru Sumber : Richard Jensen, Party Coalitions and the Search for Modern Values (1981)

  12. Elemen pembentukan koalisi • Sidney Tarrow, elements are necessary to maintain a coalition: • Members must frame the issue that brings them together with a common interest. • Members’ trust in each other and believe that their peers have a credible commitment to the common issue(s) and/or goal(s). • The coalition must have a mechanism(s) to manage differences in language, orientation, tactics, culture, ideology, etc. between and among the collective’s members (especially in transnational coalitions). • The shared incentive to participate and, consequently, benefit.

  13. Bagimana model koalisi di parlemen Indonesia sekarang?

  14. Sumber : Riswanda Imawan, Koalisi Partai dan Kebijakan Publik, Handout Kuliah, S2 Program Magister Ilmu Politik, Pascasarjana UGM, Yogyakarta, 2005.

  15. A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentarygovernment in which several parties cooperate. • The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament. • A coalition government might also be created in a time of national difficulty or crisis, for example during wartime, to give a government the high degree of perceived political legitimacy it desires whilst also playing a role in diminishing internal political strife. • In such times, parties have formed all-party coalitions (national unity governments, grand coalitions). If a coalition collapses a confidence vote is held or a motion of no confidence is taken.

  16. Coalition governments worldwide • Coalitions composed of few parties • Germany =>  Helmut Kohl's CDU governed for years in coalition with the Free Democratic Party (FDP), from 1998 to 2005 Gerhard Schröder's SPD was in power with the Greens and from 2009 Angela Merkel, CDU/CSU was in power with the FDP. • In Ireland, coalition governments are quite common with a single party not having ruled since 1989. Coalitions are typically formed of two or more parties always consisting of one of the two biggest parties, FiannaFáil and Fine Gael and one or more smaller parties or independent members of parliament. The current government consists of FiannaFáil and theGreen Party, supported by independents. • Coalitions composed of many parties • India's present governing coalition, the United Progressive Alliance, consists of 13 separate parties. • In Finland, no party has had an absolute majority in the parliament since independence, and multi-party coalitions have been the norm. The current government (Vanhanen II) is a four-party coalition.

  17. Arguments for and against coalition government • Advocates of proportional representation suggest that a coalition government leads to more consensus-based politics, in that a government comprising differing parties (often based on different ideologies) would need to concur in regard to governmental policy. • Another stated advantage is that a coalition government better reflects the popular opinion of the electorate within a country.

  18. Those who disapprove of coalition governments believe that such governments have a tendency to be fractious and prone to disharmony. • A second difficulty might be the ability of minor parties to play "kingmaker" and, particularly in close elections, gain far more for their support than their vote would otherwise indicate. • Coalition governments have also been criticized for sustaining a consensus on issues when disagreement and the consequent discussion would be more fruitful. • A single, more powerful party can shape the policies of the coalition disproportionately. Smaller or less powerful parties can be intimidated to not openly disagree. In order to maintain the coalition, they will have to vote against the party's platform in the parliament. If they do not, the party has to leave the government and loses executive power.

  19. Sidney Tarrow, elements are necessary to maintain a coalition: • Members must frame the issue that brings them together with a common interest. • Members’ trust in each other and believe that their peers have a credible commitment to the common issue(s) and/or goal(s). • The coalition must have a mechanism(s) to manage differences in language, orientation, tactics, culture, ideology, etc. between and among the collective’s members (especially in transnational coalitions). • The shared incentive to participate and, consequently, benefit.

  20. Coalitions manifest in a variety of forms, types and terms of duration: • Campaign coalitions with high intensity and long-term cooperation • Federations, characterized by relatively lower degree of involvement, intensity and participation, involving cooperation of long duration, but with members’ primary commitment remaining with their own entities • Instrumental coalitions, involving low-intensity involvement without a foundation to mediate conflict • Event-based coalitions that have a high level of involvement and the potential for future collaboration.

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